3 Times Dana White Has Gone Out Of His Way To Help People - MMA News Skip to main content

UFC President Dana White has proven to be one of the most important figures in the history of MMA. When he and the Fertitta brothers acquired the UFC back in January 2001, it was a dying entity, with nearly all of its assets having been sold off by its prior owners. 

Needless to say, White and co. turned it around, transforming the UFC into the top promotion of the MMA world, and allowing the sport to go mainstream in the process. Despite his reputation as a ruthless businessman, there have been many examples of White showing a more selfless, caring side over the years. 

#3. Paying Joe Pyfer's Rent

Joe Pyfer

Joe Pyfer's UFC debut saw him rock Alen Amedovski with punches in the first round for a TKO victory. Shortly after the fight, Pyfer gave the UFC President a shoutout, thanking him for covering a year's worth of his rent at a time when he was struggling to make ends meet. 

White later revealed that Pyfer had informed him he was on the cusp of homelessness. Not wanting to see a new fighter on his roster be dealt such a bad hand, White stepped in and paid Pyfer's rent for the following 12 months, ensuring he could keep a roof over his head and remain committed to his training. 

#2. Getting Ali Abdelaziz Better Medical Care When He Had COVID-19

Ali Abdelaziz

Photo via Instagram @aliabdelaziz

Dominance MMA founder Ali Abdelaziz was left in critical condition due to COVID-19 a couple of years ago. Struggling with the virus, the care Abdelaziz was receiving was simply not getting the job done, with the MMA manager recently revealing he was essentially dying.  

Fortunately, both Dana White and UFC Chief Business Officer Hunter Campbell stepped in. The pair both called Abdelaziz before arranging for him to be moved to a better facility where he received more focused care. Thanks to their intervention, Abdelaziz went on to make a full recovery. 

#1. Paying For A Child's Liver Transplant Surgery

Dana White

Back in 2010, the daughter of a trainer at Tiger Muay Thai in Thailand was on death's door, in dire need of a liver transplant. The required surgery cost a whopping $50,000, which her family was unable to pay. 

Ben Pittsley, who trained at Tiger Muay Thai at the time, managed to alert Dana White to the situation. Fortunately for the family, White wasted no time in getting involved, sending over the $50,000 to ensure the child could go under the knife as soon as possible. 

Several years later, White met the child during a visit to Phuket, before later inviting her and her family to come and see a UFC card in Las Vegas. 

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