USS Leahy CG 16 DLG 16 class Guided Missile Cruiser Admiral William Daniel Leahy



Guided Missile Cruiser

DLG 16 / CG 16-USS Leahy



cg 16 uss leahy insignia crest patch badge us navy guided missile cruiser

cg 16 uss leahy class guided missile cruiser us navy

Type, Class:


Guided Missile Cruiser; Leahy - class

built as DLG 16 / redesignated to CG 16 on June 30, 1975



Bath Iron Works; Bath, Maine, USA



Awarded: November 7, 1958

Laid down: December 3, 1959 (as DLG 16)

Launched: July 1, 1961 (as DLG 16)

Commissioned: August 4, 1962 (as DLG 16)

Redesignated CG 16: June 30, 1975

Decommissioned: October 1, 1993

Fate: sold for scrap to International Shipbreaking Limited, Brownsville, TX;

scrapped: April 2005;






Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy (1875-1959)

Ship�s Motto:


PROMPTA ET PARATA(ready and able)

Technical Data:

(Measures, Propulsion,

Armament, Aviation, etc.)


see: INFO > Leahy - class Guided Missile Cruiser


ship images


circa 1991


cg 16 uss leahy guided missile cruiser pearl harbor hawaii 1990

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - 1990


uss leahy cg 16 guided missile cruiser

off California - 1989


cg 16 uss leahy guided missile cruiser off california 1989

off California - 1989


cg 16 uss leahy guided missile cruiser

off California - 1989


uss leahy cg 16 guided missile cruiser

off California - 1989


cg 16 uss leahy guided missile cruiser

off California - 1989




cg 16 uss leahy guided missile cruiser exercise rimpac 1986

underway during exercise RIMPAC 86 - 1986


cg 16 uss leahy san diego california 1986

San Diego, California - 1986


cg 16 uss leahy underway 1983



cg 16 uss leahy fires a rgm-84 harpoon ssm from mk 141 missile launcher

RGM-84 Harpoon SSM was fired from a Mk 141 missile launcher aboard USS Leahy (CG 16) - 1983


uss leahy cg 16 fires a rgm-84 harpoon ssm from a mk 141 missile launcher

RGM-84 Harpoon SSM was fired from a Mk 141 missile launcher aboard USS Leahy (CG 16) - 1983


cg 16 uss leahy class guided missile cruiser



uss leahy cg 16



cg 16 uss leahy class guided missile cruiser dlg



cg 16 uss leahy



uss leahy cg 16 class cruiser



cg 16 uss leahy guided missile cruiser





cg 16 uss leahy





uss leahy cg 16 guided missile cruiser



cg 16 uss leahy



uss leahy cg 16 class guided missile cruiser



cg 16 uss leahy



cg 16 uss leahy



USS Leahy fires a RUR-5A ASROC from her Mk 16 launcher - 1983


uss leahy cg 16 guided missile cruiser seattle washington 1982

Seattle, Washington - 1982


cg 16 uss leahy rgm-84 harpoon ssm mk 141 missile launcher

RGM-84 Harpoon missile was fired from a Mk 141 missile launcher - 1982


cg 16 uss leahy replenishment uss mispillion ao 105 uss sample ff 1048

USS Leahy (CG 16), USS Mispillion (AO 105) and USS Sample (FF 1048) underway - 1980


uss leahy cg 16 uss mispillion ao 105 uss sample ff 1048

USS Leahy (CG 16), USS Mispillion (AO 105) and USS Sample (FF 1048) underway - 1980


cg 16 uss leahy ff 1048 uss sample ao 105 uss mispillion

USS Leahy (CG 16), USS Mispillion (AO 105) and USS Sample (FF 1048) underway - 1980


cg 16 uss leahy ao 105 uss mispillion ff 1048 uss sample

USS Leahy (CG 16) underway with USS Mispillion (AO 105) and USS Sample (FF 1048) - 1980


uss leahy cg 16 replenishment with uss mispillion ao 105

USS Mispillion (AO 105) and USS Leahy (CG 16) during replenishment - 1980


cg 16 uss leahy class guided missile cruiser destroyer leader dlg artist drawing

artist�s drawing



William Daniel Leahy


fleet admiral william d. leahy us navy



fadm william d. leahy with president harry s. truman 1951

with President Harry S. Truman - 1951


william d. leahy fleet admiral us navy



fleet admiral william d. leahy chester w. nimitz president harry s. truman vadm marc a. mitscher

FADM Chester W. Nimitz, FADM William D. Leahy, President Harry S. Truman and VADM Marc A. Mitscher

aboard USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB 42) - 1946


william d. leahy admiral yalta conference winston churchill franklin d. roosevelt josef stalin 1945

Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt & Josef Stalin at the Yalta Conference - February, 1945 note: Admiral Leahy standing behind President Roosevelt


william daniel leahy at the potsdam conference germany 1945

at the Potsdam Conference, Germany - 1945


admiral william d. leahy with president harry s. truman aboard uss augusta

aboard USS Augusta with President Harry S. Truman - 1945


admiral william d. leahy and winston s. churchill 1945

with Winston S. Churchill - 1945


fleet admiral william d. leahy us navy

Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy - 1945


william d. leahy admiral 1944

Admiral Leahy - October 1944


william d. leahy admiral cno 1939

Admiral Leahy (CNO) - 1939


admiral reeves and william d. leahy 1936

Admirals Reeves & Leahy - June 1936



Namesake & History:

Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy (1875 - 1959):


William Daniel Leahy was born in Hampton, Iowa, on May 6, 1875. His father, Michael Leahy, a lawyer, had been Captain of Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers during the Civil War. Young Leahy originally hoped to attend West Point, but there were no appointments available. When he completed high school in Ashland, Wisconsin, in 1893, he was able to win an appointment to the Naval Academy. He graduated in 1897, 15th in a class of 47.
Midshipman Leahy was assigned to USS Oregon, then in the Pacific. He was in that battleship when she made her famous dash around the horn in the Spring of 1898 to participate in the battle of Santiago on July 3.
Having completed the two years' sea duty - then required by law - he was commissioned Ensign on 01 July 1899. At that time, he was on the Asiatic Station, where, during the Philippine Insurrection and the Boxer uprising in China, he served in USS Castine, USS Glacier and commanded the gunboat USS Mariveles. He returned to the United States in 1902, and for the next five years did duty in USS Tacoma and USS Boston which was stationed in Panama during the early period of construction of the canal.
His first shore cruise was at the Naval Academy. Beginning in 1907, he served as
instructor in the Department of Physics and Chemistry for two years. He went to sea in 1909 and served as navigator of the armed cruiser USS California in the Pacific Fleet. During the American Occupation of Nicaragua in 1912, he was Chief of Staff to the Commander Naval Forces there.
Late in 1912, he came ashore in Washington as Assistant Director of Gunnery Exercises and Engineering Competitions. In 1913, he was assigned to the Bureau of Navigation as a detail officer where he served until 1915. At that time, he took command of the dispatch gunboat USS Dolphin, and established a very close friendship with the then-Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt, who cruised with him on the ship. He was in that assignment in early 1917 in West Indian waters and had additional duty as Senior Aide on the Staff of Commander Squadron Three of the Patrol Force Atlantic Fleet.
He served for almost a year as the Executive Officer of USS Nevada and in April 1918 went to command USS Princess Matotika, formerly Princess Alice , transporting troops to France.
After a short cruise in that command, he came ashore in 1918 and served for three years as director of Gunnery Exercises and Engineering Competition in the Navy Department, and as senior member of the Fire Control Board. In 1921, he went to sea in command of USS St. Louis, flagship of the Naval Detachment in Turkish waters during the war between Turkey and Greece. At the end of that war, he was given command of Mine Squadron One, and in 1922 further additional duty as commander, Control Force.
When he returned to the U.S. and from 1923 to 1926, he served as Director of Officer Personnel in the Bureau of Navigation, and then had one year in command of the battleship USS New Mexico. In 1927, he reached flag rank and became Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. After almost four years, he went to sea in 1931 as Commander Destroyers Scouting Force.
In 1933, he came ashore in Washington as Chief of the Bureau of Navigation for two years, when he went to sea as a vice admiral, and Commander Battleships Battle Force. In 1936, he hoisted his four-star flag in USS California and Commander in Chief Battle Force.
He was appointed Chief of Naval Operations, took the oath of office in January 1937 to serve until August 1939 when he was placed on the retired list. On that occasion, President Roosevelt said "Bill, if we have a war, you're going to be right back here helping me run it."
Immediately following his retirement, Admiral Leahy was assigned the duties of Governor of Puerto Rico in September 1939. He served in that capacity until November 1940 when he was appointed U.S. Ambassador to France where he served from January 1941 until recalled in May 1942.
In July of that year, he was called back to active duty as Chief of Staff to the  Commander in Chief, U.S. Army and Navy, the President of the United States. As such, he presided over the Joint Chiefs of Staff and, when our country was host, over the combined Chiefs. In December 1944, he accepted the appointment and was confirmed as the newly created rank of Fleet Admiral.
On 25 March 1949, the President accepted his resignation from that assignment. He  continued on duty in an advisory capacity in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, and served as President of the Naval Historical foundation.
He died on 20 July 1959.

Graduated from the Naval Academy - Class of 1897
Ensign - 01 July 1899
Lieutenant (junior grade) - 01 July 1902
Lieutenant - 31 Dec. 1903
Lieutenant Commander - 15 Sept. 1909
Commander - 29 Aug. 1916
Captain - 01 July 1918
Rear Admiral - 14 Oct. 1927
Vice Admiral - 13 July 1935
Admiral - 02 Jan. 1937
Fleet Admiral - 15 Dec. 1944
 Navy Cross 
Distinguished Service Medal with two gold stars
Sampson Medal 
Spanish Campaign Medal
Philippine Campaign Medal 
Nicaraguan Campaign Medal (1912) 
Mexican Service Medal 
Dominican Campaign Medal 
World War I Victory Medal with "Overseas" clasp 
American Campaign Medal 
World War II Victory Medal 
National Defense Service Medal


USS Leahy (DLG 16 / CG 16):




Award date 7 November 1958. Her keel is laid at Bath Iron Works Corp., Bath, Maine on 3 December 1959. USS Leahy Hull #339. UIC # 52687. Program 67/58. Leahy is the lead ship in a class of nine ships.



Under construction.



Launched 1 July.



Delivery date 27 July. Leahy is commissioned on 4 August at Boston Naval Shipyard and sponsored by Mrs. Michael J. Mansfield, wife of Senator Mansfield - Montana, Senate Majority Leader. Captain Robert L. Baughan, Jr., is Leahy's first Commanding Officer.



After shakedown in the Caribbean, Leahy departed Boston 19 September (or 1 May?) 1963 and reported to new homeport of Charleston, S.C., where Rear Adm. E. E. Grimm, Commander CruiserDestroyer Flotilla 6, selected her as his flagship. She then proceeded to the Jacksonville operating areas for type training, and briefly puts in to Charleston in November before returning to the Caribbean to participate in AA warfare exercises.



Departs 2 January for the Caribbean for missile training, which ends on 26 February. From 1 - 10 April, Leahy participates in amphibious exercise "Quick Kick V". On 1 June, Leahy is permanently assigned to DESRON 6. Leahy departs Charleston (10)17 July for the Atlantic Missile Range near Puerto Rico for annual missile exercises. There is liberty in Puerto Rico for 2 evenings. Leahy then departs for her first Med cruise, and arrives in the Med on 27 July. Leahy drops anchor for a few hours in Pollensa Bay on the northern coast of Mallorca. Leahy is part of a Fast Carrier Task Group which included USS Forrestal (CVA-59), USS Boston (CAG-1), USS MacDonough (DLG-8), USS Sellers (DDG-11). Leahy arrives in Genoa, Italy on 4 August. Leahy departs Genoa on 13 August, and participates in a coordinated fleet exercise,"MEDLANDEX-64," between the Balearic Islands (Mallorca and Menorca) and Sardinia; Leahy roams the Tyrrenian Sea, passing through the Strait Of Bonifacio between Sardinia and Corsica. On 21 August Leahy arrives at her second liberty port, Theoule, France. Leahy departs Theoule, France on 26 August. Leahy steams down between Corsica and Elba, passes throught The Straits Of Messina between the toe of Italy and Sicily. Leahy participates in independent training exercises in the eastern Mediterranean. On 1 September, Leahy re-fuels from USS Chuckawan (AO-100). Leahy arrives in Naples, Italy ? September. 14 First Class Midshipmen who have been aboard for 6 weeks, depart Leahy in Naples. Leahy departs Naples, Italy, 22 September to join in NATO exercise, "FALLEX-64". On 6 October, Leahy arrives in Athens, Greece for a 2 day visit. Leahy departs Athens on 7 October. Leahy returns to Athens 16 October for a 6 day visit (22 October). Leahy's next port is Naples on 26 October, and she ties up alongside USS Shenandoah (AD-44) for a routine upkeep period. Leahy departs Naples 9 November. Leahy arrives in her next port of Leghorn (Livorno), Italy on 10 November. In November, Leahy also participates in another fleetwide exercise, "POOPDECK-IV", which brought some 40 ships of T.F. 60 together off the coast of Spain. Leahy departs Barcelona, Spain, 2 December for replenishment. The next and last port of call is Cagliari, Sardinia. On (22)14 December drew the curtain on 32,750 miles of steaming while deployed with the 6th Fleet. She arrived Charleston 22 December.



December 1964 began a period of restricted availability in preparation for extensive tests to evaluate the Terrier Guidance Missile System. During these tests, which were completed in September, Leahy was briefly deployed in the Dominican Republic Operation., from 28 April to 7 May 1965 as a unit of the Strike and Covering Force. Leahy then departs Charleston, SC on 30 November for her second Med cruise, and relieves William V. Pratt (DLG-13) at Polensa Bay, Majorca, 9 December. For two weeks, USS Leahy operates in the Western Mediterranean with Task Group 60.1. Leahy spends the Christmas holidays in Naples, Italy, and the New Years holidays in Livorno, Italy.



On 4 January, Leahy is underway again, joining up with USS America (CVA-66) and other destroyers. Leahy spends 22 continuous days at sea engaged in various exercises and plane guard duty for USS America. On 26 January, Leahy returns to Naples, Italy and spends time tied up alongside USS Everglades (AD-24 ) for 12 days. Leahy then rejoins Task Group 60.1 west of Sardinia. The Leahy fires missiles on the 1 February and then heads back to the Tyrrhenian Sea. On 4 February, Leahy commences a week long training anchorage in Aranci Bay, Sardinia. From the 11 to 23 February, Leahy is in port at Genoa, Italy. On 28 February, Leahy rejoins units of the Sixth Fleet and the French Navy for a NATO Exercise, FAIRGAME IV. This anti-aircraft/air assault exercise lasts 10 days. During this period, Leahy sailors visit the French warship Tartu (D636). After completion of exercise FAIRGAME IV, Leahy then proceeds to Palma, Mallorca for a short port visit. Leahy then proceeds to Taranto, Italy for the Fleet Commanders Conference, and then returns to Palma, Mallorca. Leahy makes one more port call at Pollensa Bay, Mallorca, to meet it's relief, USS Richard E. Byrd (DDG-24). After 4 months on station, Leahy departs for Charleston, SC. Leahy returns home to Charleston on 8 April 1966. During June and July she gave some 60 midshipmen from Annapolis valuable at-sea training, and visited ports along the Atlantic coast and in the Caribbean. Following this, on 24 August, Leahy departs Charleston for rendevous off Trinidad with USS Hammerberg (DE-1015), USS Van Voorhis (DE-1028) and USS Requin (SS-481) for the commencement of UNITAS VII. USS Leahy was selected as the flagship for COMSOLANT. Leahy conducted exercises with the navies of many South American countries as part of operation UNITAS VII. She sailed through the Panama Canal in early September, then south and through the Straits of Magellan at the end of October. The operation was completed on 6 December and the Leahy returned to Charleston on the 15th.


UNITAS VII Schedule:


24 August                      ��������

29 August - 1 Sept.       �����

7 - 10 September           

12 - 15 September         

19 - 22 September         

23 - 26 September        

27 September                

30 Sept. - 4 October      

9 October                       

13 - 18 October             

20 - 24 October             

29 - 31 October              

3 November                    

8 - 12 November            

17 - 22 November          

28 - 30 November          

8 - 10 December            

11 -12 December           

12 December                  

15 December                  

Departs Charleston

Trinidad, West Indies

Cartagena, Columbia

Rodman, Panama Canal Zone

Salinas, Ecuador

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Paita, Peru

Callao (Lima), Peru

Mejillones Bay, Chile

Valparaiso, Chile

Talcahuano, Chile

Punta Arenas, Chile

Peurta Belgrano, Argentina

Montevideo, Uruguay

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Recife, Brasil

Trinidad, West Indies

St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Arrival Charleston, SC



Leahy then prepared for massive modernization at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, departing Charleston on 25 January, arriving at Philadelphia 27 January 1967. Her decommissioning on 18 February, and then turned over to the Commander of the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. For over a year she received new AAW and ASW equipment, allowing her to utilize the most recent developments in the technology of naval warfare, at a total cost of $36,100,000.



She was placed in commission, special, on 4 May 1968 for the extensive period of testing her updated weapons systems. Leaving Philadelphia on 18 August, she arrived at her new home port, Norfolk, VA 3 days later. Leahy joined DESRON 18 on 4 May, and continued the process of sharpening her expanded capabilities, into 1969.



At 1125 hours on 25 July Leahy departs Norfolk, VA to commence Operation UNITAS X, under the command of Rear Admiral James A. Dare, Commander South Atlantic Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet in an exercise involving elements of South American navies; Brazilian CT Santa Catarina - D 32 (Ex. USS Irwin DD-794), Argentine, Columbian, Chilean ships O'Higgins 03 (Ex. USS Brooklyn CL-40) and Araucano - AO3 , Ecuadorian, Peruvian, Venezuelan and Urguayan navies, in company with US Navy elements - USS Joseph K. Taussig (DE-1030), USS Sarsfield (DD-837) , USS Grampus (SS-523), 2 maritime patrol aircraft from VP-45 and 1 transport aircraft from Fleet Tactical Support Squadron One. Also embarked, was the US Navy Showband of 26 musicians. Leahy's Port Schedule is:


San Juan Puerto Rico Cartagena Columbia  6-10 August
Panama Canal Transit
Rodman Panama Canal Zone
First Equator Crossing - 18 August
Guayaquil Ecuador - 19 August
Galapagos Islands
Callao/Lima Peru
Arica Chile
Valparaiso/Vina Del Mar Chile
Puerto Montt Chile
Punta Arenas Chile 2-3 October
Transit The Straits Of Magellan
Puerto Belgrano Argentina  6-10 October
Montevideo Uruguay  15-21 October
Rio De Janeiro Brazil  30 October-5 November
Salvador(Bahia) Brazil  10-12 November
Second Crossing Of The Equator
La Guaira/Caracas Venezuela  28 November-2 December (7 Days out from Norfolk)
San Juan Puerto Rico  6-8 December
Arrive Norfolk Virginia 11 December



From 19-22 May, Leahy participates in Operation Exotic Dancer III. On 14 September, Leahy departs Norfolk, Va. for a 10 day missile exercise in the waters off San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sometime during the transit to the exercise, USS Leahy in company with USS John F. Kennedy (CVA-67) and USS Belknap (DLG-26) receives emergency orders to depart the Caribbean Sea, utilizing high speed transit of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, and to report to a point in the Eastern Mediterranean, some 100 miles off the coast of Egypt, in connection with the "Jordanian Crisis". They enter the Mediterranean Sea on 24 September 1970.A seven and a half month Med Cruise has commenced. USS Leahy also operates with USS Forrestal (CVA-59), USS Lawrence (DDG-4), USS Allen M. Sumner (DD-692), USS Hugh Purvis (DD-709), USS William R. Rush (DD-714) and USS Brumby (DE-1044) while in the Med. Some of the ports of call include Mallorca, Spain - Barcelona, Spain - Valletta, Malta - Naples, Italy - Greece (during Christmas).



On 13 February 1971, a USS Leahy change of command ceremony takes place in Naples, Italy. Capt. R. F. Hoffman relieves Capt. O. N. Putman. On 1 May, USS Leahy returns to Norfolk, Va. from this Med Cruise.



Leahy departs for her 4th Med deployment in February. Leahy returns in September and undergoes her first major overhaul since re-commissioning.



Leahy departs for the Caribbean, with almost a totaly new crew. From June until August, Leahy is involved in an extensive training period--with frequent stops in Gitmo. Leahy, in October, also spends 6 more weeks in the Caribbean for OPS training.



Leahy departs for her Med Cruise in January, and from January thru July, Leahy operates with the 6th Fleet in the Meditterranean. At the end of June, Leahy in conjunction with USS America (CVA-66), participates in Exercise Flaming Lance, off the coast of Sardinia, during which time USS Leahy (DLG -16) controlled over 1,000 intercepts by USS America's aircraft.



In May USS Leahy heads east. On May 12, shortly before her sixth Med cruise, Leahy became the first U.S. warship (with USS Tattnall DDG-19) to visit Leningrad, Russia since the early 1960's, and the first U.S. warship to visit the Soviet Union since World War II. In all, more than 12,300 Soviet visitors toured Leahy during her 5 day visit. USS Leahy's port schedule is:


Portsmouth, England
Leningrad, Russia
Helsinki, Finland
Portsmouth, England (Again to drop off RADM. Langille & Staff)
Rota, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Palma de Mallorca
Ajaccio, Corsica
Naples, Italy
Finale Ligure, Italy
Athens, Greece
Marmaris, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Principality Of Monaco
Norfolk, VA


On 30 June, Leahy was re-classified from a DLG-16 to a CG-16. Leahy returns to Norfolk, Virginia 4 November, after completing her Meditterranean deployment in October. Leahy has now completed six Med cruises



In January 1976, Leahy leaves Norfolk, via the Panama Canal, and proceeds to her new Pacific Fleet homeport of San Diego California, where she participates in various fleet exercises off the west coast. On 6 June, Leahy assists ex. USN MSO, the research vessel "Aquasition"in the rescue of 22 crewman and attempts to extinguish her fire. The firefighing efforts were not successful, and the ex. MSO is sunk. The 22 crewman are brought into San Diego. Leahy offloads all weapons on 6 September at Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach, CA prior to entering Long Beach Naval Shipyard on 9 September to begin a year long overhaul. USS Leahy overhaul commences on 1 November. Leahy is then towed from Pier 6 to Drydock 3. During her 12 months in the yards, Leahy received many improvements and modifications in her fire control system, engineering plant, communication system and other areas, designed to assure her of being a fleet AAW leader for another five years.



On 7-8 July and 19-20 July Leahy completes Boiler Light Off Exams (LOE). On 4-5 August, Leahy completes dock trials. Leahy steams out of Long Beach 15-18 August for the first time since the beginning of her overhaul period. On 29 August to 1 September and 15-22 September, Leahy is involved in underway systems testing. Leahy leaves Long Beach for San Francisco on 27 September. Leahy then returns to Long Beach and participates in Navy Day celebrations 8-10 October, while tied to the Broadway Pier.



Leahy returns to San Diego in April from RIMPAC '78. USS Leahy dependants cruise is held on 2 June.

Leahy commences her first WestPac deployment. Her deployment schedule is as follows:


July 6                   ��
July 12-15            
July 16                  
July 29                  
August 1                 
August 2-3            
August 4               
August 5-24   ��       
August 25         ��    
August 31           ���  
September 4-7      
September 7-9      
September 9         
September 10       
September 21       
     Until                 ���
November 12        

November 11        

November 13        

November 30
December 4          

Underway from San Diego - Shift Colors

Inport Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Depart Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Inport Yokosuka, Japan

Inport Buckner Bay, Okinawa


Ships Anniversary Celebration (16 Years Old)

Inport Subic Bay, R.P.

Underway From Subic Bay, R.P.

Inport Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Inport Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Depart Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Struck rock while departing Yokosuka, Japan. Assisted back to

port by 2 tugs, for major repairs. In drydock for 7 weeks.

Last inport day Yokosuka, Japan

Capt. C. H. Ulrich relieves Capt. Samuel S. Pearlman

Sea Trials - Join TG77.7 with USS Constellation (CVA-64)


Inport Sasebo, Japan



Leahy departs Sasebo, Japan and rendevous with USS Constellation (CVA-64) and conducts operations with the task group for the next 8 days.

December 13-15   Inport Pusan, Korea


Leahy departs Pusan, Korea for operations with USS Constellation (CVA-64) Battle Group.

December 23-30   Inport Subic Bay, Philippines


On 30 December Leahy is underway and operates with the USS Constellation (CVA-64) Task Group for almost the entire month of January 1979.



January 9               
January 15-19        
January 22             
January 25-29        
February 2              
February 11-12   



 February 19 

Crossed the Equator

Inport Singapore

Joins TG75.1

Inport Subic Bay, R.P.

Inport Guam, M.I. (Refueling stop)

Inport Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

(Leahy leaves Pearl Harbor on 13 February and commences "Operation Tiger" -

26 male family members of Leahy crew, participate in "Navy Life" for the next 7 days)

Moored San Diego at 1200 - Shift Colors


Leahy has completed her first 7 1/2 month WestPac deployment. From February to March, Leahy is in a 1 month stand-down period. April, May and June is devoted to tender availability; Leahy also participates in a 10 day exercise, acting as "Orange Force", to test fleet readiness. On 8-9 June, Leahy hosts a ship's picnic. An award ceremony is held for crewmembers on 3 July. Leahy departs San Diego on 28 July and enters San Francisco Harbor on 29 July. On 30 July, Leahy participates in AAW exercise "Sea Crow". On 1 August, Leahy moors at Pier 70 in Manchester, WA and commences a 1 week participation in the Seattle SEAFAIR. Leahy departs Seattle on 7 August for San Diego, where she participates in "Finest City" week, while tied at the Broadway pier.



USS Leahy departs San Diego for WestPac 1980 on 15 May. Leahy arrives at Pearl Harbor on 23 May. Leahy departs Pearl Harbor on 27 May for Pusan, Korea. On 30 May at 0200, Leahy crosses the International Date Line. Leahy arrives at Pusan, Korea on 2nd week of June (14th ?). On 24 June, 11 midshipmen embark Leahy for summer training. Leahy is underway for Yokosuka, Japan, where she will be in port until 13 July. On 23 July Leahy enters Subic Bay, R.P. Leahy is again underway on 28 July and arrives in Singapore 1 August at 0940 at the Naval Basin Sembawang. On 4 August Leahy celebrates her 18th birthday. At 0700 on 12 August, Leahy departs Singapore for the Indian Ocean (transits The Straits Of Malacca). On 17 August, Leahy is now on station in the Indian Ocean, with her next stop at Diego Garcia. On 21 August Leahy crosses the Equator (Pollywog Day) and the initiation ceremonies take place on the 22nd at Latitude 000, Longditude 84.32 South. An awards ceremony is held on Diego Garcia on 25 August while tied up alongside USS Ajax (AR-6). Leahy spends 4 days in Diego Garcia. Leahy then departs Diego Garcia for 18 days on "Gonzo Station" in the Arabian Sea. In September Leahy is on station in the Arabian Sea as FAAWC for USS Midway (CV-41) and USS Eisenhower (CVN-69) Carrier Battle Groups, where she serves as flagship for Commander U.S. Middle East Force. Leahy arrives at Mombasa, Kenya on 21 September. Leahy departs Mombasa, Kenya on 27 September and again heads for "Gonzo Station". On 11 October Leahy is ordered to enter the Persian Gulf via the Straits Of Hormuz, to provide antiaircraft defense for Saudi Arabia. Leahy arrives at San Diego from WestPac 1980 on 4 December 1980. On 19 December 1980, Leahy is at pier 4, Naval Station, San Diego, Calif.



1 January 1981, Leahy is at pier 4, Naval Station, San Diego, Calif. USS Leahy is scheduled for a major overhaul at Long Beach Naval Shipyard, including installation of CIWS and Harpoon systems. On 15 January, Leahy departs San Diego for weapons off-load at Seal Beach, CA and off-loads the same day. Leahy departs Seal Beach on 16 January and arrives in Long Beach on the afternoon of the 16th and moors at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. Long Beach will be Leahy's temporary home port during her shipyard period. On 2 March Leahy sailors move to off-ship berthing on APL-2. On 9 March future CO Capt. W. W. Salmon reports aboard Leahy. USS Leahy enters drydock on 11 March. Change of command ceremony takes place at U.S. Naval Shipyard Long Beach, CA on 14 March as Capt. C. H. Ulrich is relieved by Capt. Walter W. Salmon, Jr. On 17 April Leahy celebrates Capt. Salmon's birthday. On 8 May Leahy holds a personnel inspection and awards ceremony atop APL-2 at 1200. A ships picnic is held on 22 May and Leahy also leaves drydock on the same day and moves to Pier 1.



USS Leahy participates in sea trials Eastern Pacific.Visits Seattle, WA for Sea Fair and Portland, OR and Vancouver, BC Canada. Leahy is delayed from pulling into Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Thanksgiving) for a couple of days due to Hurricane Iwa.



Leahy arrives at San Diego 3 January to correct major machinery casualties. Leahy participates in Rediex 83-2, the second phase of intensive battle group operations practice. On March 20 Leahy departs for 16 hours of sea trials prior to her WestPac deployment-next stop Pearl Harbor. USS Leahy participates in West PAC cruise April thru October, with USS New Jersey (BB-62). Leahy vistits ports in Phillipines, Sasebo and Yokosuka, Japan, Pusan, South Korea and Hong Kong.



USS Leahy has a 3 day encounter with a Russian Balzam Class AGI "Aziya" CCB-493 (SSV-493) off the coast of California in the Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) near the Naval Station at Point Magu in May, regarding a drone. USS Leahy departs for West PAC cruise in October with USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). Visits ports in Yokosuka, Japan, Phillipines, Mombasa, Kenya and Perth, Australia.



USS Leahy is on station many weeks in the Persian Gulf and returns from West PAC cruise in May.



In August Leahy departs for another WestPac cruise, in company with USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70), USS VINCENES (CGN-49), USS FOSTER (DDG-964), USS BREWTON (FF-1086), USS MARVIN SHIELDS (FF-1066 ), USS GARY (FFG-51), USS JOUETT (CG-29), USS SAMUEL GOMPERS (AD-37).



Leahy returns from WestPac Cruise in January. In July, Leahy enters Long Beach Naval Shipyard for an extensive New Threat Upgrade (NTU) overhaul. NTU significantly increased her combat capabilities against modern aircraft and missile threats.



Leahy departs Long Beach Naval Shipyard after completion of New Threat Upgrade (NTU).





In August, Leahy was the senior host ship for the Soviet Navy's historic visit to San Diego. This was the Soviet Unions first visit to the United States west coast.



On 30 March 1991, Leahy crosses the Equator . In Hong Kong 4 August 1991.



In July, Leahy served as Anti-Air Warfare Commander, "Alfa Whiskey", for the multi-national "Rim Of The Pacific" (RIMPAC) exercise. RIMPAC culminated with Leahy successfully firing two SM-2 long range anti-air missiles and one Harpoon anti- ship cruise missile. In December, during her eigth and final WestPac deployment, Leahy operates off the coast of Somalia to provide support for U.S. Marine and coalition forces ashore involved in Operation Restore Hope. Functioning as a regional air traffic control center, Leahy teamed with the E-2C Hawkeye aircraft operating from the carrier KITTY HAWK and U.S. Marine air controllers ashore, to safely direct more than 300 military and United Nations relief flights a day into Mogadishu, Somalia. These operations were essential to the safe delivery of food and medical supplies to key relief centers in famine-stricken Somalia. In response to increasing tensions in the Northern Arabian Gulf.



In response to increasing tensions in the Northern Arabian Gulf, involving Iraqi violations of United Nations resolutions, Leahy, in company with KITTY HAWK, was detached on short notice, and to proceed at flank speed to the Arabian Gulf. As a result, Leahy was on station on 13 January, in support of Operation Southern Watch, in company with CV-63 KITTY HAWK (CAW-15), CG-18 WORDEN, CG-32 WILLIAM H. STANDLEY, CG-63 COWPENS, DD-966 HEWITT, DD-978 STUMP, FFG-33 JARRETT, FFG-58 SAMUEL B. ROBERTS, AOE-1 SACRAMENTO, AR-8 JASON, T-AO-197 PECOS and AGF-3 LA SALLE and others. Aircraft from KITTY Hawk, teamed with U.S. Air Force and coalition air forces to conduct a successful power projection strike in southern Iraq. This was Leahy's last and final WestPac deployment. During the return transit to San Diego, Leahy was awarded the Battle "E" from Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group Five by Commander, Naval Surface Forces, Pacific. During the two year competitive cycle from 1 January 1991 to 31 December 1992, Leahy also received mission area excellence awards in Anti-Air Warfare, Anti- Surface Warfare, Anti- Submarine Warfare, Maritime Warfare/ Power Projection, Command And Control, Supply, and Engineering/ Survivability. Additionally, Leahy was awarded the Pacific Fleet's Ant-Air Warfare Excellence Award. Leahy, at this time, was the oldest conventional cruiser in the U.S. Navy.


Leahy was decommissioned and stricken on 1 October at the Naval Station San Diego, San Diego, California. On 8 October, Leahy made her final trip, to MarAd (Maritime Administration), Suisun Bay-Reserve Fleet in Benicia, California.


On 21 June 2004, CG-16 departed SUISUN BAY RESERVE FLEET, CA under tow by Fleet Ocean Tug USNS Mohawk (T-ATF 170) to the BEAUMONT RESERVE FLEET, Beaumont, TX for eventual scrapping.


The scrapping of Leahy is carried out by International Ship Recycling Limited, LLC starting the first week of August, exactly 42 years after her commissioning. Three of her sisters (USS Gridley, USS England and USS Halsey) have passed here before her.




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