St Aloysius' College - Uniform & Rules

Uniform & Rules

All students and parents/carers have signed the Home School Agreement, acknowledging their responsibility to adhere to and support the school’s rules and policies.

To view the Home School Agreement, please click here.

School Uniform

All students are expected to wear full school uniform at all times. All parents have signed an agreement to keep their son in full school uniform. For your information, here is a complete list of the uniform needed.

School Blazer

This is green and must have the school badge.

School Tie

Only the official school ties may be worn.


Plain white or grey shirt only.


Must be V-necked grey with red and green stripe. Sweatshirts and hooded tops are NOT permitted.


Plain dark grey or black. No denim.


Black or grey.


Plain black leather shoes, not ankle boots.

No suede, canvas, trainers, sports shoes or boots.

Laces and stitching must be black.


Boys are not permitted to wear a hat or cap other than during the winter months (November to March) when a woolly black hat is allowed. Please note caps are NOT allowed at any time.

School Coat

St Aloysius Outdoor Jacket featuring the school logo is available from our uniform suppliers.

Year 7-9 students (intake from September 2019): the St Aloysius Outdoor Jacket is the only coat permitted.

Year 10-11 students: St Aloysius Outdoor Jacket or a plain black outdoor coat with no logo.


This must be plain black, no logo. They must be large enough for text books (approx. 40 x 40 cm). Small sports/ string bags are acceptable for PE only.


  • Black official school P.E. top (from Price and Buckland)
  • White shorts
  • White sports socks
  • Trainers (practical sports trainers, no ‘fashion’ trainers)
  • Football boots
  • Gum Shield

School uniform can be purchased from Rough Cut Casuals, please click here to see their price list . 

P.E Kit can be purchased from Price & Buckland, please click here to see their price list . 

Code of Dress:

  • Hair must be cut in a conventional style; it should not be excessively short or long. Natural hair colour only, no extreme hairstyles. No markings or patterns to be cut into hair. No hair accessories (including bandanas, headscarves, beads or jewellery).
  • Boys should be clean shaven, no cuts to the eyebrows.
  • Shirts must be tucked in, top buttons must be fastened.
  • School tie must be worn correctly (i.e. at full length, to the waist).
  • Blazers must be worn at all times.
  • Earrings are not permitted. Plain wrist watches are the only jewellery allowed.
  • No tattoos or facial piercings.

Please note: The full school uniform rules apply both in school and outside school whilst in uniform.

If a student is unable to wear full school uniform he should be given a note from home. This will need to be seen and authorised by his Head of Year before the start of the school day. If appropriate the student will be able to attend lessons, if not he will be educated in the Learning Support Centre until the issue is rectified.

Phones and Valuables

Students are advised not to bring valuable items into school. The school cannot accept responsibility for items that are lost or stolen during the school day.

We accept that a number of parents require their sons to carry mobile phones and we will support this, providing they are not used on the school premises for any reason whatsoever. They should be turned off and kept in your son’s school bag until he leaves school for home. We cannot accept responsibility for any missing mobiles, nor will we investigate their loss. Should your son be found using a mobile phone while in school it will be confiscated and stored securely. Parents may collect the confiscated phone at their earliest convenience by visiting the school’s Main Reception. Alternatively, phones can be collected by the student 7 days after the date of confiscation.


It is the responsibility of all students to provide the necessary pens, pencils, ruler (which should all be kept in a pencil case) and any other equipment needed for each lesson.

Every student should have the following equipment everyday:

  • Pencil case
  • Pens – Black and Green
  • Pencil
  • Coloured pencils
  • Eraser
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Ruler

In addition to this, each student will require the following subject specific equipment;

     For Mathematics:

  • Protractor
  • H or H2 pencil
  • Set squares (30 and 60 degrees)
  • Scientific calculator

     For English:

  • A copy of ‘The Oxford Mini Dictionary’

     For Technology:

  • A workshop apron or workshop coat

Attendance and Punctuality

To redeem the greatest benefit from their education it is vital our students attend school regularly and arrive on time every day the school is open unless the reason for absence is unavoidable. Ensuring a child’s regular attendance at school is their parent/carer’s legal responsibility.

Below is a summary of our attendance and punctuality procedures. To view our full Attendance Policy please click here.


The school day starts promptly at 8:35am; all students are expected to be in their form class by this time. Any student arriving at the school gates after 8:30am will be noted and will receive a 30 minute lunch time detention.

In accordance with DfE guidelines, our registers close at 9:30am. Any student arriving after this time will receive an absence mark for the entire morning session. The school must deem this absence as ‘unauthorised’ unless the student’s parent/carer has notified the school of a legitimate reason for this (e.g. a medical/dental appointment which unavoidably falls in school time). Without notice from a parent/carer students may be required to be educated in our LSC for the morning session.

To notify the school of your child’s lateness please leave a message on our attendance voicemail by calling 020 7561 7800 and selecting option 1.

If a pupil is persistently late further sanctions will apply and their parent/carer will be asked to meet with a member of staff to discuss and resolve the issue.


If a pupil is to be absent their parent/carer must notify the school immediately and before 8:35am on each and every day of absence. Leave a message on our attendance voicemail by calling 020 7561 7800 and selecting option 1. Please clearly state; who you are, the name of the student, their form class, and the reason for absence.

If the school has not received an explanation for a pupil’s absence the parent will receive a text message from the school. This is an invaluable resource in ensuring the safety of our students by informing parents at the earliest opportunity if their child has not arrived at school as expected. It also offers parents a further opportunity to provide a reason for absence.

All absences must be recorded as either authorised or unauthorised. Multiple unauthorised absences can lead to the Local Authority issuing sanctions such as fines and legal proceedings.

Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason like genuine illness, medical/dental appointments which unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable cause.

In accordance with regulations, term time holidays must be requested in advance by writing to the Headteacher. However, in line with government guidelines, Islington schools will only be authorise holidays in exceptional circumstances, term time holiday requests are very likely to be denied resulting in unauthorised absence if a parent/carer chooses to take their son out of school during term time.

Please see Islington Council's Information for Parents leaflet on how to support good attendance and explanations of 'authorised' and 'unauthorised' absences.