中暑的英文單字,中暑的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典



產褥中暑puerperal heat stroke ; Puerperal heatstnke

家禽中暑Heatstroke in Poultry

輕度中暑heat exhaustion ; touch of the sun


中暑痙攣heat cramps ; Heat cramp

中暑熱thermic fever

中暑衰竭[內科] heat exhaustion ; heat prostration ; Heat exhaustion anhydrotic

中暑虛脫heat prostration ; heat exhaustion

中暑眩暈dizziness caused by summer-heat evil

中暑致死died from heatstroke

重癥中暑Severe heat stroke


  • 我嚴重中暑,又餓又累。

    i was suffering from acute sunstroke, starvation and exhaustion.

  • 游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易凍僵。

    tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feel frozen stiff in the evening.

  • 在炎熱的陽光底下工作很容易引起中暑.

    one who works under the hot sun is liable to sunstroke.

  • 冷卻能力不足會造成中暑脫水。

    not enough cooling power could mean heatstroke or dehydration.

  • 據統計,急性中暑病例中有98%是致命的。

    statistically, ninety-eight percent of all acute sunstroke cases are fatal.

  • 中暑是指你的身體失去了調節體溫的能力,當體溫達到40攝氏度或更高時就會危及生命。

    heatstroke is when your body loses its ability to regulate its temperature.a temperature of 40c or more is a life-threatening condition.

  • 昨天太熱,我中暑了.

    it was so hot yesterday that i had a heat stroke.

  • 中暑的人會覺得虛弱和精疲力竭.

    a person suffering from heat exhaustion feels weak and extremely tired.

  • 目前嚴酷的高溫已經從巴基斯坦延伸到印度,據報道,過去兩個月印度已經有超過1000人死於中暑或心臟病發作。

    the blistering heat now engulfing pakistan stretches to india where more than 1, 000 people have reportedly died of heatstroke or heart attacks in the last two months.

  • 專家說:脫水會使人過熱、精疲力盡和頭昏眼花,還可能引起人體內水分電解質的不平衡、肌肉痙攣并且會增加中暑的風險。

    dehydration can lead to your becoming overheated, exhausted and lightheaded, experts say. you could also develop an electrolyte imbalance, muscle cramps and an increased risk of heatstroke.

  • 在即將到來的世紀,氣候變化將導致健康問題惡化,這幾乎涉及我們所熟知的所有健康問題:如心臟病、中暑沙門氏菌和蟲媒傳染病。

    over the coming century, climate change will worsen virtually every health problem we know of, from heart disease and heatstroke to salmonella and insect-borne infectious diseases.

  • 夏季中暑后飲食上需要禁忌什么?

    no - no what to need the food after the summer suffers heatstroke?

  • 然而中暑的情形在田地里很常見。

    but heatstroke is common in the fields.

  • 中暑的人會頭暈、發高燒.

    someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature.

  • 防止中暑最好的辦法就是不要呆在太陽底下(或任何炎熱狹窄的空間)并且經常飲用一些液體。

    the best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun (or any hot confined place) and drink fluids regularly.

  • 母親擔心我們這么熱的天釣魚會中暑.

    mother was afraid we would get sunstroke while fishing on such a hot day.

  • 中暑癥狀的人要立即就醫,否則病人在得到醫治之前可能就會死去。

    someone suffering heat stroke requires immediate medical attention. doctors say such treatment is necessary or the person could die before help arrives.

  • 美國政策國家基金會稱,去年有417名移民者們在赴美途中死於曝曬,脫水,中暑和溺水。

    last year, according to the national foundation for american policy, 417 would-be migrants died while coming to the united states, felled by exposure, dehydration, heatstroke and drowning.

  • 雖然市區醫院里擠滿了食物中毒與中暑的人群,但人員傷亡最為嚴重的是偏遠的農村。

    while city hospitals were flooded with people suffering from food poisoning and heatstroke, most casualties were found in remote rural villages.

  • 如果你在菲律賓像典型的倫敦人一樣,四處奔波一兩個星期,你將很有可能死於中暑或衰竭。

    if you ran around like a typical londoner for a week or two in the philippines, you’d most likely die of heat stroke and exhaustion.

  • 在‘韓國傳統和流行音樂會’的門票分發期間,有少數人由於人數眾多和高溫而中暑或受了輕微傷。

    during the course of the ticket dispensing of ‘korean classical and pop music concert, ’ a few people had heatstroke and minor injury due to the huge line of people and high temperature.

  • 女性在月經期間, 為什么容易中暑 呢 ?

    the female is in menstruation, why to heatstroke easily?

  • 別提了,我都中暑好幾次了。

    don't mention it, i have had heatstroke for several times.

  • 星期天羅安達當地天氣炎熱,教皇本篤用方巾擦去額頭上的汗水,會場里也有幾百人中暑,他們接受了醫務工作者的治療。

    the pontiff wiped sweat from his brow with a handkerchief on a day when health workers treated several hundred of those in attendance for heat stroke.

  • 中暑后不及時治療可能會導致更嚴重的問題,中暑衰竭.

    untreated heat stress can lead to a more serious problem heat exhaustion.

  • 在沙漠中的最大殺手是中暑和脫水,這瞬間就會發生。

    the biggest killers in the desert are heatstroke and dehydration, which come on very quickly.

  • 汗水過敏的癥狀和中暑很像,發紅、癢、甚至出現疼痛的傷痕長達數小時。

    people who are allergic to their own sweat experience symptoms similar to heat stroke, including redness, itchiness, and even painful welts that can last hours.

  • 他們在一塊兒談話的內容總是與中暑有關;而做黃油,尤其是保存黃油都是沒有辦法做到的事了。

    conversations were concerning sunstroke; while butter-making, and still more butterkeeping, was a despair.