02039948824: Genuine O2 Call or Scam? Learn More!

Who called me from 02039948824?

We have received 3 reports and 99 lookups for the phone number 020 3994 8824 and our community has given it a dangerous caller rating based on 1 rating. This number is a UK-based landline associated with the London area.

This phone number appears to be linked with a "Hi mum" spam call that falsely claims to be associated with O2.

On this page, one user have rated this phone number as Harassing.

The most frequently mentioned words in our users' reports include Unwanted (1 time) and Spam (1 time).

Caller ID: "Hi mum" spam

️ Based on reports from our website and app users, it appears that the phone number 02039948824 is associated with a "Hi mum" spam call. At this time, we haven't been able to verify the legitimacy of this phone number as belonging to O2. If you have received a call from this number, please be aware that it has been flagged by other users as potential scam. If you have any additional information about this number, we encourage you to leave a comment to assist other users.

Phone Activity

Rating: 🟠 Dangerous
Total searches: 99
Total reports: 3
Total ratings: 1
Last search: 1 week ago
Registered: 2 weeks ago

Caller Location

London map

📍 Phone numbers starting with 020 are associated with the London area. We have registered 130,016 active spam phone numbers in this area code. In addition, we've detected 18,478,302 spam calls that originated from landlines with the 020 area code.

User reports

The reports below come from people like you and offer real-life experiences that help us shape our ratings and phone number categorisation. This is your community—reading these reports will likely answer some of your questions.

  • By Anonymous 

    Definitely a scam phone number

  • By Anonymous 

    Unsolicitated spam call and rude. Claimed that O2 was offering me a reduction on my contract. (I am not with O2). I asked how they got my number and he answered "from my daughter" (I do not have a daughter). I requested all my data to be deleted as per GDPR which he proceeded to ignore, when I insisted, he said "**** you!" and hung up.

  • By Anonymous 

    Unsolicited call - did not answer - variation on other unwanted calls beginning 020 …. ….


How to block calls from this number?

If you want to block the calls from 020 3994 8824 and protect your phone against other potential scams, you can download our app Call Blocker, which automatically identifies and blocks all spam calls that we detect on our website. Call Blocker is a free app, in the last year we have had more than 1 million downloads! You can find out more about our app in our FAQ.

Call Blocker iOSCall Blocker Android

For detailed instructions on manually blocking numbers on your phone, visit our iPhone Call Blocking Guide or Android Call Blocking Guide.

Did you get a call?

Help others by adding your own comment or reach out to our community for any information they might have. Sharing your unique interaction will help others to find out who called them and to avoid unwanted calls. To write a comment you don't need to register and you will be helping others, please try to include as many details as possible, however please refrain from insulting or including personal data. Thank you so much for your help!

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