Pelosi Statement on Appointment of Lorraine Miller as Interim President and CEO of the NAACP | Representative Nancy Pelosi
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Pelosi Statement on Appointment of Lorraine Miller as Interim President and CEO of the NAACP

October 21, 2013

Contact: Drew Hammill, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on the appointment of Ms. Lorraine Miller as Interim President and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). She will be the first woman to head America's oldest and largest civil rights organization since 1916:

"For 104 years, the NAACP has broken down barriers and battled great prejudice to make the ideal of equality a reality for all Americans. In appointing Lorraine Miller as its interim president, the NAACP has chosen a fearless leader who will pick up that mantle of progress and help pave the way toward a more fair and just America.

"A proud daughter of Texas, Lorraine's unwavering dedication to social justice has defined her life in public service. That is why I was so pleased to appoint her as the first African-American Clerk of the House of Representatives, where she led with grace, poise, and considerable congressional experience she gained in working for three Speakers of the House, as well as civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis. After six years of service as the President of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the NAACP, there is no question that she will bring a strong voice and a steady hand to the NAACP's national efforts in protecting voting rights, building upon the organization's civil rights legacy, and improving the lives of America's minority communities.

"For the past five years, President Benjamin Todd Jealous has set an extraordinary standard of leadership and commitment to progress. Lorraine is trailblazer whose courage and compassion will serve as a constant guide in our work to reduce poverty, protect voting rights, and create a more equal, more just, and more perfect union."

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Issues:Human Rights