The Meaning Behind The Song: Everytime You Go Away by Paul Young - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Everytime You Go Away by Paul Young

The Power of Love: Exploring the Meaning Behind Paul Young’s “Everytime You Go Away”

An Introduction to Everytime You Go Away

“Everytime You Go Away” is a soulful ballad that has become a timeless classic since its release in 1985. Paul Young’s iconic voice delivers heartfelt lyrics that resonate with listeners of all ages. The timeless track has been covered numerous times by other artists, including Hall & Oates, but it’s Young’s rendition that stands out.

At surface level, the song seems to be a lament for a lost love, but dig deeper, and you’ll find that there’s more to it than just the end of a romance. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind “Everytime You Go Away” and how it manages to capture a universal feeling that’s relatable to anyone who has experienced the pain of losing someone they love.

The Central Theme of Everytime You Go Away

The central theme of “Everytime You Go Away” is loss and the pain that comes with it. It’s a song about the struggle to deal with loneliness and the fear of the unknown when someone we love leaves us.

The song’s chorus constantly repeats, “Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you.” Each time the words are sung, they become increasingly emotional, as if Young is trying to express the depth of pain he feels as his lover leaves him.

The Lyrics of Everytime You Go Away

The lyrics of “Everytime You Go Away” are simple yet powerful. Young’s delivery of these lines adds to their impact, creating a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion.

The opening verse goes:

“Babe, if we can’t solve any problems, why do we lose so many tears?/
Oh, so you go again, when the leading man appears.”

These lines highlight the desperation that comes with failed relationships. Young questions why they can’t seem to overcome their problems and suggests that his lover leaves whenever something better comes along.

The pre-chorus is particularly affecting:

“Trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain’t going away
Going away”

This part of the song represents the internal struggle Young faces as he tries to come to terms with his lover’s departure. Even though he knows that the crush he has on them isn’t going anywhere, he still tries to walk away. The subtext here is that he’s powerless over his emotions and can’t let go of his lover.

The Instrumentation of Everytime You Go Away

The instrumentation of “Everytime You Go Away” adds to the emotional impact of the song. The soft, almost mournful sound of the synthesizer creates an atmosphere of melancholy that perfectly complements the lyrics and Young’s voice.

The muted guitar and bass riff that forms the backbone of the song combines with the drums to create a mellow, rhythmic sound that draws the listener in. The delicate keyboard solo towards the end of the track contributes to the overall feeling of regret and longing that permeates the song.

Little-Known Story Behind the Song

The origins of “Everytime You Go Away” date back to 1980 when songwriter Daryl Hall of Hall & Oates penned the track for his solo album, “Sacred Songs.” The song went unnoticed until Paul Young decided to record a cover of it five years later.

Young’s version of the song became an instant hit, reaching number one in the US Singles Chart. Interestingly, Hall and Young’s versions of the song were both produced by Hugh Padgham, who is known for his work with Genesis and The Police.

The Legacy of Everytime You Go Away

“Everytime You Go Away” has remained one of Paul Young’s most recognizable songs despite being released more than three decades ago. The track has been used in countless movies, TV shows, and commercials, proving that its message and emotional content are as relevant today as they were when the song was first written.

The song’s enduring legacy reflects the universal human experience of heartbreak and loss. It’s a reminder that we’re all vulnerable to the pain that comes with love and that we’re not alone in our suffering.


“Everytime You Go Away” is a song that manages to capture the complex emotions that come with heartbreak. The lyrics, instrumentation, and vocal delivery combine to create a powerful piece of music that resonates with listeners of all ages and backgrounds.

Ultimately, the song’s message is one of hope, reminding us that we’re not alone in our pain and that life goes on despite our losses. As Paul Young once sang, “Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you, but in my heart, the memory stays.”

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