Coronavirus in Italy: Updated Map and Case Count

Coronavirus in Italy:
updated map and case count

Updated 18 NOVEMBRE 2022.
Variations are daily.
The daily variation reports new daily cases in Italy, net of the number of people who died or recovered from the virus










All the people who tested positive in Italy from the beginning of the outbreak. The daily curve tracks the overall evolution of the infection




Where cases have been reported in Italy

Locations of active coronavirus cases are aggregated by province, deaths are aggregated by region. Other European countries only show national data.
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The daily curve in Italy

All the people who tested positive in Italy from the beginning of the outbreak. The daily curve tracks the overall evolution of the infection Total and day-by-day progress of active cases, recovered cases, deaths and total cases from the beginning of the outbreak until today.

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The daily increase

In percentage, how the outbreak evolves day after day.

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New daily tests and confirmed cases

The daily number of people who tested positive for the virus in Italy, the daily number of new tests and a comparison between the two datasets.

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The five regions with most cases in Italy

All the people who tested positive in Italy from the beginning of the outbreak. The daily curve tracks the overall evolution of the infection Total cases in the 5 Italian regions with the highest registered numbers.

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The Italian provinces with most cases

All the people who tested positive in Italy from the beginning of the outbreak. The daily curve tracks the overall evolution of the infection Total cases in the Italian provinces with the highest registered numbers.

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Detailed listings by region and province

Regions at the top of the table are the ones with highest number of registered cases. Variations are compared to the previous day. Percentage is calculated on population, deaths, recovered, and number of tests. The only available data at a provincial level is the number of confirmed cases.

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Patients by treatment type, by region

The table shows the type of medical treatment patients are subjected to, by region. It differentiates beween hospitalized people, hospitalized people treated in intensive care units, and those who are home quarantined.

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Intensive care and hospitalized patients

A comparison between the numbers of hospitalized patients and hospitalized patients treated in intensive care units.

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Mortality rate by age group

The mortality rate indicates the percentage of people who died, compared to the total of registered positive cases in a given age group.

Sources: Iss (Istituto superiore sanità)
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The outbreak in Europe

The spread of the coronavirus in Italy and the rest of Europe, in one chart.

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Daily curves in other Countries

The curves start on the day the hundredth cased was registered in a given Country.

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Coronavirus cases worldwide

First detected in China, the virus originated a pandemic spanning from the US to Europe.

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