Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - User Reviews - IMDb
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Its special effects, surprisingly, still look great
planktonrules14 August 2019
I have seen "Close Encounters" twice...once when it was in theaters and again today. I am very glad I did, as I not only enjoyed the movie but STILL marvel at its special effects. Now this is a big surprise, as many great films of the 70s and 80s look very dated when it comes to special effects....mostly because CGI has been a huge game changer and older pre-computerized graphics often don't hold up when compared to it. But this is not the case still looks lovely after many decades.

Because there are so many reviews for this one and it's pretty much considered a classic, I don't think I need to say much more. What was an excellent film is still an excellent film.
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A weak story
gbill-7487726 August 2022
I know this is a dissenting view, but this is a film that just never resonated with me. It feels too procedural, the obsession scenes seem overblown, and the 'close encounter' is unsatisfying. I admired how it was a peaceful meeting of civilizations trying to communicate given how these things are usually depicted, but I'm not sure it jived with the terrorizing assault at the home earlier, and the lack of any astonishment or fear didn't feel authentic. Humans coming back to the Earth after thirty years, ah yes, to be expected, right this way for your debriefing. Meanwhile the idea of a man leaving without a single thought about his wife and small children was bound to make viewers wonder, and you could just see the wheels turning in Spielberg's mind when he had the guy kiss the other woman on their hike up the mountain, a ridiculous moment probably in there to create stepping stones to what he does next. The story is just not that good here, character motivations are often suspect, and with its padded runtime dominated by tedious terrestrial subplots and other little annoyances like product placement, it felt more hokey than spiritual. Watch Arrival (2016) instead.
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Still remember the long line I waited in at 11 years old with my friends and big sister at theatre. ;D
midnitepantera21 June 2021
Was SOOOOOO excited to see this as a kid, with my friends and big sister (who got us in, since it was a PG movie) and it was AMAZING!!! We lived in New Mexico and would stay out late trying to spot UFO's . Ha hahaha Loved Crazy Richard Dreyfuss. That ship reveal was mind boggling to all us kids. ;D Ahhhhh Good Times!
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This is how you make a movie
concrndone1 June 2021
I was forced to watch this (again) because there simply nothing else on Netflix. There is, of course, but not nothing quite like this.

Close Encounters is Spielberg at his best. It has the same feel as Jaws. A very down-to-earth, lower-middle class suburban feel mixed with extra-ordinary out of this world.

Spielberg knows how to make a film. He knows how real people talk. What real people look and sound like.

This is a great film about the inexplicable and how it communicates with man. It's about seeing the world with different eyes.
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Aliens in Muncie make for Spielberg's Best Film Ever
WriterDave10 January 2006
Steven Spielberg has made huge popcorn blockbusters that gross more money at the box office (i.e. "Jaws," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," or "Jurassic Park") and are more exciting on a visceral level. As he as aged and matured as a director, he has also made movies that are more important and will hold a more solid place in the chronicles of film as an artistic document of history (i.e. "Schindler's List," "Saving Private Ryan," and "Munich"). For my money, his best film will still always be "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." This film is Spielberg's humanistic and heartfelt answer to Kubrick's intellectual and cerebral look at man's first contact with life from elsewhere in the universe in his 1968 opus "2001: A Space Odyssey."

"Close Encounters" came early on in Spielberg's career, made in 1977, and has all the hallmarks of his later films played just right before he became so self-referential. Here we have his typical bag of tricks long before they became so typical: familial strife, coming to terms with something bigger than oneself that challenges the male protagonist's view of the world around him, little kids in jeopardy, superb build up of suspense, fantastic visual effects, and a memorable score from John Williams. From the first UFO sightings in Muncie, Indiana to the fantastic finale at Devil's Tower in Wyoming, this is grand entertainment. Lots of films have emulated this movie to varying degrees of success, from Robert Zemeckis' earnest "Contact," to the shameful scam that was M. Night Shymalan's "Signs," and even Spielberg himself recently did the dark natured flip-side to benevolent alien encounters with his remake of "War of the Worlds" (which makes a fantastic double-feature with this). However, nothing compares to this true original. No other film has made me want to believe in aliens more, and I'll never look at a plate of mashed potatoes the same again.
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A pretty incredible movie.
Sleepin_Dragon29 January 2021
Aged forty, and there are many films I should have watched, and haven't, I will be rectifying that as soon as I can.

First up, Close encounters of the third kind, I can only imagine what it would have been like for someone seeing this at a cinema in 1977, I imagine it was epic. Watching this on a big screen in the dark, if is a spectacle lights.

Yes it's dated somewhat, of course it has, but the special effects are decent, but the story remains wonderful.

This showcases the art of storytelling, a movie that relies on the narrative, script and journey, as opposed to just special effects. It's an exciting, uplifting, wondrous affair, one I totally enjoyed.

Someone dismissing this out of hand, clearly has no concept of movies of any kind. When I'm bored with a film (Wonderwoman 1984) I twiddle on my phone, I didn't pick it up.

A wonderful movie. 8/10.
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Mixed feelings
wisewebwoman2 November 2008
When I saw this first in the theatre I was blown away. It affected me profoundly. I thought the whole concept was fresh and new, the family strife, the yearning for and then actively seeking a higher concept for one's life, the mental breakdown of the main character as he tries to visualize what's inside his head: messages from alien beings.

Richard Dreyfus, Francois Truffaut, Teri Garr, Melinda Dillon, all perfectly cast. Along with Cary, the child actor who is brilliant.

As a microcosm of life in the seventies, the film is amazingly evocative, the perfect young family suburb, the children, the stay at home wife, the backyard barbecues. The husband who is a dreamer and when he starts to act it out, shatters this perfect home life.

Then the action moves to the mountain where the aliens are preparing to land. This scene got me in the theatre and gets me now. It is highly emotional. The music, the lights, the response of the mother ship. Highly charged cinematic moments.

However, and it is a big one. The transition of Richard Dreyfuss's character is far too sudden, he turns his back on children he obviously adores without any reflection whatsoever. How on earth would they survive in a seventies world without his income? Also Bob Balaban and Richard Dreyfuss are almost twin like in appearance and I kept getting them mixed up.

Francois Truffaut gave a fine performance as did many of the minor players. And the special affects - way before modern CGI - are breathtaking for their time.

Sometimes one is better leaving a movie seen in a theatre on its release exactly there: a one time viewing only. Seeing it for a second time removes the wonder and awe of that first viewing.

I would have given it a 9 the first time, this time a 6 so I calculated a 7 out of 10 to be fair.
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Lost in the spectacle and suspense is a necessary character component
Movie_Muse_Reviews14 February 2010
After "Jaws" launched him toward eternal fame in 1975, Steven Spielberg's follow-up film would tackle a bigger cultural phenomenon: UFOs. "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was only the beginning of the director/producer's love affair with the possibility of life on other planets and the first to capture the magnitude of what first contact would be like with aliens in the era of emerging special effects.

But let's take a look at a film released just before it, in the same year (1977) in fact. A little film called "Star Wars." More than 30 years later it might not be fair to compare to the two, but the truth is that one film was about producing a big-budget cash-eating spectacle while the other was fulfilling the dream of a filmmaker to tell an amazing story in a world never before imagined. "Star Wars" has heart and "Close Encounters" has nothing but our attention.

It's hard to knock a film made before I was born in an era where I can't appreciate it for what it was at the time, but there are a lot of fundamental storytelling principles simply left out of this story that one cannot overlook. Visual effects, cinematography and Spielberg's knack for crafting great cinematic moments aren't enough to cover up barely existent character motivation.

I've read that Spielberg has regrets about the ending of this film, that his main character, Roy (Richard Dreyfuss), wouldn't make the choice he makes in the end. I have to agree -- and it's symptomatic of his entire film. Roy is a normal suburban Indiana family man who we don't know much about. Then his truck stalls and he has a close encounter with some kind of UFO. Suddenly he's a madman, being haunted by images of a mesa, ruining his familial relationships. He's driven as if by some other force to go all the way to Wyoming to figure out what it's all about.

Spielberg has us at that last bit of figuring out what it's all about. Roy, on the other hand, and the mother of a child who was "abducted" (Melinda Dillon) are just inexplicably possessed and driven to madness by a vision of a mesa. Roy going crazy and throwing dirt into his kitchen window or randomly sitting in the tub with the shower on for hours keeps our attention, but there's little sympathy going on because we really have no idea who he is. The ending scene of the film is much the same way. It's this drawn out scene of VFX spectacle and flashing lights and John Williams music but it's only a climax in that awing sense and in finally delivering what the film has been hiding from us the whole time. It is not a climax of great character realization (or at least epiphany that makes sense). It can be completely basic, like Luke Skywalker trusting the force, believing in his destiny and then becoming victorious, but it still has to be there and resonate with us in some way.

I certainly recognize some of the brilliant scene work Spielberg does throughout parts of the beginning and the latter half of the film, but there's a reason this is not a classic for all generations: great movies, especially sci-fi films, tell stories that transcend bad special effects or any other inhibitors and "Close Encounters" is about making a suspenseful film, not telling a deeply human story.

~Steven C

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A terrific movie about alien contact.
barnabyrudge20 April 2005
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is a film about aliens landing on earth, but instead of descending into the usual laser-gun confrontations between humans and aliens, this one dares to remain "peaceful". It is a film about contact, not conflict. It is also a wonderfully thoughtful film and a prime example of compelling story-telling. If there is a weakness with Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, it is that the director Steven Spielberg occasionally allows sentimentality to enter into the proceedings, but in truth it is a very minor weakness and it doesn't significantly spoil this tremendous movie experience.

Several missing aircraft turn up over 30 years after they were reported lost. More baffling still is the fact that they vanished over Florida but have turned up, in pristine condition and without pilots, in the middle of Mexico. Other weird things happen: an aeroplane pilot reports a near collision with a brightly lit spacecraft; a Navy warship missing for decades is found in the desert; thousands of Indians report a light in the sky which "sang" to them; and across America there are scores of inexplicable UFO sightings. Electrician Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is a normal family man who sees one of the UFOs. Soon after, he is tormented by a vision apparently implanted in his mind by the aliens. His torment becomes obsession as he tries to figure out the meaning of a hill-like shape that has become embedded in his mind. As his marriage collapses, he desperately tries to find answers and is finally gratified when he discovers that the picture in his head is trying to tell him where to go in order to witness an extra terrestrial landing.

The fact that Roy Neary is just an everyday guy cast into the most incredible of circumstances gives this film a real human dimension. Roy could represent any one of us - you, me, your next door neighbour, your father, whoever. Spielberg tells his story very carefully, adding clues and more layers of mystery before actually revealing where the story is heading. It is probably the most controlled and skillfully paced of Spielberg's '70s films. The ending, featuring the alien arrival, is a technical tour-de-force, but it works well on an emotional level too because the viewer has grown to know Roy and has been drawn into his quest for answers. John Williams provides yet another legendary music score - including an iconic five-note tune which the aliens and humans use to communicate with each other. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is a classic sci-fi film, as fresh and absorbing now as it was back in 1977.
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Transforming Fear to Wonder
hippybear16 July 2004
An amazing film, one of my favorites. I watch this regularly, especially at times when the reality of life is overwhelming, just to refocus and regain some sense of perspective.

Everything in this film works toward one end: to transform the adult sense of fear back into the childlike sense of wonder at the world. From the very opening moments of the film, designed to create confusion and startlement, this movie creates a sensation of dread and foreboding. The dissonance of the soundtrack, the juxtaposition of images, they all are working to build into the viewer a feeling that something just isn't right, that something out of the ordinary is taking place, and underscoring this all with a sense that this is something to resist, to pull away from, to not allow it to affect one's "ordinary life."

But as the movie progresses, the tone begins to shift, and the true intent of the film begins to peek through. This isn't about being afraid of the unknown, but rather embracing it. Paying attention to the "subliminal images" in life, allowing them to lead you into something unknown and perhaps dangerous, only then can one be open to wonder and experience the world through the magical eyes of a child.

Dreyfuss' character takes us on this journey, met with resistance all along the way. His wife, his neighbors, his job, his community, all are working against him, and it's only when he's reached his craziest that he truly gives in and begins to stop trying to understand and instead embraces the experiences in store for him. The scientific community is seeking to understand, but without having any personal calling to be involved. Only Barry is truly able to throw himself into the strangeness that is taking place, and his enthusiasm is greeted by both the characters and the audience as somehow alien and threatening.

The ending of this film, when all the fear is finally stripped away and the sense of amazed wonder overtakes everyone on the screen and in the audience, brings about an amazing catharsis. Discarding all the "adult" sensibilities and being able to approach life once again with a sense of innocent amazement for the Strange hidden amongst the Ordinary, one can begin again to approach life from a fresh vantage point.

Powerful, mystifying, and rejuvenating. I highly recommend this film for anyone jaded with life and seeking a sense of renewal.
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personal all-time favorite
billreynolds27 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
For my taste, the first hour and a half of this movie is the greatest stretch of filmmaking ever. Up until Roy and Jillian reach the "dark side of the moon" on Devil's Tower, this movie is perfect. No, it's beyond perfect -- it's sublime. It takes me to a level of bliss that no other movie can do.

Many critics and viewers -- including a number on this site -- don't like this movie at all. Those who do like it almost uniformly like the final sequence, the "alien landing," the best. For me it is the rest of the movie that is the most remarkable. Some of my favorite sequences:

1. The blinding flash of light that ends the opening credits and leads us to a sandstorm in Sonora Desert, Mexico -- Present Day, with various team leaders, Bob Balaban, and Francois Truffaut speaking three languages as they find a whole bunch of old Navy planes lost in the Bermuda Triangle and an old geezer who saw something very strange. "El sol salio a noche. Y me canto," he keeps saying. Translation: "He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him." Then Balaban translates for Truffaut: "Il dit que le soleil etait venue ici hier soir, et qu'il chantait pour lui." Then Balaban disappears in a cloud of dust. The mystery created in that sequence is incredible -- the greatest opening of all time, if you ask me. Trivia note: that sequence was the last Spielberg filmed before the movie's release. The shooting script opens with Indianapolis Flight Control, but Spielberg decided he wanted a new opening and shot this after production had wrapped. Supposedly this sequence was inspired by the Iraqi prologue in the Exorcist.

2. Roy's first encounter with the aliens in his power company truck -- a brilliantly conceived and edited sequence. I love the dolly in to Roy's window as he pants in shock in the shadows, then the comedy of his reaction when the lights in the truck come back on.

3. The "sky speeders" disappearing into the clouds over Muncie, followed by lightning and then the lights of the city coming back on, bit by bit. Spielberg's use of miniatures here is breathtaking -- as it was in 1941 and as it is later in CE3K when the UFO believers gather again to await another encounter and the lights from the government helicopters move toward them across the plains below.

4. The entire sequence of Roy going crazy. This was controversial with critics -- Pauline Kael, who loved the movie generally, hated Roy throwing the bushes into the kitchen -- and Spielberg actually cut the entire digging up the garden sequence from the so-called "Special Edition." To me, though, this is the absolute heart of the movie. Ask people what they remember from CE3K and the first thing they'll say is "mashed potatoes." To my mind, the garden sequence is one of those magical moments that is so funny and so sad it's just perfect. I believe every second of it, every time. The reactions of the kids are perfect -- the oldest son is big enough to be angry, while the middle says, "Dad, when we're finished with this can we throw dirt in my window?" (In the dinner sequence, little Sylvia has arguably the best line in a movie full of them -- "I hate, I hate these potatoes. There's a dead fly in my potatoes." An ad lib, of course.)

In recent years, Spielberg has expressed concern with the fact that Roy leaves his family to pursue the aliens, and has said that if he were to make the movie over again, he would change that part. To my way of thinking, if you take that out, there is no movie. What this movie is really about is Roy's obsession, and that, I think, is why it has such a hold on me personally. This movie is about what it's like for a person whose life has lost its meaning suddenly finding there is a really important purpose, and pursuing that purpose at all costs. Is it right for him to turn his family's life upside down and ultimately leave them behind to do that? No. But his obsession is understandable, I think, and the purpose Roy finds is something a lot of people would like to feel. Also, it's clear that Roy is not acting entirely of his own free will -- he has been "commanded" subliminally to make his way to Devil's Tower.

I am not aware of any other movie -- or book, or any other source, for that matter -- that portrays 70s suburban life so accurately. The street, the house, the cars, the toys, the furniture -- it is like an archeological document. And the way the kids act, and the family conflicts -- to my way of thinking, they are all portrayed with unerring accuracy and realism. Some have contended that Ronnie is unflatteringly portrayed, but to me that's not fair. She can't be blamed for reacting the way she does to Roy -- many people in her shoes would. Garr's performance is brilliant; she and Dreyfuss are magical together. Melinda Dillon, too, is brilliant in her role. In the shooting script, the sexual attraction between Roy and Jillian was more overt, but Spielberg wisely downplays it in the finished film. It's only hinted at, although it is there.

The actual "alien landing" sequence, in my opinion, is a letdown. It's brilliantly photographed and realized, but once Roy and Jillian make it to the dark side of the moon, the primary tension in the story is gone. If I could edit this movie, I'd take a major pair of shears to the final sequence, cut it down to maybe half its current length. I do get choked up when I see Roy in his red suit at the end of the line of astronauts, though, and Jillian wiping tears away as she clicks away with her Kodak.

As with the original Star Wars, my other all-time favorite movie, I have a problem with the way this picture has been hacked and altered from its original release through various special editions. I understand it's possible to watch the original 1977 cut on the DVD, and I'm glad of that. That original version is the best. I first got to know this movie on ABC in the early 1980s, when it was shown with all the original and Special Edition footage edited together. Personally, I don't think the special edition footage adds much (even the Gobi desert sequence, which is an interesting concept that was in the shooting script, stands out because it was obviously shot by a different DP and doesn't have Truffaut in it).

Anyway, I will always cherish this movie. "You tell Crystal Lake we're going to candlepower in ten minutes!" "Zey belong here more zan we." "There's always some joker who thinks he's immune." "You can't fool us by agreeing with us." "What the hell is going on around here? Who the hell are you people?" "Ronnie, everything's fine. All this stuff is coming down."
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Another Memorable Spielberg Hit From the '70s
ccthemovieman-110 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably considered "a classic" by now, along with a few other 1970s Steven Spielberg movies. At the time of its release almost 30 years ago, the special-effects in here were astounding to view....and still hold up! They are still fun to watch.

The scenes in the beginning of this movie and at the end, are indelibly imprinted in my memory cells as well as millions of others. Who can ever forget that opening scene in the farmhouse when the little boy (Gary Guffey) is kidnapped or that ending with the gigantic spacecraft hovering over Devil's Hole in Wyoming, or the sound sequences emitted by the scientists trying to communicate with the aliens? There are many, many memorable scenes in this film - probably its biggest attribute.

To me, the only uncomfortable scene is the yelling match with Richard Dreyfuss and his family. The only message I didn't care for also involved Dreyfuss' character, who is "envied" at the end. Funny, I don't see a man who thoughtlessly leaves his family beyond as someone to be envied. Overall Dreyfuss looked more like a "Doofus" in here.

There are other credibility problems in here, too, but overall it's extremely interesting storytelling, great colors and special-effects and just about everything that director Steve Spielberg is noted for in his successful box-office films which translates to one crucial factor: entertainment.
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Spielberg Takes You Into A Realm Beyond the Known
jhclues26 July 2001
Strange things are happening around the world; things that challenge the imagination and open the mind to possibilities almost beyond imagining. Things that only director Steven Spielberg can explain, which he does in his monumental epic of man's encounter with alien life, `Close Encounters of the Third Kind.' Planes lost in WWII suddenly appear in a Mexican desert; a long lost ship turns up in the middle of the Gobi Desert; and in Dharmsala, Northern India, hundreds of people are gathered together, singing--a short `tune' that consists of a mere five notes, over and over, repeatedly. When they are asked where they heard this tune, the throng, as one, dramatically thrust their hands into the air and point to the sky. And, indeed, in the skies all around the world, strange things are happening.

And even as these events are transpiring, one evening in Muncie, Indiana, the city is suddenly blacked out by an inexplicable power outage. Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is at home when it hits, and he is called in by the power company for which he works, then sent out in the darkness to an unfamiliar location. Lost, he sits in his pick-up truck at a railroad crossing, studying a map, when all at once he notices a `disturbance' around him. Mailboxes along the side of the road are clanging open and shut by themselves; then things inside his truck begin to move, subtly at first, then erupting and flying about as if caught up in a tornado--and then just as suddenly his truck is engulfed in a blinding light. He leans out the window for a look, but it's too bright and he has to pull back. Then just as abruptly, it all stops-- the disturbance, the light-- everything. And he looks out the window again; but this time he sees something. And though he doesn't realize it at the time, at that moment, his life changed forever.

In this wonderfully realized, highly imaginative film that is extremely well crafted and presented by Spielberg, he takes you along with Roy in the days that follow that strange occurrence in Muncie. Roy becomes lost in thought, drifting, unable to focus on anything, much to the consternation of his wife, Ronnie (Teri Garr). But he can't help himself; something-- an image-- has begun to form in his mind. He has no idea what it is or what it means, but it becomes an obsession, and slowly it begins to take shape: First in a handful of shaving cream, then in a plate of mashed potatoes, which he piles up and begins to sculpt with his fork, while Ronnie and his kids look on in bewilderment. But he can see it in his mind, and it's like a mountain-- a mountain shaped like a `tower.' And Roy isn't the only one. Around the world, others are being drawn to the same image in their minds, and it's a force that compels them, pushing them on to find whatever it is, a power so strong in cannot be denied or refused. They know only one thing: Whatever it is, it's important, and they have no choice but to follow where it may lead. And it becomes a great adventure, one in which they discover what Man has long suspected: We are not alone.

Richard Dreyfuss is perfectly cast as Neary, a regular guy-- he could be your neighbor or the man who comes to install your phone-- and gives a thoroughly convincing, introspective performance while creating a character with whom it is easy to relate and through whom you are able to share this unique adventure. Garr does a good job, as well, as Ronnie, the wife concerned with her husband's sudden and seemingly bizarre behavior, someone with whom you can certainly sympathize. Dillon delivers, too, as the single mother who suddenly finds herself caught up in these inexplicable and extraordinary events, and also turning in a memorable performance is the young Cary Guffey, as Barry, Jillian's son, who makes his own connection with the other-worldly visitors.

The supporting cast includes Francois Truffaut (Lacombe), Bob Balaban (Laughlin) and Lance Henriksen (Robert). An uplifting, positive motion picture, `Close Encounters of the Third Kind' is thoroughly entertaining, as well as thought provoking. Spielberg draws you in as few filmmakers can, with a great story and with characters who are readily accessible and with whom it is easy to identify-- all of which adds up to an absorbing, memorable and enjoyable experience, and a perfect example of the real magic of the movies. I rate this one 10/10.
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Strong emotional core that avoids Rockwell-esque sentimentality
bob the moo24 January 2003
When the whole area suffers a full blackout, electrician Roy Neary is called out to service some poles suspected of being down. Sitting in his truck trying to find directions he is suddenly caught in a bright light and the electric's on his truck fail. Shortly it passes and he sees a craft pass overhead. At the same time nearby a woman pursues her young son who has wandered out in search of the lights that have been calling to him. Both adults are left wanting to know the truth and filled with half-ideas and images that haunt them – when Gillian Guiler son is taken, this becomes even more important to them. Meanwhile the military, led by investigator Claude Lacombe uncover planes and ships that have been missing for decades and uncover hidden codes and signals in the mysterious crafts.

I am currently ploughing my way through Speilberg's Taken on BBC2 so I thought I'd give this classic another view just to remind myself how good Speilberg and aliens can be. The plot is perfect for any UFO nut – the government are behind everything and know of everything. The story unfolds really well – the three main stories complimenting each other and giving the film a sense of pace. The strand with Lacombe following events all round the globe is the least personal (and thus least involving) but it is enticing us for the climax of the film. Neary's soul searching maybe does go on a little too long but the emotion in the family situation is intense and his frustration and sense of confusion is very real. Although the thrid strand has less screen time the abduction of the child is a powerful scene and the emotion is well brought out.

The special effects are very good but the glue of the film is the emotional telling. This is Speilberg doing well – he never really gives into his American Apple Pie style sentimentality and the film keeps moving along and has a real emotional heart to it. The climax of the movie always sort of messes me up and I find it best not to question it's logic on any level for fear of holes opening up all over it – but it does have a sense of childlike wonder to it, which I guess Speilberg was trying to get across.

As usual Dreyfuss does well under Speilberg and he is mostly responsible for keeping the emotion in his character realistic without being all syrupy and sickly. Truffaut is OK but it's impossible to see him as anyone but Francis Truffaut and his character suffers as a result. Garr and Dillon are both strong female characters for different reasons and the support cast are generally very good (including a good handful of the Dreyfuss family).

Overall this film never gets me as one of the greatest sci-fi's of all time, but it is certainly a very good film that takes `real' people as it's driver and not flashy effect shots. That `Taken' seems to be slipping into Norman Rockwell type mawkishness is good enough reason to revisit CE3K.
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One of my personal favourite Steven Spielberg films
TheLittleSongbird3 October 2010
I like a lot of Steven Spielberg films, such as Schindler's List, Raiders of the Lost Ark, ET, Jaws and Jurassic Park and Close Encounters of the Third Kind is no exception. Although I have given it a very high score, I do not think this film is perfect. The script isn't the best in a Steven Spielberg movie, but it is serviceable enough. Also Close Encounters of the Third Kind starts off a little slow, but once it gets going, it is exciting and it never stops being exciting.

So why have I given it a high score? Well when I was a kid, it was a personal favourite of mine. I especially loved it for the special effects and score. Years later at 18, I dug my old video out and those memories came back. It isn't quite as good now, but I still consider it one of Spielberg's best. The special effects are absolutely spectacular, the cinematography is excellent and John Williams' score is outstanding and one of his better works(Jaws and Star Wars being his best). The story is also quite engrossing, there is a great mixture of mundane everyday life and of course the extraordinary events such as the kidnap of the young child which I still find quite terrifying to this day and Dreyfuss' slip into apparent insanity.

Spielberg's direction hits all the right buttons, and while protracted for me the climax is impossible to not get caught up in. The acting is fine, Richard Dreyfuss is perfect as Roy, particularly with the childlike inquisitiveness he brings to the role and Francois Truffant makes for an elegant UFO expert. Overall, this is a fine film and one of my personal favourite films from Spielberg. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Beautiful, extraordinary and beautiful.
TruPretender9 August 2005
Watch the skies, you may see the stars move. Is it your imagination, or did it really happen. Answer to that could go both ways. Three UFOs fly past you while you are on the highway, one bright blue, the other red and blue, and the third bright orange, followed by a small red orbit tailgating it. Was this real, or just your imagination: Either it was real, or you must be seeing things...

Thus is among th many questions asked in the Steven Spielberg UFO classic, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" a film that explores not just the possibility that we are not alone in the universe, but a film that compels us to look inside ourselves and try to find the real meaning in our lives. The story starts when lost pilots planes are being found, except that they have been lost for over thirty years! And in another part of this world, a married man, working for a cable company, experiences a "close encounter" of the first kind - sighting a UFO. Then, he experiences physical experiences regarding a shape and place he has never comprehending before. With a scientific expedition in pursuit, Roy Neary( Richard Dreyfuss) and a fellow "close encountering" Jillian Guiler(Melinda Dillon) try to find out the answer to their questions of why these strange occurrences are happening.

As realistic as it could be, this film transcends the usual alien picture because it portrays the unbelievable as totally realistic and what one wouldn't expect - intelligent life is just that - intelligent, and accepting, of our world and universe. The images in this film light up the screen and make you feel like you are living a dream, with flurry images of light, making one feel warm and gentle. The locations are great too, as they go from Mongolian deserts, to farmlands, to the famous "Devil's Tower" in Wyoming, where the main magic happens.

The characters are what really grab you. Roy Neary, the main focus, is as normal as he can be, what with working for a power company. A perfect fit in the puzzle this movie weaves. Francois Truffaut makes an almost rare appearance in a much bigger role than usual, as an astronaut that is just as fascinated with these happenings as the rest of the civilians. All characters are credible and you just learn to love 'em. The story lines (including family values, what is more important in one's life, and what the ultimate experience in heaven is) are as empathetic as it can get.

John Williams scores a masterpiece with a score that touches all the senses in our subconscious and takes us on a journey with the characters, but on a journey within ourselves, as does the movie, and in the end, you feel refreshed and ready to take on your troubles and strife.

The matter of which version is which is a real conversation piece. As the original theatrical version is VERY rarely seen, one suspects, based on many reviews, that the 1980 re - release is a much better film. But this should not hinder any viewings of this spectacular film.

Spielberg, get back to these kinds of films!
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"This is nuts".
classicsoncall4 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the movies I saw when they first came out I haven't seen since, so I'm getting around to all of them once again in due time. I had forgotten how clever the set up to this one was, with so many early scenes suggesting more of a horror element to the story rather than a sci-fi slant. With a less suggestive title, Spielberg might have kept the viewer on the hook until the first alien actually appears at the end of the story.

The whole notion of Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) becoming totally obsessed with finding an answer to his pyramid problem seemed credible enough, but as the picture progressed, I think his bizarre behavior robs the picture of some of the magic and warmth that the director was trying to achieve. When Roy kisses Jillian (Melinda Dillon), the thought of betrayal crossed my mind and I no longer saw him as a sympathetic character on a quest. The earlier segments in which he begins to alienate his family would have been unsettling enough if it involved just Roy and his wife (Terri Garr), but seeing the kids torn up like that probably isn't fair game for a family night at the movies. When he boards the spaceship to fulfill his obsession, I kept wondering how this was all going to settle out with the rest of the Neary's. Like so many pictures, this one closes out with no afterthought of what will happen to the rest of the characters once the finale has played out.

With all that, the movie still has it's place among Hollywood's premier attractions, and is a visual treat with it's many special effects. The mother ship presents a stunning blend of color and sound, and this was the first film I can remember that suggests the appearance of aliens along the lines of Whitley Strieber's visitors, popularized almost a decade later in his non-fiction work 'Communion'. The one thing I couldn't fathom though, was the amount of dirt it would have taken to build the mock Devil's Tower in the Neary living room. Those four or five shovels of dirt lobbed through the kitchen window wouldn't have cut it, and as I think about it now, is one more of those afterthoughts that poor wife Ronnie would have had to deal with if she ever returned home.
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Space Aliens Kidnapped My Baby!
kenjha22 March 2011
Space aliens invade Indiana and kidnap a three-year-old! It is not clear why the power goes out and household appliances go berserk when the aliens approach. It's also not explained why those who have seen the alien ship suddenly become obsessed with a mountain they have never seen. In fact, there is no rhyme or reason to anything that goes on in this unbelievably stupid film. Spielberg has made a few turkeys in his career but this is surely his worst. His script is totally nonsensical and becomes increasingly tedious before reaching an utterly ridiculous ending. It turns out the space aliens are star babies from Kubrick's "2001," except that they have now become creepy toddlers.
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Spellbound and groundbreaking classic science fiction picture by the great Steven Spielberg
ma-cortes28 November 2005
It's a clever sci-fi in which our protagonist (Richard Dreyfuss) isn't the typical nutty scientific , but an ordinary man who causes a rift with his wife (Teri Garr) and works in a local electrify company . Dreyfuss and a mother (Melinda Dillon) whose son (Cary Guffey) is abducted , contact an UFO mystery which leads to a location where rare events are happening . Dreyfuss is excellent confronting mysteries and bizarre problems that achieves ultimately resolve .

This phenomenal Sci-Fi packs thrills , emotion , suspense and wonderful frames . Impressive images continue in crescendo until the riveting finishing , a long twenty-minutes sequence that is really imposing . Sympathetic performances from the main cast , such as Richard Dreyfuss , Gary Guffey and Melinda Dillon . Cary Guffey's acting was so good that they only ever had to do one or two takes of each shot he was in . He became known as One-Take Cary on the set, and Steven Spielberg had a t-shirt printed up for him with the phrase written on it . Stanley Kubrick was so impressed by Cary Guffey's performance that he wanted him for the role of Danny Torrence in The shinning (1980) .

The picture obtained Academy Award for the rousing cinematography (Vilmos Zsigmond and cameramen William A. Fraker and Douglas Slocombe), Sound effects and was nominated : support actress (Melinda Dillon), music score (John Williams )and other technicians Oscars . Extraordinary soundtrack by maestro composer John Williams ; the iconic five-note melody was a chance arrangement that both John Williams and Steven Spielberg happened to like out of hundreds of different permutations . Fascinating especial effects were realized by specialists as Douglas Trumbull , Richard Yuricich and Dennis Muren . Filming was realized with rigid security rules , circumstances that originated an enormous interest when it was exhibited in 1977 Christmas . Spielberg admired to Francois Truffaut and contracted him to play an important role as a scientific along with Bob Balaban . Truffaut saw as Spielberg directed very fine to children and suggested him that he would make one film featured for them and he subsequently made E.T. Steven Spielberg has stated that absolutely nothing in his life has been more difficult than editing the final 25 minutes of Close Encounters of the Third Kind . This enchanting movie , magnificently written by Spielberg , contains his usual references to Pinocho (Carlo Collodi) , his preferred book . Rating : Awesome , above average.
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Slow Encounters Of The Worst Kind
jimbo-53-18651119 July 2015
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is so terrible in so many ways that I'm at a loss as to where I even begin....

For starters very little happens in the film; now I'm not someone who has ADHD who needs explosions and car chases every two minutes in order to keep my interest in a film, but if you're going to set up a film in a slow burning way then it's always a good idea to make the characters interesting or give your audience something to care about. Seven Samurai is a good example of a film that is slow, but in that film the viewer is rewarded for their patience by a spectacular closing act. No such luck here. The first 90 minutes revolve around spaceships flying around we then have Dreyfuss and his family squabbling and arguing - all this isn't helped by the fact that none of them have a shred of likability about them. As the mother, Teri Garr was particularly grating and her overacting became mildly irritating. Likewise, the kids were annoying as well and the family melodrama that we witness for the majority of the running time gave me a mild headache.

I think the worst thing about this film is that Spielberg somehow manages to make this family unfriendly; younger viewers will be more forgiving than an adult audience and won't look for things such as poor character development, plot holes etc. Kids will just want the film to be fun and exciting and the problem here is that Close Encounters is neither. I can imagine kids saying 'Mummy, Daddy, when's this going to get going?' 'When is something going to happen?' Then mummy and daddy are going to be forced to apologize for wasting 2 hours of their children's time when they realise that it doesn't get going and that nothing happens. I can honestly imagine this film causing a family row.

Close Encounters is a terrible film and I can only assume that the high ratings have been awarded by Spielberg devotees - you know the sort of people who refuse to accept that he's capable of making a bad film. I, for one, would class myself as a Spielberg fan and have loved several of this films including Schindler's list, the first 3 Indiana Jones films, Jaws, Duel. However, I am prepared to accept that he does misfire on occasions by making boring films such as this and Empire Of The Sun. If you must watch a Spielberg film that involves an extra terrestrial encounter then you'd be better off watching ET.
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Spielberg Directs Star Bores
Theo Robertson3 July 2005
This came close to breaking box office records when it was released in 1977 but for the life of me I have no idea why . I disliked this movie upon seeing on its British television premiere one Christmas ( In those days the only time you'd get to see a good movie on television was at Christmas or Easter ) in the early 1980s and after seeing it again earlier today I now know why I disliked it - It was directed by Steven Spielberg I'm sorry to be a heretic but has there ever been a more overrated director ? With CLOSE ENCOUNTERS we see all the flaws of Spielberg's work

1 ) Shot duration - Notice how the camera stays locked onto a scene ? Take for example a scene early in the film where the Neary family make small talk ? There's no inter cutting in the scene as the camera holds still for a couple of minutes . I may be wrong but it might in fact be shorter than a couple of minutes but feels far longer . There doesn't seem to be a single scene in the whole movie that doesn't suffer from this flaw which means the entire film feels painfully longer than it actually is . To give you an idea of how bad this is cast your mind back to the first time you saw the special edition . Didn't you ask yourself if there was any difference between the original and special editions ? I know I did , and compare the special edition of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS to the special edition of ALIENS or the extended releases of LORD OF THE RINGS and you'll realise the original version of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is a very badly edited movie that suffers from overlong shot duration and most of Spielberg's other movies , especially AI , suffer from this directorial flaw

2 ) The score - I can understand Spielberg rehiring John Williams after the superb work the composer did with JAWS but if he did such a good job with JAWS why did Spielberg allow him to get away with a mediocre score here ? The alien spaceship theme is memorable but the other music in the film is very irritating because despite being intrusive it fails to convey what the audience should be feeling and eventually sounds like an orchestral dirge . It's also interesting to note that while Hans Zimmer and Howard Shore are head and shoulders above Williams as a composer Spielberg still continues to hire him for every film he directs and I've no idea why . This movie should have ended the partnership

3 ) Mawkish family sentiment - Being a Spielberg movie means we have to endure American apple pie family scenes and my god it's an endurance . Living in Scotland I fail to connect with these middle American families but I guess if you live in middle America you'd probably fail to recognise these type of characters also . I notice Spielberg's latest release WAR OF THE WORLDS has shoehorned an American family into the narrative when the original novel worked well enough without an American dad and daughter

Sorry if you're reading this Steven , I hope this criticism hasn't ruined my career as a Hollywood screenwriter and I realise that it's not entirely your fault since a movie about benign aliens isn't going to impress a lot of critics so lets blame the producers . I mean we see people being abducted by alien spaceships which was the premise of UFO . Despite the overall flaws of that Gerry Anderson series the idea of aliens abducting humans so they can steal their organs is a scary and compelling idea . Unfortunately there's no such horrible goings on here as we're treated to a happy ending . Likewise the government conspiracies of keeping alien contacts secret is very twee after seeing numerous episodes of THE X FILES , in this movie nosy people don't meet a violent death at the hands of government spooks

Can you imagine how much better this film might have been if it had been produced as UFO meets THE X FILES ? In fact it'd probably have increased Spielberg's standing amongst a lot of people including myself . But as it stands I think this movie is summed up best as STAR BORES
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How an incredibly boring movie with no plot can still make lots of money
The-Sarkologist18 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I come to this movie I ask myself two questions: what is the point of it and is it here just to show off special effects. The answer that I come up with is: there is none and yes. I haven't seen this movie seen I was a kid and the only thing I could remember was a scene where a number of spaceships fly over a road and a small boy cries out "Icecream". I really only watched this movie for the special effects, and one must say that for the time, the effects were very good. Watching it now, I just think that it is Spielburg saying, "hey, look how much money I can spend on a pointless movie." This movie indeed has not real point or plot. What seems to be happening is that machinery that has disappeared, allegedly because of alien abductions, is now appearing around the world. Then there are some strange lights appearing over Idaho and this kid runs out of the house and stands on a road as space ships fly over. There are a number of other people here as well. One of them is a guy that ends up losing his wife and kids because of this experience. Personally that scene just made me sick because it revealed the problems with marriage, people think it is great until they hit the first obstacle, and then marriage is horrid. People simply don't take note of the marriage vows anymore – to be with that person through all manner of hardships. The breakup of this marriage is simply pathetic.

All these people have been implanted with the knowledge of a mountain where the aliens are going to land. The army also knows of this place and forces everybody else out. Two people manage to get there though, even though the army tries to stop them by using a nerve gas scare and then sleeping gas. When they reach the place, the aliens appear in a huge ship that makes the mountain looks small, they speak with music (even though I doubt the humans actually know what is being said), and then the aliens return their abducties (all Americans), another lot are sent on board, we have a look inside the mothership and the movie ends.

From this synopsis there seems to be a big indication that there is no point to this movie. In my comments of this movie, I am probably going very much against what the critics say, but I seriously feel that this movie is long winded, dull, and pointless. It is not pointless in the existentialist style, but pointless in that it seriously has a non-existence plot. It is a movie simply made to show off special effects, and even Jurasic Park had more of a plot to it than this. There is the government conspiracy in this movie, but is still leads to a pointless ending. The boy is abducted by aliens, but why did the aliens take an interest in him in the first place? There is no answer to this and I feel that this was only done for some scene.

No, I do not like this movie. It may be quoted as a Steven Spielburg masterpiece, but I refuse to say that it is. It probably didn't flop, but that is because people were dazzled with the special effects. What is interesting though is that at the time of the creation of this movie, we have the government coverups. Cover-ups never came into constant use until the late 80's and the 90's so it is interesting to see it used here. The cover up is not as evil as it is in such movies as Conspiracy Theory or series like the X-files, but it is used. Possible it deals with the distrust of the government after Watergate, but moreso it is seen as for the publics safety rather than anything else.

There are no antagonists here, except maybe the army, and they are not portrayed in a genuinely evil light either. Rather they have their goals and they don't want people around to see it. Personally I think this is a movie that can be missed. There is a special edition that I saw, which means that it is longer and more boring than the original.
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The Third Narrative
tedg8 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Herein.

I give Speilberg little credit, even claim that he has taken us several steps backward in how we use our visual imagination. And for that he deserves distain. But he was not always excessively vulgar, visually lowbrow. Before `ET,' he did some strongly visual work and he tried hard to work in an intelligent way.

This film is his most purely visual. You can watch it entirely with no sound, or if you are clever, with music but no dialog. It is not well framed. It does not do anything interesting with the camera eye. It does not invent a style, or innovate in any way. But it does read visually. And it does paint effectively with light. Today after 25 years, that use of light still shines.

This film is also his experimentation with exposure to great thinkers in film. The film itself doesn't have any great ideas, but you can see Speilberg's striving. He casts Truffault in the role of the representative of the human race, the one man who knows more than anyone else. For those who don't know, Truffault was possibly the most articulate person ever in the film world: he weaves so compelling a story that after a career as a critic he launched the `new wave,' a notion that is all intellectual force but completely devoid of ideas.

Pairing him with Balaban is symbolic. He (with his dad) is one of the intellectuals of Hollywood. Speilberg was also able to enlist Attenborough's help for the Indian scenes. (Attenborough was filming `Ghandi.') Attenborough was also considered a fulcrum of thought in Hollywood. Paul Schrader wrote the script, the man at the time with the most visual writing style.

Schrader's first script focused on the idea that visions create themselves with the obvious extra level that films and everything in them are invented by the viewers. Thousands or millions of people simultaneously converge on a single meme (here a musical theme or a landscape feature or the very notion of `others') and bring it into existence. When talking about film, this is an idea expressed by Schrader, Truffault, Balaban and Attenborough. Framing it in terms of UFOs is a brilliant conceit. Unfortunately, Speilberg tarted it up along the way, but that sort of proves the point doesn't it?

I believe that films invent the collective imagination, so it is no surprise that after this appeared the details of UFO sightings changed to conform. Just as shark attacks, both real and imagined, greatly increased after `Jaws.'

As the vision itself, one is tempted to contrast this with `Contact,' `2001' and `Mission to Mars.'

`Contact' was wonderless, and lacked a center -- either visual or philosophical -- but had a clever machine. `M2M' had a much more intelligent eye (the audience becomes god), a more elaborate encounter, and better attention to consistent art design. Same with `2001.' The difference between the two is in what god they invest. Kubrick invests in a god of space (not outer space) so infuses his film with environmental causality. This is what dePalma does more directly with the eye that makes things happen. Either is vastly more intelligent than what Speilberg can do, but not what he set out to do here.
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My brief review of the film
sol-19 January 2005
A perfectly fascinating piece of science fiction fantasy, it is visually impressive, well written and well directed. The film has certain moments that can be described only as classic, however the overall film is quite imperfect. There are some really striking flaws such as poor dialogue recording, an ending that is by far too roundabout, and in fact a whole end section that is not nearly as interesting as the beginning of the film. Either way, there is still however a lot to appreciate in the experience, including the spectacular sound effects, which won the film a special achievement Oscar.
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Genius Movie...
eskimosound18 April 2020
What do you expect, its Spielberg, the guy knows how to make excellent movies. This is fabulous, from making a sculpture out of mashed potato to meeting Gray's. It's a must watch for any Sci-Fi fan.
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