Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (2024)

Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (2024)

Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (1)

Did you know you can estimate how many sales anyeBook or print book on Amazon is currently selling just by looking at its listing on Amazon?

All you have to do is find the Amazon Sales Rank for any eBook or print book on Amazon and type that numberin to our simple Amazon Book Sales Calculator below.

Note: Make sure not to include any commas or spaces when you type in the BSR (Amazon Best Seller Rank) in order to calculate how many sales are needed.

How to Use OurAmazon Book Sales Calculator

Let me show you a quick example of how to find the Amazon Bestseller Ranking for any book on Amazon so you can use the sales calculator.

Here’s the Amazon listing for the Kindle version of Unlimited Memory by TCK Publishing client Kevin Horsley.

Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (2)

It looks just like every other book listing on Amazon.

All you have to do to find out how many Kindle eBook or Print copies it’s selling currently is scroll down the book’s page on Amazon to the “Product Details” section.

Underneath Product Details, look for the section that says “Amazon Best Sellers Rank.” In the screenshot above, you can see it says “#139 Paid in Kindle Store.”

Now, there are a few things you should know about this Amazon Best Sellers Rank.

First, notice it says “Paid.” If it said “#139 Free in Kindle Store,” that would mean the Kindle version of the book was currently free (like during a KDP Select 5-Day Free Promotion Campaign).

It also says “in Kindle Store.” If you’re looking at a print edition of a book on Amazon, it will say “in Books.”

Now that you have the Amazon Bestseller Rank for the book, all you have to do is type it into the Amazon Kindle Sales Calculator above.

If you want to find out how many print copies the book is selling, just click the Paperback or Hardcover edition of the book on Amazon, scroll down to Product Details on that page, and find the Amazon Best SellersRank for the print edition. Then just copy and paste that number into the Amazon Book Sales Calculator above, make sure to select “Book” instead of “eBook” for the book type, and click “Calculate Sales.”

How OurAmazon Book Sales Calculator Works

You can use this handy BookSales Calculator to give you an extremely accurate estimation of how many copies are being sold on Amazon for any eBook or print book (we’re working on audiobook sales estimations as we speak).

Unlike most other Kindle Sales Calculators out there, this one is incredibly accurate with only a 6% error rate. That means if it shows an estimate of 1,000 sales, the actual sales will fall somewhere between 940 and 1,060 sales. By contrast, many other Kindle sales calculators we’ve tested have a 50-100% error rate.

Notice the Amazon Book Sales Calculator tells you how many sales you need to hit in EITHER one day ORone month to hit a certain bestseller ranking. We use “The Rule of 15” which means if you take the monthly sales needed to hit a certain bestseller ranking, all you have to do is divide that monthly sales number by 15 to calculate how many sales you need in one day (24 hours) to achieve that same sales ranking.

The Rule of 15 works because Amazon’s algorithm for sales rankings more heavily weights recent sales. That means 10 sales in the last hour will boost your sales ranking faster than getting 10 sales in the last week.

For example, in order to hit #1,000 Kindle Best Sellers Ranking, your book either needs to sell 2,778 copies over a 30-day time period OR sell just 185 copies in a single 24-hour period (even if it is a brand new book with no previous sales).

Sales Per Month vs. One Day Sales

Sales per month will give you the number of sales you must maintain every 30 days to maintain that sales ranking.

One day sales will give you the number of sales you must get in one 24-hour period to hit that ranking for a very short period of time.

Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (4)

How to Use Amazon Sales Rank Data

There are a lot of ways you can use this sales rank data to help if you’re an author or publisher. First, you can check out the competition and see how many books they’re selling.

Once you’ve done that, you can see how many copies you need to sell either in a one day or one month time period in order to outrank the competition. If you’re planning a book launch or promotion, this data can help you predict how high your book will rank on Amazon and if you can hit #1 in your bestseller categories on Amazon.

You can also use this data for market research to get a good idea how big a niche or market is before you invest the time writing, publishing and marketing a book in that market. For example, if you notice all your competitors in a market aren’t selling more than 100 eBook copies per month on Amazon Kindle, you can be pretty sure your book won’t be selling more than 100 eBook copies per month on Kindle unless your book is a lot better than the competition, is more appealing to the market, and you have a better marketing strategy than the competition.

A Note on Kindle Sales Ranking Adjustments KDP Select Ebooks

If your eBook is enrolled in KDP Select and selling well on Amazon (Above 50,000 Best Seller Ranking or so), you may think the sales calculator is overestimating your monthly sales, but something else is going on!

When Amazon customers borrow your eBook through Kindle Unlimited (KU) or the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library (KOLL), Amazon counts the number of pages those customers read from your book and counts them as sales in order to calculate your Kindle Best Seller Ranking.

Based on our data from a few hundred books enrolled in KDP Select, Amazon will count 1 sale in order to calculate your Kindle Best Seller Ranking every time theKENP (Kindle Edition Normalized Pages) Read reaches about 65% of the total estimated page count of your Kindle eBook.

In other words, if your Kindle eBook is 100 pages long, every 65 KENP (Kindle Edition Normalized Pages) Read in your KDP Reports will count as 1 sale in order for Amazon to calculate your KindleBest Seller Ranking.

For publishers who use KDP Select, having a lot of readers borrow your book through KOLL or KU can dramatically increase your sales rankings on Amazon (assuming they actually read it!).

How to Tell if Your Publisher is Reporting Book Sales Accurately

When we originally created this Amazon book sales calculator, we did so with the self-published author in mind. However, I have since heard from several authors whose books were published by a traditional or independent publisher who are now using the calculator as a guideline to make sure the royalty reports from their publishers are accurate.

Please realize that we cannot guarantee the Amazon book sales calculator as a tool to help you prevent publishers from providing inaccurate royalty statements. In many cases, your publisher will have distribution for your eBook and print books beyond Amazon, and our calculator will not help you at all when it comes to book sales outside of

Also note that Amazon has several stores where readers can purchase Kindle eBooks and physical books,,,,,,,,,, and Our calculator will currently only help you calculate sales on, and will not help you account for sales in these other markets.

Want Even More Awesome Tools and Resources for Authors?

Check out our Ultimate List of Author Resources here.

Check out Bestseller Ranking Pro for more advanced tools, training, and tips on getting your book to #1 bestseller on Amazon, advanced market research for authors and more.

If you love our free Amazon Book Sales Calculator, you’ll love our free resources to help you sell more books and increase your Amazon Best Seller Rankings:

  • How to Use Amazon Keywords to Sell More Books
  • How to Use Influencer Marketing to Get Free Buzz for Your Book on Social Media
  • How to Use HARO to Get Free Publicity
  • 7 Social Media Strategies Authors Can Use to Sell Books
  • Book Marketing Experiments from a Multi-Published Bestselling Author
  • How to Optimize Book Metadata to Increase Amazon Rankings

Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (5)

Tom Corson-Knowles

Tom Corson-Knowles is the founder of TCK Publishing, and the bestselling author of 27 books including Secrets of the Six-Figure author. He is also the host of the Publishing Profits Podcast show where we interview successful authors and publishing industry experts to share their tips for creating a successful writing career.

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  1. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (6)

    Beeon February 18, 2023 at 9:08 am

    How can I calculate the total number of sales, including over several past months.


  2. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (7)

    Barbara E Ringroseon January 12, 2023 at 11:31 pm

    where can I find a book calculator-cost per book-on Amazon for the sale of my book by entering criteria i.e. size, standard, color of pages (white/cream), number of pages, etc.


    • Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (8)

      Vishal Jagdishbhai Chavdaon January 22, 2023 at 7:27 am

      Hiii, contact me on [emailprotected].


  3. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (10)

    Masteron November 5, 2022 at 10:46 am



  4. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (11)

    paul Moffaton November 4, 2022 at 1:35 am



  5. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (12)

    Abiodunon October 14, 2022 at 7:40 pm



    • Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (14)

      Adelakun kareematon October 6, 2022 at 6:44 am

      am interested in that


  6. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (15)

    Jerry Dean Pateon August 3, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    Does this calculate sales in subcategories?

    Example ….in political fiction books.

    In historical fiction, Kindle Book Store.


  7. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (16)

    Robert Ehrlichon July 24, 2022 at 2:21 pm


    Does your calculator work for books having very poor sales, like a rank of say 3 million? If so, I get around only one sale per month. But that seems strange because with that rank the book would be in the top 5% of all books sold on Amazon. Please explain this apparent conflict. Thanks.



    • Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (17)

      Adelakun kareematon October 6, 2022 at 6:47 am

      I will sell it well for you


      • Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (18)

        Abiodunon October 14, 2022 at 7:41 pm



  8. Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (19)

    Just kiddingon July 2, 2022 at 11:24 pm

    No is an answer, right?


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Amazon Book Sales Calculator - TCK Publishing (2024)


How to find out how many copies a book has sold on Amazon? ›

If you want to find out how many print copies the book is selling, just click the Paperback or Hardcover edition of the book on Amazon, scroll down to Product Details on that page, and find the Amazon Best Sellers Rank for the print edition.

How can I find out how many copies of a book have been sold? ›

Contact the publisher and/or author directly. While it does not give total sales figures and represents only one retailer (though a large one), the record for each book on includes information on its ranking in sales compared to other books offered by Amazon.

What is a good Amazon sales rank for books? ›

Obviously, the best Amazon sales rank is #1. But generally speaking, a good sales rank is anything under 1000. If you can get into the top 1000 ranking books, you will be selling over 100 copies of your book each day, which adds up if you can keep it there. That is why steady sales are so important.

What is a good BSR for books on Amazon? ›

In the book category, a 100,000 Amazon Best Seller Rank is roughly 200 sales per month. When sourcing books to sell on Amazon, we suggest looking for books with a 100,000 BSR or lower, so they sell quickly.

How many books sold is considered successful? ›

Want to hit top 10? You'll need to sell roughly 300 for print, or 2,000+ copies for combined formats. Those numbers aren't exactly set in stone, but they're a pretty close approximation. To get onto Amazon's Bestseller Top 100 radar across all titles you're usually looking at about 1,000 sales of your book.

How many copies does a first book sell? ›

In the book's lifetime

By comparison, the average traditionally published book sells 3,000 copies, but as I mentioned above, only about 250-300 of those sales happen in the first year. For a traditional publisher to think of a nonfiction book as a success, it has to sell more like 10,000 copies over its lifetime.

How many copies does the average published book sell? ›

The average book in America sells about 500 copies. Those blockbusters are a minute anomaly: only 10 books sold more than a million copies last year, and fewer than 500 sold more than 100,000.

How many books sell over 100000 copies? ›

At the top end, only 0.4% of books sold 100k copies or more. For a book to be commercially viable, it needs to sell over 5,000 copies. The more frightening statistic is that 86% of books published sell less than the magic 5k break-even number.

How many copies does a book need to sell to be a best seller? ›

The category and window of your release all significantly impact the number of copies required to hit the NYT bestseller list, but 5,000 copies during any one-week period is the minimum.

How much does the average book seller make on Amazon? ›

What are the average monthly sales for Amazon sellers? Most Amazon sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers make more than $100,000 each month in sales. 45% of Amazon sellers make $1,000 to $25,000/month, which could mean $12,000 to $300,000 in annual sales.

How many books do you have to sell to be #1 on Amazon? ›

In order to hit #1 on Amazon, you'll need to sell somewherebetween 3,500 and 5,000 copies in 24 hours. Want to hit top 10? You'll need to sell roughly 300 for print, or 2,000+ copies for combined formats. Those numbers aren't exactly set in stone, but they're a pretty close approximation.

How many sales is a best seller on Amazon? ›

You just have to be the best-selling book in any one category. So if the top book in a given category is only selling around 5 copies a day, selling 10 copies in a day will get you the bestselling flag in that category.

What type of books sell the most on Amazon KDP? ›

Best sellers on Amazon KDP. KDP Select, selling low content books, picking profitable niches, promoting products and more.
The kind of content you can publish using Amazon's KDP:
  • Journals & planners.
  • Recipe Books.
  • Children's Books.
  • Coloring Books.
  • Comics.
  • Poetry.
  • Textbooks.
  • Book Series.
Aug 8, 2022

Is selling low content books on Amazon worth it? ›

Is Low Content Publishing Worth It? It may not seem so obvious but high-quality low content books do sell well on Amazon. In fact, some low content books like adult coloring books and gratitude journals have a wider audience than some fiction and non-fiction books on Amazon.

Is Amazon KDP low content worth it? ›

So, Is Amazon KDP Worth It in 2022? Yes, Amazon KDP is still a very reliable source of online income with self-publishers making thousands of dollars every month. But to find success on the Kindle Store, it is essential to pick a profitable, low competition niche.

How many books does the average first time author sell? ›

Most self-published authors sell 250 books or less, regardless of how many different books they write. Traditionally published books sell around 3,000 copies on average, with only 250 of those sales in the first year. It's rare that books sell over 100,000 copies and even rarer to sell more than a million.

Is selling 5000 copies of a book good? ›

It should be easy for you to get another book contract. If you sold more than 5,000, you are doing pretty well. You'll probably sell your next book somewhere. If you sold less than 5,000, then you could be in trouble with the next book.

How many books do you need to sell on Amazon to make a profit? ›

To make $100.000 / year, you have to sell 50.000 books, which equals to 50.000/12 = 4.667 books per month. After the first year, you'll have 12 books published. To make $100k with those 12 books, you'd need to sell 348 copies of each book each month.

How many pages is a good first book? ›

For a first release, 200 pages are enough. One can also look at authors like Chetan Bhagat, who even today continue to release books well below the 300-page mark. This is because readers across different cities and professional backgrounds prefer quick reads which can fit into their hectic schedule.

What makes a book sell well? ›

It's something fresh and interesting. You must find an idea that will get readers excited to pick up your book. This goes for fiction, nonfiction, advice, how-to, and memoir. A small idea for a book results in small sales.

How much does the average first book make? ›

How much can authors expect to earn from their books? A first-time author with a traditional publishing deal might expect an advance of $1,000-$10,000 and 5-18% royalties once they “earn out” their advance. Self-published authors do not receive advances, but their royalties can reach up to 70% for ebook editions.

How many books does the average KDP author sell? ›

Again, it's important to be realistic about how many books the average indie author can expect to sell. Some research shows that 250 to 300 books per year is pretty average.

How many books sell 1 million copies? ›

Of the 500,000+ books that are published each year, less than 20 books sell a million copies (and that includes fiction novels!) Upon hearing that, you might think your odds are 1 in 25,000… But your odds are even lower than that.

How many self-published authors are successful? ›

Yes, that's not a typo. 40 self-published authors “make money”, all the others, and they number in the hundreds of thousands, don't.

What percentage of writers are successful? ›

The top 2% or so of authors make a good living and the most successful authors – including self-published authors – make a tremendous amount of money.” Greenfield's co-author, professor Dana Weinberg, agreed that “The question of money is a tricky one. Publishing a book for sale is a matter of both art and commerce.

How many books should I publish a year? ›

If your primary income comes from writing, you should look to publish at least 1-5 books a year. Writing x amount of books does not guarantee you x amount of profit, as writing one book can take a week, a year, or even several years. Authors are strongly encouraged to have a yearly publication goal.

How much does an author make if they sell a million copies? ›

Typically, an author can expect to receive the following royalties: Hardback edition: 10% of the retail price on the first 5,000 copies; 12.5% for the next 5,000 copies sold, then 15% for all further copies sold. Paperback: 8% of retail price on the first 150,000 copies sold, then 10% thereafter.

Can a self-published book be a bestseller? ›

So the answer is yes, your book can become a bestseller even if you choose the self-publishing option. But for this, you'll have to ensure it's very well edited, has an eye-catching cover, and also, you must invest in a good book promotion strategy.

How many pages in a book is a best seller? ›

But while books of all sizes have cracked the list at one point or another, the vast majority of #1 bestsellers fall into a much smaller range. Over 64% of the #1 bestsellers since the list began have fallen in the 200 to 400 page range.

What is the average length of a best selling book? ›

Most publishers consider novel length to be anywhere between 50,000 and 110,000 words. The average length of an adult novel is about 90,000 words.

What 30 year old makes $1.8 million self-publishing on Amazon? ›

A 30-year-old went from writing as a hobby to making $1.8 million in a year self-publishing on Amazon. Here's how he did it in less than 5 years and his best advice to other writers. What you want to know about New York. A section of Insider.

Is Amazon FBA worth it in 2023? ›

Summary – Is Amazon FBA Still Worth It In 2023? Yes, it's still an excellent opportunity to start a sustainable, scalable business in 2023 and beyond. The e-Commerce market is moving in the right direction for brand-new sellers.

What is the success rate of Amazon sellers? ›

Amazon's FBA success rate is 25% of Amazon sellers make a monthly profit of $1250-$6250. Yes, it's not easy to start an Amazon store in fact only 20% of sellers maintain a business that will produce at least $100k in profits in their entire FBA career.

How many books can you publish in a day on Amazon? ›

You can publish as many books on KDP as you want, as Amazon doesn't state a limit on this number. However, KDP does have a limit of 500 books allowed in the review or draft stage. Authors must wait for some of the books to be reviewed and published before uploading more titles.

Who is the biggest Amazon seller in the world? ›


How many book reviews on Amazon is good? ›

How Many Reviews Do I Need? For a minimum, you should try to get 20 reviews within the first two months after your book release date. That shows your book has traction with real readers. At around 50 reviews, you are probably good to go.

What is a good BSR? ›

Generally speaking, a good BSR is somewhere between 1-10,000. With that said, a good BSR is dependent on the number of products in a given category, and whether you're in the top . 5%, 1%, 3%, etc. of that category.

How many pages should a KDP book have? ›

The minimum page count is 24 pages, and the maximum page count depends on ink, paper, and trim size options.

What kind of books sell fast on Amazon? ›

What types of books sell best on Amazon?
  • Textbooks. If there was a “gold standard” of used books that you can sell on Amazon, it'd definitely have to be textbooks. ...
  • Niche books. ...
  • Comic books. ...
  • Collectibles. ...
  • Non-fiction. ...
  • Hardcovers.
Jan 20, 2022

What genre of book sells the most? ›

What Genres Sell the Most Books Right Now?
  1. Romance – Contemporary and Historical. Romance is consistently one of the top-selling book genres and has been so for many years. ...
  2. Crime and Thriller. ...
  3. Religious and Self-help. ...
  4. Children's Books – Humor. ...
  5. Fantasy and Sci-fi – Young Adult.
Nov 6, 2020

What books does Amazon refuse to sell? ›

Amazon has said that it will not sell books that frame gender or sexual identities as mental illnesses.
  • Amazon has said that it will not sell books that frame gender or sexual identities as mental illnesses.
  • "We reserve the right not to sell certain content," the company said in a letter to the US Congress.
Mar 12, 2021

How long does it take to sell low content books on Amazon? ›

Up to 72 hours for; up to 5 days for other marketplaces. For low-content books, it can take up to 10 business days.

Why is my low content book not selling? ›

Your book description isn't compelling enough, it contains spelling and grammatical errors, or isn't formatted properly. The quality of your book cover and interior doesn't match or exceed that of your competition's. Your book is not competitively priced.

Do people make money with low content books? ›

Because they don't require a lot of work to develop and create, low content books can sell repeatedly and are profitable. They are excellent sources of side income, we see people succeed in this over and over.

How long does it take to make money on KDP? ›

With Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), you can self-publish your book on Amazon and start making money in as little as 24 hours. Sounds a whole lot better than waiting months or even years to find an agent, get a book deal, and go through all the rigmarole of traditional publishing for a printed book, right?

What content is not allowed on KDP? ›

We don't sell certain content including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains p*rnography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.

Where can I find how many KDP book sold? ›

Go to the Reports tab in your KDP account. To open the old Sales Dashboard, click Reports(Old) on the left navigation panel. At the at the bottom of the old Sales Dashboard page, click Generate Report. Once the report has been generated, it will download to your computer for you to view.

Can you see how many items a seller has sold on Amazon? ›

How To Access Amazon Retail Sales (Order) Reports. To access your sale data, click on the “Reports” tab in your Seller Central account. Then select “Fulfillment->Sales-> All Order Reports.” You can choose to download a .

How many copies do you have to sell to be a bestseller on Amazon? ›

“How many books will I need to sell?” In order to hit #1 on Amazon, you'll need to sell somewherebetween 3,500 and 5,000 copies in 24 hours. Want to hit top 10? You'll need to sell roughly 300 for print, or 2,000+ copies for combined formats.

How long does it take for KDP to show sales? ›

Up to 72 hours for; up to 5 days for other marketplaces. For low-content books, it can take up to 10 business days. Updates to sales rank appear? Rankings are updated hourly but may take 24–48 hours to appear after the first completed sale.

Can Amazon sellers see who buys their product? ›

For any third-party seller on Amazon, customer information is a black box. When a brand converts a sale on their own website, they have access to the demographics and email addresses of their shoppers.

How many items does Amazon sell per second? ›

The company ships out over 66,000 products per hour and 19 orders per second. The site attracts millions of unique visitors and Amazon Prime members who purchase an item within 15 minutes.

How many sellers are active on Amazon? ›

How many sellers are on Amazon? Are you one of them? Learn all of the Amazon seller statistics you need to know here. Amazon is one of the largest seller platforms in the world, with 6.3 million total sellers and an incredible 1.5 million active sellers in 2021, according to Marketplace Pulse.

How many copies does an average book sell? ›

The average book in America sells about 500 copies. Those blockbusters are a minute anomaly: only 10 books sold more than a million copies last year, and fewer than 500 sold more than 100,000.

How many books do you have to sell to make 100k? ›

To make $100.000 / year, you have to sell 50.000 books, which equals to 50.000/12 = 4.667 books per month. After the first year, you'll have 12 books published. To make $100k with those 12 books, you'd need to sell 348 copies of each book each month.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.