Faces in the Void - Westminster Synagogue

Inspired by the stories of Czech Holocaust survivors of the Second World War, Faces in the Void is a unique creative collaboration with photographer Marion Davies and poet Jane Liddell-King, in which words and photographs hauntingly complement each other.

The book and exhibition of this work contain the majority of the poems and photographs from the series and are based on meetings with a variety of survivors, including Alice Sommer-Herz and one rescuer, Sir Nicholas Winton. It also includes extensive background material.

We are excited that the exhibition will hang at Westminster Synagogue from Tuesday 23rd January - Monday 11th February.

Ahead of this the run, we are delighted that Marion and Jane will be joining us on Zoom for a special presentation on the work on Wednesday 17th January at 6:30pm (time may change) - please do register here.

We're also thrilled that Jane will be running a poetry workshop during the hang, if you would be interested in joining this workshop, please click here.

If you'd like to purchase the book, click here.

Fri, 31 May 2024 23 Iyar 5784