The 20 Best Bigfoot Horror Movies Of All Time

David De La Riva
Updated May 15, 2024 20 items



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Grab your explorers jacket and vote up the best Bigfoot horror movies!

Arguably the most beloved, adored, and revered creature in cryptozoology history, Bigfoot has made quite the name for himself in both pop culture and folklore as the intrigue and mystery of this hairy human-like mythical creature is a pulse-pounding and heart-stopping tale for many around the world. Of course, there are those who believe the creature to be dangerious, even deadly, and thanks to the wicked minds of horror filmmakers, audiences around the world have garnered a taste of the devastating rampage he can do, and they can't get enough. Bigfoot horror movies are some of the most unique and mesmerizing explorations on film, as nearly all of them take a painstakingly realistic approach to what it would be like to see these glorious creatures in the real world, and the devastation they could cause.

Some of the earliest Bigfoot movies ever crafted like The Legend of Boggy Creek, The Mysterious Monsters, and Creature from Black Lake all use the backdrop of “found footage” and “real-life testimonials” to create an aura of suspense, tension, and panic as they are strictly designed to make audiences truly believe these creatures are indeed out there. This trend would continue for decades, that is of course, until more daring filmmakers started fusing action, adventure, and even comedy into the Bigfoot horror genres. Films like Love in the Time of Monsters, Willow Creek, and Bigfoot all put their own delicious twists on tales of the cryptid, and all shine in their own unique and special way, while always paying homage to those that came before.

Vote up The Best Bigfoot Horror Movies, and don't forget to check out The Cryptozoology Creatures Most Likely To Exist so you can plan your next adventure to explore the world of the unknown after watching these magnificent films

  • The Legend of Boggy Creek
    Jeff Crabtree, Willie E. Smith
    38 votes

    This eerie and sinister horror classic tells the spine-chilling tale of a small Arkansas town haunted by a hairy, humanoid creature. Although the film was originally released in 1972, its documentary-style approach and authentic feel leaves viewers feeling unsettled even today, as the realistic feel of the film is almost too uncomfortable to bear. With its chilling use of first-hand accounts and raw visuals, The Legend of Boggy Creek leaves an indelible mark on the horror genre and serves as an inspiration to many Bigfoot horror movies that would follow in its footsteps. 

  • Willow Creek
    Alexie Gilmore, Bryce Johnson, Bucky Sinister
    35 votes

    A modern twist to the Bigfoot mythology and a staple of fans who love cryptozoology, Willow Creek is arguably the biggest and best Bigfoot movie of all time, as its unique found-footage storytelling style brings the creature to life in chilling and thrilling ways never before seen. The thrilling plot follows a couple as they journey into the infamous and titular Willow Creek area in search of evidence for the legendary beasts existence. With its slow-burning tension and jaw-dropping twists and turns, Willow Creek expertly combines horror, thrills, and adventure, providing a fresh take on the classic Bigfoot tale.

  • Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon
    Carly Pope, Crystal Lowe, Brandon Jay McLaren
    18 votes

    In an unexpected twist on the typical Bigfoot narrative, Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon transports audiences to the snowy Himalayas where survivors of a plane crash find themselves not only battling extreme conditions but also a terrifying and bloodthirsty Yeti. With its icy setting and menacing beast, Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon brings a refreshing and cool take on the traditional Bigfoot horror movies while still remaining truthful and honoring its predecessors.

  • Abominable
    Matt McCoy, Haley Joel, Christien Tinsley
    19 votes

    A remarkable creature feature that manages to balance existential dread and outright terror, Abominable is a modern day cult classic that rapidly became the beacon for how to make a fantastic Bigfoot-inspired movie. A devastating tale that follows a severely injured man as he returns to the woods to rehabilitate himself, a horrifying game of cat and mouse begins as an old hairy foe who once caused him such pain returns with a vengeance. Showcasing clever camerawork, intense action sequences, and an unforgettable performance from Matt McCoy, Abominable must watch for horror fans.

  • Creature from Black Lake
    Jack Elam, Dub Taylor, Dennis Fimple
    14 votes

    In this 1976 cult classic, two anthropology students travel to Louisiana to investigate sightings of a mysterious, Bigfoot-like creature, only to uncover a nightmarish realization unlike anything they could have dreamed of. With its eerie swamp setting and a documentary-style approach, Creature from Black Lake feels like a film ripped out of another world, perfectly encapsulating everything that makes cryptozoology so intriguing.  Masterfully builds tension while offering an authentic portrayal of the fearsome legend like never before seen, the film is a stunning exploration of the Bigfoot mythology.

  • Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
    Drew Rausch, Rich McDonald, Ashley Wood
    30 votes

    While the tried and true method of “found footage” in bigfoot movies may be getting old, especially in the horror genre, Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes takes a radically different approach to its storytelling and scares, opting to subdue the terror in place of tension, atmosphere, and a spine-chilling mystery. While there are still plenty of scares to go around in the film, what makes The Lost Coast Tapes so unique is its authentic performances and plot that elevate what would otherwise be a run of the mill Bigfoot movie into a must watch horror experience.

  • The Abominable Snowman
    Forrest Tucker, Peter Cushing, Maureen Connell
    16 votes

    This atmospheric 1957 British horror film set during an expedition in the Himalayas masterfully blends psychological horror with classic creature feature tropes to create a perfect harmony of tension and terror. As fear and tensions rise within the group, the presence of the feared and titular Abominable Snowman becomes all the more menacing as its unrelenting power begins to show. One of the first ever films to fit in the Bigfoot-mold, The Abominable Snowman has managed to withstand the test of time thanks to fantastic performances, a horrifying creature design, and a sublime sense of dread that still holds strong to this day.

  • The Mysterious Monsters

    The Mysterious Monsters

    22 votes

    One of the earliest films to center around the mysterious and monstrous Bigfoot, The Mysterious Monsters is a pseudo-documentary set on investigating a plethora of iconic and infamous cryptids, including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Abominable Snowman. The films use of interviews, eyewitness accounts, and dramatizations has undoubtedly influenced what the horror subgenre of Bigfoot horror movies would look like, but the shockingly realistic and grounded feel of the film helps it stand out amongst the rest. The films focus on finding verifiable evidence lends an air of credibility, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in cryptozoological mysteries.

  • Hunting Grounds

    Hunting Grounds

    Bill Oberst Jr., Miles Joris-Peyrafitte, Jason Vail
    9 votes

    Following a family who stumbles upon a clan of territorial Bigfoot creatures in the Pacific Northwest, Hunting Grounds, also known as Valley of the Sasquatch, is an intense, violence, and action packed thrill ride that manages to perfectly blend horror and adventure to create a nightmarish experience. With some of the best Bigfoot creature design seen on film, this atmospheric and sublime film manages to capture the beauty of the forest, as well as every ounce of danger that lies behind every corner.

  • Night of the Demon

    Night of the Demon

    Lynn Eastman, Joy Allen, Bob Collins
    22 votes

    A  gritty and devastating film that ventures into the work of the occult and cryptozoology, Night of the Demon masterfully combines folklore, mysticism, and vicious horror to create an utterly unforgettable experience of terror and dread. Following a college professor who seeks to uncover the truth behind a series of grisly Bigfoot-related deaths, this winding journey manages to keep audiences on their toes as devastating reveal after devastating reveal will have audiences jaws on the floor as they are petrified with terror.

  • Bigfoot
    John Carradine, Joi Lansing, Kid Chissell
    13 votes

    A staple in horror B-movie history, Bigfoot is everything that makes campy, cheesy, and cult classic horror films so fantastic. Never taking itself too seriously and always playing with a sense of tongue in cheek-ness, Bigfoot is an incredibly low budget thrill ride that follows a group of bikers who accidentally stumble upon the creatures lair, and mayhem ensues. While the film has rightfully garnered the reputation of a cheesy classic, there are still plenty of chills and thrills to keep horror fans entertained, delighted, and spooked.

  • Rage of the Yeti

    Rage of the Yeti

    Laura Haddock, Yancy Butler, David Chokachi
    7 votes

    Offering up a thrilling blend of action and survival horror, Rage of the Yeti uses the stunning backdrop of the Arctic tundra to lull audiences into a false sense of security before unleashing nightmarish feats upon them. As a team of treasure hunters encounters a deadly Yeti, they must band together to survive the harsh environment and the relentless pursuit of the creatures that inhabit it.

  • Sasquatch Mountain
    Lance Henriksen, Cerina Vincent, Rance Howard
    18 votes

    Despite its somewhat comical name, this 2006 thriller is all bark and bite as Sasquach Mountain pits a group of criminals against a formidable Bigfoot creature, adding an exciting and palpable layer of human conflict to the mix of survivalism against devastating creatures. With its rugged mountain setting and plethora of intense moments, Sasquatch Mountain expertly blends elements of action, survival, and horror for an exhilarating experience that fans of every genre will greatly appreciate.

  • Dawn of the Beast
    Francesca Anderson, Adrián Burke, Chris Cimperman
    6 votes

    Blending Bigfoot legend with a plethora of other supernatural elements, Dawn of the Beast follows a group of students who come face-to-face with the legendary creature while investigating strange occurrences happening in the woods. As tension ratchets up, the film offers striking visuals and shocking twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats, while providing a run-of-the-mill Bigfoot movie that is all but guaranteed to satisfy fans of the unique subgenre.

  • Demonwarp


    George Kennedy, Billy Jayne, David Michael O'Neill
    13 votes

    In this 1988 cult classic, a group of friends encounter a fearsome Bigfoot-like creature while on a camping trip, and that just begins their wild and terrifying adventure. Alongside the monster, discoveries of a bizarre alien conspiracy also reveal themselves, leading to one of the most paranoid and ludicrous horror films of the 80s to show its teeth. Featuring George Kennedy and an impressive array of practical effects, Demonwarp is a suspenseful and unpredictable horror film that manages to keep audiences guessing, long after the credits have rolled.

  • The ABCs of Death
    Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Harold Torres, Erik Audé
    5 votes

    Although not exclusively a Bigfoot movie, The ABCs of Death uses its unique anthology filmmaking to feature a segment titled "B is for Bigfoot," a deep dive into the monstrous folklore of the creature in a unique and horrifying way. While it may just be one segment in an overall anthology, “B is for Bigfoot” manages to steal the show with its fantastic creature design and terrifying portrayal of the creature. With a diverse array of stories and styles, The ABCs of Death showcases the versatility and endless possibilities of the horror genre, and is a must watch for any and all horror efficinatos. 

  • Bigfoot


    Alice Cooper, Danny Bonaduce, Sherilyn Fenn
    4 votes

    Released right at the peak of the SyFy original movie fad, Bigfoot is an action-packed and epic face-off between a local small town and the legendary Bigfoot that brings all the elements one could ever dream of when they hear SyFy has made a Bigfoot movie. Showcasing fantastically over-the-top special effects, campy humor, and all-star cast featuring Danny Bonaduce, Barry Williams, and Alice Cooper, Bigfoot offers a fun, frightful, and fantastic spin on the creature feature that is all the more fun for those who simply turn their brains off and enjoy the wild ride.

  • Bigfoot the Movie

    Bigfoot the Movie

    Curt Wootton, Joanie Dodds, Jared Show
    4 votes

    An utterly delightful horror comedy that puts a lighthearted spin on the legend of Bigfoot, Bigfoot: The Movie following a group of friends who are forced to face off against a bloodthirsty creature who is terrorizing their town. With its slapstick humor, charming performances, and gallons and gallons of gore, the film offers a fun and unique take on the genre, never taking itself too seriously and always prepared to provide fans a good laugh and an even better scream.

  • Throwback


    Shawn Brack, Anthony Ring, Melanie Serafin
    7 votes

    In this Australian homage to classic adventure films, Throwback sees two treasure hunters as they search for a lost fortune, travel the globe, and come face to face with a dangerous, legendary Yowie in the outback. While the film doesn't necessarily offer anything new or particularly unique to the Bigfoot movie, what it does do is successfully combine elements of action and horror, creating a fun and frightful experience that is sure to enthrall and entertain any horror fans simply looking for a quick escape from reality and into fantasy.

  • Love in the Time of Monsters
    Hugo Armstrong, Doug Jones, Kane Hodder
    3 votes

    Love in the Time of Monsters is a quirky and uproarious horror-comedy that revolves around two sisters who visit a campy tourist resort in search of love, only to find themselves trapped, battling zombie-infected Bigfoot-like creatures as they attempt to escape. With an idea as ludicrous as “zombie-infected Bigfoot creatures” is, the film plays into the absurdity and ridiculousness, offering up memorable one-liners and gory practical effects to go along with its charmingly cheesy premise. A delightfully different take on the mythical creature, Love in the Time of Monsters manages to stand out as one of the most unique and magical horror films to release in years.