misdroy in a sentence - misdroy sentence

misdroy in a sentence


  • From 1938 until 1942, he attended the Baltenschule Misdroy.
  • He died at Misdroy on August 19, 1875.
  • Trials were held at Misdroy from 20 24 May 1944 with ranges of up to being attained.
  • On 4 July 1944, the Misdroy gun was test-fired with 8 rounds ( one of the long shells travelled ).
  • A failure occurred, however, at the Misdroy proving ground in April 1944 after only 25 rounds had been fired and, as a result, the project was further cut back from five drifts to three, even though work had begun on some of the other drifts.
  • "' Georg St鰎ck "'( * April 1st, 1917 in Misdroy-December 20th, 2011 ) was a German Hauptmann der Reserve in the Wehrmacht during World War II . Georg St鰎ck was on November 3, 1937 in the pioneer battalion 39, with which he took part as Sergeant in the Poland campaign.
  • Nonetheless, a proposal was made to build a single full-sized gun with a barrel at Heereswaffenamt " ( Weapon Procurement Office ) took control of the project by March 1944, with no good news from Misdroy, and C鰊ders became one of the engineers working on the three chief problems : projectile design, obturation, and ignition of the secondary charges.
  • It's difficult to see misdroy in a sentence .
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