Watch Frayed | TV Shows | HBO Max
2 Seasons


Set in 1988, Frayed follows Sammy Cooper, a fabulously wealthy London housewife who’s forced to return to her hometown of Newcastle, Australia - where she must revisit her past and the events that led her to flee as a teenager years ago.

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Set in 1988, Frayed follows Sammy Cooper, a fabulously wealthy London housewife who’s forced to return to her hometown of Newcastle, Australia - where she must revisit her past and the events that led her to flee as a teenager years ago.

Episode 1
1. Episode 1

London, 1988. When her husband dies an untimely death, wealthy housewife Simone ...

Episode 2
2. Episode 2

As Sammy and her kids get a reality check, her brother Jim, old schoolmate (and ...

Episode 3
3. Episode 3

Sammy and Fiona look to blackmail Chris. Misfits Lenny and Bo bond over their ob...

Episode 4
4. Episode 4

Chris brings Sammy on a business trip to Sydney, where she helps him impress som...

Episode 5
5. Episode 5

Sammy sets out to prove how much she’s changed by volunteering at the school dan...

Episode 6
6. Episode 6

Jean takes a hard look at her relationships with Peter and her children. Sammy a...



comedy, drama, international, original


2 seasons available (12 episodes)

Release Year


Rating information


About this series

It’s 1988 and Simone Burbeck has it all: a picture-perfect family, a posh London mansion she calls home, and too many luxury cars, mega-yachts, and expensive renovations-in-progress to count. There’s just one problem: it’s all lies. When her husband dies in a drug-fueled mishap with a sex worker, Simone finds herself broke, homeless, and utterly castaway. Left with no other options, she and her two children are forced to return to her no-frills childhood home in Newcastle, Australia, where it quickly becomes evident that her past doesn’t quite fit the script she used in London. But as Sammy - oh, yeah, her real name is Sammy - maps a strategy to get back to England, the life and people she ran away from over 20 years ago slowly pull her back in.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Sarah Kendall, Matt Passmore, Trystan Go, Diane Morgan, Frazer Hadfield, Kerry Armstrong, Maggie Ireland-Jones, Ben Mingay

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