36 Facts about the movie Heaven Can Wait - Facts.net
Lorrin Kittrell

Written by Lorrin Kittrell

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazon.com

Welcome movie buffs! If you’re a fan of classic cinema, you’ll definitely want to delve into the fascinating world of the movie “Heaven Can Wait.” Released in 1978, this romantic comedy-fantasy film has captured the hearts of audiences for decades. Directed by Warren Beatty and Buck Henry, “Heaven Can Wait” tells the captivating story of Joe Pendleton, a football player who finds himself in a surreal situation when he is mistakenly taken to heaven before his time. With its incredible cast, witty dialogue, and memorable performances, this movie continues to charm both old and new generations. In this article, we’ll explore 36 intriguing facts about “Heaven Can Wait” that will make you appreciate this cinematic gem even more. So sit back, relax, and get ready to uncover the behind-the-scenes magic of this timeless classic.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Heaven Can Wait” is a classic movie with a heartwarming story, winning two Academy Awards and inspiring viewers to reflect on life, second chances, and pursuing dreams.
  • The film’s enduring legacy is evident through its cultural significance, diverse fanbase appeal, and timeless humor that continues to elicit laughter and inspire deep thoughts.
Table of Contents

Box Office Success

Heaven Can Wait, released in 1978, was a box office success, grossing over $81 million worldwide.

Based on a Play

The movie Heaven Can Wait is based on the play “Here Comes Mr. Jordan” by Harry Segall.

Oscar Nominations

The film received nine Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director for Warren Beatty.

Warren Beatty’s Multiple Roles

Warren Beatty not only starred in the movie but also co-directed and co-wrote the screenplay.

Sporting Background

The main character, Joe Pendleton, is an American football player who dies prematurely and is given a second chance at life.

Musical Score

The movie features a memorable musical score composed by Dave Grusin.

Critical Acclaim

Heaven Can Wait received positive reviews from critics, praising its comedic elements and heartfelt performances.

Multiple Adaptations

The movie is a remake of the 1941 film “Here Comes Mr. Jordan” and was later adapted into the 2001 film “Down to Earth” starring Chris Rock.

Strong Ensemble Cast

Aside from Warren Beatty, the film features a talented ensemble cast including Julie Christie, James Mason, and Charles Grodin.

Warren Beatty’s Dedication

Warren Beatty reportedly trained extensively to convincingly portray a professional football player in the movie.

Heavenly Themes

The movie explores themes of redemption, second chances, and the afterlife.

Timeless Storytelling

Despite being released over four decades ago, Heaven Can Wait still resonates with audiences today through its universal themes.

Romantic Subplot

The film includes a romantic subplot between Joe Pendleton and Betty Logan, played by Warren Beatty and Julie Christie respectively.

Diverse Genre Elements

Heaven Can Wait combines elements of comedy, romance, fantasy, and sports drama, making it a unique and engaging cinematic experience.

Inventive Premise

The concept of a person being given a second chance at life through divine intervention was innovative for its time.

Academy Award Wins

The film won two Academy Awards for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design.

Faithful Adaptation

While the film deviates from the original play in some aspects, it stays true to the core themes and messages of the source material.

Memorable Quotes

Heaven Can Wait is known for its memorable quotes, including “I like things the way they are!” and “What you mean, I’m dead?”

Enduring Legacy

The film’s enduring legacy is evident through its impact on subsequent films and its continued popularity among audiences.

Soundtrack Success

The movie’s soundtrack features the popular song “Heaven Can Wait” performed by Meat Loaf.

Cultural Significance

Heaven Can Wait is regarded as a culturally significant film that explores philosophical and existential themes.

Diverse Fanbase

The film appeals to a wide range of audiences, from sports enthusiasts to fans of romantic comedies.

Movie Poster Iconography

The iconic movie poster for Heaven Can Wait features Warren Beatty surrounded by clouds, emphasizing the film’s heavenly themes.

Nostalgic Appeal

For many viewers, Heaven Can Wait evokes feelings of nostalgia and a longing for the classic Hollywood era.

Symbolic Visuals

The movie utilizes visual symbolism, such as the recurring image of a glowing white light representing the afterlife.

Successful Remake

Heaven Can Wait’s remake was a commercial and critical success, proving the enduring appeal of the original story.

Legacy of Warren Beatty

Warren Beatty’s involvement in the film further solidified his status as a versatile actor and filmmaker.

Heartwarming Narrative

The movie’s heartwarming narrative and uplifting message continue to resonate with audiences of all ages.

Timeless Humor

The comedic elements in Heaven Can Wait have stood the test of time, eliciting laughter from viewers throughout the years.

Inspirational Storytelling

The film inspires viewers to reflect on the value of life, the importance of second chances, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Exceptional Chemistry

The chemistry between Warren Beatty and Julie Christie on-screen adds an extra layer of charm and authenticity to the film.

Thought-Provoking Dialogue

The movie’s thought-provoking dialogue prompts viewers to ponder deeper questions about life, destiny, and the nature of existence.

Successful Directorial Debut

Heaven Can Wait marked Warren Beatty’s directorial debut, showcasing his talent both in front of and behind the camera.

Timeless Cinematography

The film’s visually stunning cinematography captures the ethereal beauty of the afterlife and the earthly realm.

Memorable Performances

Heaven Can Wait features memorable performances from its cast, with Warren Beatty’s portrayal of Joe Pendleton being particularly noteworthy.

Cultural Relevance

Even after all these years, Heaven Can Wait remains culturally relevant, reminding audiences of the preciousness of life and the power of love.


Heaven Can Wait is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for decades. With its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and thought-provoking themes, it has firmly secured its place in cinema history. From production trivia to awards and recognitions, there’s no shortage of interesting facts about this beloved film. Whether you’re a casual moviegoer or a die-hard fan, learning about these 36 facts will deepen your appreciation for Heaven Can Wait and the creative minds behind it.


Q: When was Heaven Can Wait released?

A: Heaven Can Wait was released on June 28, 1978.

Q: Who directed Heaven Can Wait?

A: The film was co-directed by Warren Beatty and Buck Henry.

Q: What is the running time of Heaven Can Wait?

A: The film has a running time of approximately 101 minutes.

Q: Who are the main cast members of Heaven Can Wait?

A: The main cast includes Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, and James Mason.

Q: Did Heaven Can Wait receive any awards?

A: Yes, the film received several nominations and won the Academy Award for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration.

Q: Is Heaven Can Wait a remake of another film?

A: Yes, the film is a remake of the 1941 film “Here Comes Mr. Jordan.”

Q: What is the premise of Heaven Can Wait?

A: The film follows the story of a professional football player who, due to a mix-up in the afterlife, returns to Earth in the body of a recently deceased millionaire.

Q: Where was Heaven Can Wait filmed?

A: The majority of the film was shot in Los Angeles, California.

Q: What is the significance of the film’s title?

A: The title “Heaven Can Wait” reflects the protagonist’s desire to delay his entry into the afterlife and continue living on Earth.

Q: Is Heaven Can Wait based on a book?

A: No, the film is not based on a book. It is an original screenplay co-written by Elaine May and Warren Beatty.

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