Police release video of deadly encounter with knife-wielding man

Police release video of deadly encounter with knife-wielding man

Columbus police officials on Monday released video of their deadly encounter with 26-year-old Colin Jennings.{ }
Columbus police officials on Monday released video of their deadly encounter with 26-year-old Colin Jennings.
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Columbus police officials on Monday released video of the deadly encounter between officers and another man.

Colin Jennings died after he was shot on the city's east side Thursday. Police had responded to a 911 call about a man having what officials described Monday as a "mental disturbance."

Monday, video from two responding officers' body cameras was released, showing the deadly encounter.

The video shows Jennings, 26, walking toward the officers with a knife in his right hand, ignoring their commands to "drop the knife" and "back up."

Three shots were fired.

Jennings died from multiple gunshot wounds a short time later at Grant Medical Center.

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Jennings would have turned 27 in a couple of weeks.

His boyfriend, Chris Stone, was the one who called 911 and said he reported it as a mental health crisis.

Stone said the two were having an argument Thursday morning inside Colin's apartment when Chris said he was going to go to the store and get coffee.

"He only heard I am stepping out and nothing else, and he proceeded to grab a knife and started to slit his wrist," Stone told WSYX.

That's when he called 911.

"The caller reported this is not the first time his boyfriend has done this. The last time officers arrived, he had a knife in his possession," said Ken Coontz, a support services administrator for the city's Department of Public Safety.

The officers involved in the confrontation have not been identified.

The state BCI is investigating.

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