

Enrolment Policy

In keeping with Department of Education policy, the Poseidon Primary’s enrolment protocol is non-discriminatory and without consideration of religious denomination, race or academic achievement. Admission is subject to approval by the Principal.  Special needs requirements or family court orders must be declared on the Application for Enrolment form.  We have a review and assessment period to ensure each child is placed appropriately.



Enrolment Process


  • Pick up an Enrolment pack from the front office or download the forms below.
  • Submit application by returning the Application for Enrolment Form form to the front office or email to  poseidon.ps@education.wa.edu.au along with a copy of the child’s birth certificate, Immunisation Record from Medicare (not more than 2 months old) and proof of address (eg recent utility bill).
  • If the enrolment is for Kindergarten, please also complete the  Additional Information for Students Enrolling in Kindergarten Form (Kindy only)
    • Applications will then be assessed by the Principal.
    • The Principal will notify the applicants family in writing with the outcome of the application.
    • If your application is successful, you are required to submit an Enrolment Form and Form 1 – Student Health Care Summary within 1 week to complete the application.

Poseidon Primary will cater for local-intake area first.  We welcome out of area applicants and applications will be accessed against current class numbers for same year applicants and forecasted class numbers for following year applicants.  Please note that forecasted class numbers can only be calculated after local-intake applications are received.


Forms to complete


The above forms are included in the enrolment pack available from the front office or you can open the above links, fill out online and save a copy on your device before emailing them back to the school on  poseidon.ps@education.wa.edu.au.


Current Kindergarten students are not automatically enrolled for the following years Pre Primary, therefore re-submitting the Application and Enrolment forms are required for Pre Primary.


Please contact our Front Office for more information.



Children Transferring

When children are about to leave our school or transfer to another school, parents are asked to contact us at least a week beforehand (or more if at all possible). This will provide adequate time to enable the staff to ensure that all records, books, medical cards, reports, etc have been completed or checked prior to the child’s departure. It also allows us to farewell our students and wish them all the best in their new school.

© 2022 Poseidon Primary School