Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers Interactive Ninth Edition

Front Cover
Pearson Education, Feb 22, 2016 - Education - 480 pages

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Scholarly and empirically based, yet friendly and accessible, this text shows teachers how to use the principles of behavior analysis to create their own recipes for success. Through classroom-based examples and practices firmly grounded in research, Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers gives teachers powerful ways of dealing appropriately and ethically with some of the most challenging behaviors students display. It takes readers through the entire process, from identifying a target behavior to collecting and graphing data, selecting an experimental design, conducting a functional analysis, arranging consequences, arranging antecedents, and generalizing behavior change. The authors’ emphasis on making the text readable and user-friendly features numerous examples describing students from preschool through young adulthood functioning at various levels of ability, and teachers ranging from excellent to poor, with many relatable examples of good teachers who learn from their inevitable mistakes.

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