The Meaning Behind The Song: Beyond The Shore by Emilia Jones - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Beyond The Shore by Emilia Jones


The Meaning Behind The Song: Beyond The Shore by Emilia Jones

Title Beyond The Shore
Artist Emilia Jones
Writer/Composer Marius de Vries, Matt Dahan, Nicholai Baxter, Sean Blaze
Album CODA (Soundtrack from the Apple Original Film)
Release Date August 13, 2021
Genre Pop
Producer Marius de Vries, Nicholai Baxter

Emilia Jones’ song “Beyond The Shore” is a captivating pop ballad that explores themes of connection, self-discovery, and the bond between a parent and child. With its heartfelt lyrics and poignant melody, the song takes the listener on a journey through personal growth and the realization that there is more to life than what meets the eye.

The first verse sets the scene of an early morning in a city, where the protagonist longs for the serenity of the ocean and the promise of a new beginning. The imagery of the street lights and the distant dawn emphasizes the feeling of anticipation and the desire to break free from the familiarity of everyday routine.

The chorus encapsulates the essence of the song, depicting a deep connection that transcends both calmness and storms. The presence of a loved one provides a sense of comfort and stability, acting as a constant companion through life’s ups and downs. The repetition of the phrase “Out and back again” suggests a cyclical nature of experiences, implying that the journey beyond the shore is not a one-time occurrence but a continuous pursuit.

In the second verse, the lyrics shift focus to the relationship between wind, water, and the bond between a father and daughter. The image of wind and water symbolizes the ever-changing nature of life and the transformative power of familial love. The protagonist acknowledges the influence of their parent’s stories in shaping their own narrative, recognizing the significance of inherited wisdom and experiences.

The bridge delves deeper into the connection between parent and child, describing the support and guidance provided by the parent’s “working hands.” The mention of salt and sand evokes a sense of resilience and strength, highlighting the importance of familial support in helping the protagonist stand on their own two feet. The lyrics convey a message of self-discovery and empowerment, recognizing that through the parent’s eyes, the protagonist sees their own potential and realizes there is more to them than they had previously believed.

Personally, “Beyond The Shore” resonates with me on a profound level. As someone who has experienced the transformative power of familial love, I can relate to the emotions conveyed in the song. It reminds me of moments spent with my own parents, where their guidance and support helped shape my identity and allowed me to discover my true potential.

Furthermore, the song’s portrayal of the ocean and the idea of venturing beyond the shore speaks to my own desire for exploration and personal growth. It serves as a reminder that life offers endless possibilities and that true fulfillment lies in embracing the unknown and stepping outside of my comfort zone.

In conclusion, Emilia Jones’ “Beyond The Shore” is a beautiful song that delves into the universal themes of connection, self-discovery, and the power of familial love. Through its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, the song reminds us to embrace the journey beyond the familiar, to chase our dreams, and to recognize the profound impact our loved ones have on shaping our lives. It serves as a poignant reminder that there is so much more to explore beyond the shore.

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