What is Hepatitis C? | Symptoms & Signs | Hepatitis NSW
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What is Hepatitis C?

What is Hepatitis C?

What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C (usually called hep C) is an easily-cured liver infection that is caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). The virus is slow acting and symptoms may not appear for many years.

Hep C is transmitted through blood-to-blood contact. This is when the blood of someone with hep C gets into your blood stream. It can cause long-term health problems if left untreated, particularly for the liver.

The virus can survive outside the body from around 12 hours to a few weeks. In most cases it won’t last longer than four days.

What Causes Hepatitis C?

In this video, we introduce you to what Hepatitis C is, how you can get it, the symptoms, as well as the tests and cures available so you can live hep C free. There’s never been a better time for a C change! [3 minute 51 seconds]

Hep C is an easily cured viral infection. It is passed on when blood from someone who has hep C gets into the bloodstream of someone else. Close to 130,000 Australians still have hep C, many through:

Signs and Symptoms of Hep C

Liver cells get damaged when the hep C virus reproduces itself. This doesn’t always make people feel sick. When people do feel sick, they might experience the following symptoms:

If there are any symptoms of hep C, they are the same for men, women, children and babies.

If hep C is not treated, it can result in liver cirrhosis (after many years). It can also turn into chronic hep C, which is why it’s important to get tested for hep C as soon as possible if you feel you may have contracted it.

Want To Know More About Hep C?

If you feel you may have hep C, or have tested positive and aren’t sure what to do next, you may like to give our free Hepatitis Infoline a call.

Alternatively you can find the answers to many frequently asked questions here, or browse our free online resources for further information.

You might be able to access healthcare and cures via your computer or phone. Click here to learn more about Telehealth and Hep C >>

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