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Law & Order: Organized Crime Wiki

Plot Summary[]

Stabler struggles to keep his rank as part of the farm's inner circle when his biggest ally is questioned. The team discovers the identity of their top target but are too late to stop the arrival of his newest shipment.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

  • Kevin Oliver Lynch as Frank
  • Marc Anthony Inniss as One Eyed Skull



Doris Boone

"You know, before honey the family was known for whisky. Going back 250 years, before the Revolutionary War even. Now you boys have had a shock. You need to sit a spell, relax a bit... and then figure out how the hell you're gonna cut the head off that damn snake."

Joseph Stabler, Jr.

"Stop looking for me before you get hurt."

Randall Stabler

"Who are you?"

Joseph Stabler, Jr.

"I'm your brother"

