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Web Animation / asdfmovie

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And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
"I baked you a pie!"
"Oh, boy, what flavor?"
(guitar riff)
— "asdfmovie2"

The asdfmovies (pronounced "ass - duff - moo - vee") are a series of short YouTube web cartoons produced by TomSka, partially adapting strips from asdf comics, his Webcomic.

The skits are short, as are the movies overall, and their humour is random, rapid-fire and very strange, often relying on puns (usually of the Literal-Minded or visual sort), Brick Jokes, and straight-up non sequiturs, alongside the occasional dip into the macabre. One could summarize them as Robot Chicken minus the pop-culture references, in that both are animated Rapid-Fire Comedy sketches involving minimalistic artwork, Surreal Humour, Black Comedy, and a LOT of Insane Troll Logic.

If you can keep up, or are similarly insane, you can see almost all of them in this single compilation if you haven't already. Since the series' inception, new movies are usually published annually.

    The Videos (Works in the Series in Bold

The short skits mean that knowing what's in them will spoil the gags (as they can loosely be called) very easily, so we recommend you watch the movies before reading the trope list. It won't take long.

If you'd like to experience asdfmovie in book form, you're in luck — on October 21, 2015, Tom published an asdfbook called Art is Dead (named after the song by Bo Burnham) consisting of over 100 comics of old and new jokes.

After a successful Kickstarter in August 2019, the asdf card game Muffin Time was released in July 2020.

This series provides examples of:

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    Tropes With Their Own Pages 

  • Abnormal Allergy: There's a character who's allergic to adorableness. Someone gives him a cat, to which he says "aaaaw...", then right afterwards, a tombstone is shown.
  • Absurd Phobia:
    • A guy in 8 is afraid of backstories. His psychologist asks when it started, and he begins to scream in terror.
    • Later in the same episode, there's a man that's afraid of "giant flying sheep" (actually clouds).
  • Accidental Dance Craze: As detailed in "Everybody Do The Flop," the "Do The Flop" Guy started his titular dance craze when a crowd was watching him fall over mid-jump, and he shouted "Everybody do the flop!" to save face. Everyone just went with it and he became a sensation.
  • Action Bomb:
    • Mine Turtle likes getting close enough to people for them to accidentally step on his button and blow up everyone nearby.
    • The man in the deleted scenes of 2 who got so upset over someone parking on his sandwich that he exploded.
    • The man named Steven in 9 who will explode if he stops singing. Unfortunately, someone had to stop and say hi.
      "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. (boom)"
  • Actually, I Am Him: "I am your sandwich."
  • Adaptation Expansion: The asdfmovie songs take a skit that involves a very simple joke and actually gives it a fully-developed backstory, almost turning the featured characters into three-dimensional beings.
  • Affably Evil: Played with in 13; a man pulls out a knife and menacingly asks his interlocutor if he's ready to die. The latter says no, and so the former walks back and says he will come back later.
  • All Women Love Shoes: Even when they are chairs, women love shoes.
  • Ambiguously Gay: The ducks in the fifth movie.
    "I was just about to say that!"
    "We are so in sync!"
  • Ambiguous Syntax: Exploited in 10.
    Man 1: You know what I hate? Child murderers.
    Man 2: Oh no, here comes one now!
    Child Wielding A Knife: Heeheehee, I'm gonna get ya!
  • Animate Inanimate Object:
    • While it's never shown to move, the chair in the fourth movie can talk. It is female, by the way.
    • Also the evil tie and parking meter from the first movie.
    • Not to mention the door that talks and slams itself from the sixth movie.
    • The basketball in the tenth movie who deliberately bounces away from a girl and causes her to get hit by a car.
  • Animal Gender-Bender: The cow pretending to be a man has a very male voice. However, the opening of asdfmovie12 depicts the cow as a girl, so it could just be Larynx Dissonance.
  • Animation Bump: In the "I Like Trains" video: "I FEEL GREAT!"
  • Anime Opening Parody: The opening to asdfmovie12 is done in an Animesque style, with all of the show's characters drawn as human anime characters, regardless of whether they were human to begin with.
  • Anthropomorphic Food:
    • The potato has arms, legs, and the ability to talk, but is otherwise a regular potato.
    • There's also a cake in the first episode, who a guy cuts, but is unaware that the cake is alive. The cake then commits suicide by jumping off the table. Also, the cake's poor children, who had to witness the whole ordeal.
    • In the sixth episode, there is a burger that announces that it used to be a cow.
    • In the seventh and eighth episodes, a muffin who tries to get someone to eat him.
    • Marmite, from the appropriately-named movie, "marmite is terrible"
    • In the twelfth movie, there is a waffle with brain damage.
    • The thirteenth movie has a marshmallow that gets squashed by a judge's gavel after pleading guilty.
    • The fourteenth movie gives us a taco who barges in to demand his money every Tuesday, as well as Broccoli Soccoli.
  • Anticlimax: Seen in this sketch from 8:
    Magician: Would you like to see a MAGIC TRICK?
    (Camera zooms in on excited looking man with dramatic music)
    Man: No! :D
  • Anti Humour:
    • The Pointless Button scene.
    • The last scene in 13 before the Muffin Time ad.
      (baby is drawing; guy grabs drawing)
      Guy: Oh... my... GOD. (drawing is just scribbles) You're an idiot! (baby coos and shrugs)
  • Apocalypse How: A deleted scene has a guy spilling a glass of milk. Somehow, the average-sized glass was able to hold enough milk to drown everyone.
  • April Fools' Day:
    • The twenty minute movie was made and released two days before this day.
    • Averted with asdfmovie10, which was released on April 1, 2017 but is not a joke video.
  • Are We There Yet?: In a deleted scene of asdfmovie2, an astronaut that keeps asking this question (presumably) annoys another astronaut so much that he just says yes and then leaves him outside the rocket, stranding him in space.
  • Armies Are Evil: The military in the sixth movie shoots down a magical flying pony for no reason other than being evil.
  • Armoured Closet Gay: The "You know who's gay?" guy turns out to have been this in Deleted Scenes.
  • Artistic License – Gun Safety: Played for laughs in Part 3:
    Hey guys check out my new camera (shoots) oh wait this isn't the camera.
  • Artistic License – Paleontology: Parodied by the sauropod who calls himself a Stegosaurus.
  • Art Evolution: The first three installments were arguably stiff. From the fourth film on, the animation became more fluid and the characters more expressive.
  • Art Shift:
    • The first four asdfmovies (and the "I LIKE TRAINS" music video) were each animated by completely different people, which resulted in a fair few somewhat noticeable aesthetic differences. However, from 6 onwards, all asdf-related media is handled by the same animator - Ben 'Wonchop' Smallman.
    • Most of the 'Drunk Science' backstory in the Mine Turtle song is drawn in a much different style, although this is more of a Continuity Nod; instead of playing off prior asdfmovie skits like the rest of the song, it refers to another TomSka video, done in a different style.
    • In-Universe, a character pulls a switch that causes the entire world to become coloured (and naked), causing an exaggerated freak-out moment.
    • One gag in 10 has the characters being rendered in 3-D.
      Man: It's medication time! (Takes medication and they shift back into 2D) This is better.
    • The Mine Turtle in 14 inflates and pops into the Monster Legends version as part of the video's sponsorship, advertising the limited-time event to get the Mine Turtle.
  • Ascended Extra: The music videos tend to do this for whoever they're about, taking a one note punchline character (the I Like Trains Kid, Mine Turtle, the Do The Flop Guy, Cow Pretending to be a Man, etc.) and giving them a backstory.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: Near the end of the Muffin Song, the Mad Scientist can be heard saying, "No, llama, don't..." and is cut off by Mr. Muffin singing, "...die! Die! Die!"
  • Ate His Gun:
    • A fat guy in asdfmovie10 looks like he's about to do this, but proceeds to take a bite of the gun.
    • A straight example occurs in asdfmovie13, by a guy that's disappointed to have survived falling a long distance.
  • Ax-Crazy: People fire off guns, attack each other and summon random large objects with complete abandon.

  • Backing Away Slowly: A notable fan submission (New dog........?) ends with two men growling at each other, with a third man awkwardly backing away. Strangely enough, once the video was adapted into an official asdf sketch, the third man was removed for some reason.
  • Badass Adorable: The Mine Turtle. Cute as a button, but will blow you up if you step on him.
  • Bait-and-Switch:
    • A guy is asked to hold a live bomb. The guy who gave him the bomb comes back a few seconds later and takes it back. No explosion, next skit. In fact, the frame before the scene transition contains a flash bug, causing the fuse to grow back.
    • This skit from 4.
      Voice on telephone: This is a robbery. [dramatic sting and close-up]
      Guy who answered the telephone: [hangs up and walks away]
    • "WARNING POINTLESS BUTTON" is pointless.
    • In 8, a magician asks a boy, "Would you like to see a magic trick?". The boy, with a smile on his face, says... "No."
    • Also in 8:
      Narrator: And now, a cow pretending to be a man.
      Guy 1: Alan, are you a cow?
      Alan: What? No!
      Cow Pretending To Be A Man: Yeah, me neither. You guys want to go skateboards?
    • In the fifth movie, a man is seen going up to the edge of a cliff. When he gets right to the end, he floats away.
    • This skit from 7.
      Girl 1: Hey, you want to play catch the knife?
      Girl 2: Sure! [gets shot in the face]
      Girl 1: Man, I suck at this game.
    • Since asdfmovie is a comedy series, we have a Banana Peel lying around in 9. And then a banana appears, shocked.
    • In 10:
      Woman: Hey kids! Who's ready to draw?
      Kids: Me! Me! Me!
      Woman: Okay then, (pulls out a gun) draw.
    • In "asdfmovie: deleted scenes"
      Woman: No, Suzy! Don't walk in the road!
      Suzy: (turns) Look Mom, I made i-
      Sauropod: (crushes Suzy) I am a stegosaurus!
    • Also in "asdfmovie: deleted scenes", a man slowly winds up a jack-in-the-box, then the scene zooms out to show him among dead bodies at a crime scene before the jack-in-the-box can open.
    • A staircase is shown and a man is heard falling and noises play before we see the man tumbling up the stairs.
    • In 14, a bully calls someone a "four-eyed freak" before we cut to a bespectacled fellow... who comforts a creature about half his size who has four actual eyes (and a screech like a banshee).
  • Bait-and-Switch Comment: "Hey, babe. Are you an angel? Because I'm allergic to feathers." (Vomit Indiscretion Shot)
  • Bait-and-Switch Suicide: In asdfmovie10, a chubby man tearfully puts a gun to his head, saying he doesn't want to be fat anymore. He starts to put the gun in his mouth and then he actually eats it.
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: Presumably played straight with Desmond the Moon Bear, who seems to be perfectly fine living and speaking on the moon without a spacesuit. Even though the next time we see him, his reduced-to-bone corpse is still on the moon, Word of God confirms that he can survive on the moon, and claims he was Killed Offscreen by an outside force.
  • Bears Are Bad News: The bear in the sixth movie eats a little girl who draws a picture of a bear on its belly.
  • Beary Friendly: Desmond, the moon bear, in his limited screen-time is implied to be an average fellow lacking in dangerousness common to bears.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For:
    • From number four, both the boy who wants to be a pie and the girl who wants to go to the moon get exactly what they wanted, to the detriment of their lives.
    • The time-traveler, who succeeded at travelling through time but gets stepped on by a "Stegosaurus" upon arrival.
    • Number ten features a kid who wishes he could fly and flies off like a balloon... then bloodily smashes into the ceiling.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed:
    • The trumpeter in the sixth movie decides going out his way is better than being taken by the cops.
    • The guy who's told that he has one year to live in the eleventh decides he'd rather have his death come on his own terms.
  • Big Bad: The "REAL MAN!" music video has one in the form of the Happy Borger man, who takes the Cow Pretending to be a Man's skateboard magazine, surrounded the building with mines to prevent animals from escaping, and then blows up the Cow Pretending to be a Man's skateboard and poses as an ambulance driver just to reclaim the sole escapee. The animals escape from his truck using Mine Turtle, and a billboard in the final shot states that Happy Borger is now out of business.
  • Big "NO!":
    • "No, llama, NOOOOOO!"
    • "Die Potato!" "Nooooooooooooo!"
    • "Oh no, I spilled my milk!" "You've killed us all!" "NOOOOOOOOOO—(drowns)"
    • "Billy, nooo!!!"
      • "Billy, nein!!!"
    • "Oh, NOOOOO--" is quite appropriate just before punching yourself in the face because it's Opposite Day.
      • As well as when someone steps forward for his part in a barbershop quartet and hears a click, followed by 'Hello!'.
    • "I'm going to punch your face... in the face." "NOOOO—(zoom to face within face)—OOOOO!"
    • "Oh no, giant flying sheep!" "...Those are clouds." "NOOOOOOOO!"
    • "I'm sorry, Jim, but I'm going to have to let you go." "No, please! NOOOOOOOOO!"note 
    • "I sentence jazz." "NOOOOO—(trumpet flies into mouth, perfectly matching her note)"
    • "High Five... Hundred." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • Big "YES!": In a deleted scene of 2.
    Astronaut 1: Are We There Yet?
    Astronaut 2: (sigh) Yes.
    Astronaut 1: Yaaaa—(cut to him left outside the rocket)—aaaaay! Aw, crap.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Parodied in asdfmovie12's title card for the opening. While it has a Japanese subtitle often used to translate most English-worded anime titles, it merely reads "Japanese Text".
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: In the tenth movie, a living ball is joyfully playing with a little girl, but after a car runs over her, the ball sadistically glees.
  • Black Comedy: A lot of the jokes deal with death or violence in some way, often involving Suicide as Comedy.
    • The seventh movie has a lot more of this in comparison to the previous six.
    • Likewise, 9 has a noticeably large amount of this (the following being Black Comedy Animal Cruelty):
    Mother: Jimmy, take out the dog.
    Jimmy: Yes, mother. [shoots the dog]
    Mother: ...for a walk, Jimmy!
    • 10 kicks off with this.
    *guy is about to jump off a building*
    Bystander: Nooooo! Don't jump!
    *pulls out a camera and starts recording*
    Bystander: OK, now jump!
    • 14 is rife with this, with an extremely high death count.
  • Black Speech: The girl in the opening skit of 11, when advised by her dad to "say the magic word" when she says she wants ice cream, utters a sinister backmasked incantation that turns her dad into an ice cream cone.
  • The Blank: From the fourth movie: "Well, I stole your face!"
  • Blank White Void: Unless the skit requires something in the background, the skits take place with absolutely no background, which is lampshaded in a skit from 12:
    Man: (Calls someone) Hey, um, can people fly? …That's a shame. (Hangs up, and splatters against the ground below)
  • Blatant Lies: Also doubles as Bad Liar. The puppy in six.
    "Oh, careful, honey; he [the dog] has a knife!"
    "What? No, no, I don't."
  • Blessed with Suck:
    • Tree powers, activate! (becomes an immobile tree that can do nothing)
    • Invisible Billy. Playing catch with him using a frisbee is difficult (and quite lethal), to say the least.
  • Blinded by the Sun: In deleted scenes, the sun tricks a poor fool into looking directly at him by telling him to look over.
    "Ha, ha! Now you're blind!"
  • Bloody Hilarious: Especially when a character gets shot in the face. Almost everything is in black and white, even flames, but blood is made red anyway.
  • Boomerang Bigot: In "Deleted Scenes", the "you know who's gay?" guy finally admits who's really gay...him and his husband.
  • Book Ends: asdfmovie13 ends like the first one began, with a "got your nose" play setting up the joke.
  • Books vs. Screens: Parodied in a skit where a guy, declaring he's "gonna do an Internet", pokes his computer's keyboard and is instantly blasted with rainbows and awesomeness from the monitor screen. Another guy then tries to do the same with a book in response, but nothing happens much to his disappointment.
  • Boom, Headshot!:
    • "Hey guys, check out my new camera! (bang!) Oh, wait, this isn't a camera."
    • "QUICK! Shoot me in the face!" (Shoots him in the face)
    • "BANANA FIGHT!!" (Shoots him in the head) "NO!"
    • "A, B, C, D, E, F, Gun-" (BANG)
    • The end result of a duel between a cowboy and a toaster. The toaster wins.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: The very end of asdfmovie9; after a rather dark joke is made, the recipient of the joke laughs briefly before the camera zooms in on his face at which point he looks directly at the viewer and sternly says "Comedy."
  • Breakout Character: Lots of these. Tom has even gone on record as saying that he enjoys creating at least one consistent character for each episode (where the skits typically adhere to Negative Continuity) to see if they'll stoke interest with the fans.
    • Following his debut in the second movie, the "I Like Trains" kid was apparently liked enough to show up in the third movie as well as in taking a starring in LilDeuceDeuce's "I Like Trains" music video. There was even a fad around about the time of the fourth movie where various YouTubers twisted around the wording of the original phrasing.
    • The other big Breakout Character is Mr. Muffin, who also got his own music video (which encompasses the entire series, no less), to the point that the card game based on the series is called "Muffin Time."
  • Brick Joke: Let's just say that if there's an original joke, it'll show up again in another episode with a new twist on it.
    • In the second movie:
      • The "I Like Trains" kid says "I like trains." to his dad. It runs over someone else instead in the next skit.
      • Desmond the Moon Bear is questioning why he's on the moon. In the seventh he's been Killed Offscreen, with his skeleton still on the moon.
      • A driving llama falls off a cliff. In the fifth movie, it lands on someone.
    • In the third movie, a guy named Joey climbs into a friend's mouth. In the fourth movie, he crawls out.
    • In the fourth movie:
      • the newspaper headline says the potato died.
      • A piano lands on someone. In the fifth movie, someone lands on a piano.
    • In the fifth movie, a kid wonders if his pony can fly, which it does. In the sixth movie, the pony is spotted and shot down by some gunmen. In the Deleted Scenes, the slain pony's head falls on a man, who says "I LOVE IT!" while giving a thumbs up.
  • Brought to You by the Letter "S": Brian in the seventh movie has "B" on his shirt.
  • The Bus Came Back: The "I Like Trains" Kid returns in 9, although in a phone call rather than in person.

  • Cactus Cushion: The third short has a joke involving a father who tells his son not to touch a cactus. After his son gets literally attached to the cactus, the father shouts "You're dead to me!".
  • Call-Back:
    • All over the place in the Mine Turtle music video.
    • The "Stegosaurus" returns in the deleted scenes.
    • The I Like Trains Kid returns in asdfmovie9 via a callnote , and he is heard offscreen in asdfmovie10 when two guys talk about a "trainsgender" guy.
    • The cow from asdfmovie8 returns in the final skit of asdfmovie10; after a sheep saying "beep beep, I'm a sheep" turns into a catchy song, the cow appears and tries doing the same thing by saying "meow meow, I'm a cow" only for one of the sheep to cut him off.
    • The first joke of the series is referenced in the final skit of asdfmovie13, where the child who gets their nose taken instead responds with "What's a nose?" The other person replies that they don't know.
    • Also all over the place in the REAL MAN! music video, most prominently with appearances from Beep Beep Sheep, Mine Turtle, and the Do The Flop Guy.
  • The Cameo:
  • Captain Obvious: The waffle in 12, possibly as a side effect of his brain damage.
    (smacking lips) My mouth tastes like teeth!
  • Carnivore Confusion: Inverted. The muffin from episode 7 wants to be eaten, but none of the people he meets want to eat him.
  • Casting Gag: In the "Come out with your hands up" sketch from 13, the man gleefully saying that he's gay is voiced by Phil Lester, known himself for being a gay man.
  • Centipede's Dilemma: One man is told to not think about cats. He immediately begins spewing cats from his mouth.
  • Character Level: *punches a random guy in the face* LEVEL UP!
  • Chest Burster:
    • "Hey guy, hey, smell my flower."
    • Suzie's self-C-section when the boy asks if she can come out to play.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome:
    • The Breakout Character "I Like Trains" kid disappears after the third movie. Enforced, as his voice actor Edd Gould passed away, and presumably The Character Died with Him. He's made cameo appearances since though, which are either voiceless or use archived audio (which isn't very hard, since, as his name suggests, he only says one sentence anyway).
    • The potato from the "Die Potato" skits, a recurring skit in the first 3 movies, is absent from the fourth movie onward. If you look closely at the newspaper the man's reading in the fourth movie, the headline story reads "Potato Found Dead". Meaning someone finally did kill him for good.
  • *Click* Hello: A variant happens for Mine Turtle, who always introduces himself with a cheerful "Hello!" before somebody steps on and clicks his detonator.
  • Cloudcuckooland: All of the characters are completely out of touch with the reality we know. For good reason.
  • Cold Ham: "The orphans... They're all dead! What kind of man would do this ?!"
  • Comedic Sociopathy: A lot of the comedy relies on none of the characters caring when bad things happen to other people, often reacting with either indifference or Skewed Priorities.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: The Mine Turtle song.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: In 11: "I sentence you... to JAZZ!"
  • Cool Shades: Awesome sunglasses have a habit of suddenly appearing on characters during extra "cool" gags, such as the potato in the second movie wielding a gun and saying "not today", the "I Like Trains" kid in the I Like Trains song, the "Do the Flop" guy inspiring a new dance sensation, and the Beep Beep Sheep suddenly making a song out of his rhyme.
  • Crapsaccharine World: Vibrant, whimsical, erratic, and casually murderous are all fitting descriptors.
  • Creator Cameo: Twice in Mine Turtle: two versions of Ridgewell appear - his Eddsworld Author Avatar (as a sphinx in one of turtle's photos) and the "realistic" version, which created the first Mine Turtle.
  • Creepy Child: The "I Like Trains" kid is rather unnerving with his unchanging expression and Creepy Monotone stating of his train enthusiasm. It later turns out he gets the creepiness from his father.
  • Curse Cut Short: In the deleted scenes:
    Man: (hanging from a cliff) Save me, Super Guy!
    Super Guy: No.
    Man: (falling) You're a diiiiiiiii—(thud)
  • Cuteness Overload "I'm allergic to adorableness!" (gets a Cute Kitten thrown at him) "Awww..." (Smash Cut to a gravestone)

  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: A non-game example in 10, as a father is holding his baby when a woman starts singing "If You're Happy & You Know It (Clap Your Hands)".
  • Dance Sensation: "Everybody do the FLOP!" (thud)
    • A ten-minute video was made out of this two-second gag.
      • Then there was a fan-made "Real Life" version.
  • Darker and Edgier:
    • asdfmovie7 stands out as an especially dark entry in the series; notably, there's a lot more jokes involving death and suicide. Doesn't stop it from being over-the-top and silly though.
    • While it is no asdfmovie7, asdfmovie9 is markedly darker than asdfmovie8; while it has nowhere the amount of jokes about suicide, it does amp up the Black Comedy.
    • And then came asdfmovie14, which is possibly even darker than 7.
  • Deadly Euphemism: Jimmy interprets his mother's wish for him to "take out the dog" this way.
  • Death as Comedy: asdfmovie14 has the most death jokes out of all the entires in the series.
  • Death of a Child:
    • The girl drawing a bear... on a real bear. (CHOMP)
    • The girl who jaywalks, thanks to the "Stegosaurus".
    • The same little girl as above gets crushed by a car and falls off a cliff in the 10th episode.
  • Death Seeker: The muffin in asdfmovie 7 and 8 very much wants to be eaten. Something he looks so happy about it, even when begging people to let him die.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: "POINTLESS BUTTON: Warning, pointless".
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Other than the occasional Splash of Color. Lampshaded in episode 7 when the characters turn on the color and are freaked out by it for the rest of the video, presumably because everyone's naked.
  • Delicate and Sickly: A girl appears in asdfmovie13, declaring she wants to be a doctor just like the one treating her. The doctor responds that she's not going to grow up.
  • Denial of Animality: The Cow Pretending to Be a Man.
    Person: Alan, are you a cow?
    Alan: What? No!
    Cow Pretending to Be a Man: Yeah, me neither.
  • Depth Deception:
    • In asdfmovie 4, that kid trying to grab a ball thrown at him isn't standing far away. He's just really small. And gets squished under the ball.
    • One deleted asdfmovie9 gag showed two people looking at a paper airplane...that promptly flew down and crushed them both (judging by the splattery blood trails).
  • Dine and Dash: Parodied. When a waiter approaches a leaving customer stating that she had to pay for her food, she promptly refuses and regurgitates the burger she ate back onto the waiter's plate before leaving. The burger is somehow still intact as if it was never eaten.
  • Disappeared Dad: The final joke of asdfmovie9.
    Person 1: "Hey! Wanna see an impression of my dad?"
    Person 2: Sure.
    (Person 1 is suddenly gone)
  • Dismemberment Is Cheap: If you look closely at the Tree Man from asdfmovie 1, you'll notice he's missing one of this arms. It's unclear whether this is a genuine animation error.
  • Discriminate and Switch: "Dad, I'm gay." "I Have No Son!" (boy gasps) "...This isn't my house!"
  • Disproportionate Retribution:
    • "Now, son, don't touch that cactus!" *kid levitates and attaches himself to the cactus* "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME."
    • "Honey, why is the baby on fire?" "BUY ME MORE JEWELRY!"
    • "BANANA FIGHT!" (gunshot) "NO!"
    • "Do you know who's gay? You." (stabbed in the chest) "Aw, come on!"
      • "Do you know who's gay? Y— *Hit by a train*
    • "Nice hat." "Thanks!" "I was being sarcastic." "Well, I stole your face!" *Man grabs his face to find out it is indeed gone*
    • Inverted: "ALIEN ATTACK!!!" "Throw the CHEEEEEESE!!!!!"
    • "Hey, it says 'Gullible' on the ceiling." "... Oh, so it doe— Aww, ye stole my lungs."
    • "Got your nose!" *Door kicked down* "LOOK OUT!!! HES GOT A NOSE!!!!" *Bangbangbangbangbang*
    • In asdfmovie2: deleted scenes, a guy literally explodes when another person admits to parking their car on their sandwich, destroying both of them and the car.
  • Dissonant Serenity: In the deleted scenes, the guy turning the jack-in-the-box in the middle of a murder scene with several bloody corpses strewn about.
  • Don't Try This at Home: The end of the Ritalin'd movie states not to try using Ritalin in making your own crazy video.
  • The Door Slams You: From 6:
    "Knock knock!"
    "Who's there?"
    "THE DOOR!"
  • Double Entendre: In 4, one boy "does an internet" by tapping the spacebar, and another boy "does a book" by tapping the open page. In The Muffin Song the same two boys recite their lines again... but the second boy is stroking a book with a Luminescent Blush, surrounded by hearts, which raises the question of how exactly he intends to "do" his book.
  • Dramatic Gun Cock:
    Teacher: Hey kids, who's ready to draw?
    Kids: Me! Me!
    Teacher: Okay then! [pulls out a gun] Draw.
  • Driven to Suicide:
    • "Goodbye, world." "World: "Okay, Jim, I'll see you around! Where ya goi-AWW OH NO! Aw that's not what I thought he meant by that at all!"
    • The cake in the first one throws himself off of the table in front of his 2 little cupcakes.
    • "Quick, shoot me in the face!" *headshot*
    • "You'll never take me alive!", *trumpet sound*
    • "Hey Joey, you wanna eat me?" "No thanks, Mr. Muffin." "But I wanna die!"
    • Every second skit in asdfmovie7 is related to suicide in some way.
    • "I'm afraid you have one year to live." "Ha ha, oh yeah?" *pew*
    • (singing) "Hey Mr. Goose, what you doing with that noose?" sound of a rope snapping the goose's neck and a honk "*gasp*!"
    • A skit in ASDF 13 has a man fall on top of and squash a little girl, who turns out to have been trying to kill himself by jumping to his death. After that fails, he shoots himself in the mouth instead.
  • Duck!: A guy in the asdfmovie12 deleted scenes yells "Oh God, DUCK!" The duck yells "Oh God, STEVE!"
  • Dull Surprise: Two guys standing around. One guy crawls out of someone from the previous movie, with another guy watching.
    Other guy: "Oh."
    • A guy walks off a ledge only to fall upward...
      Guy: Oh, okay.
    • Yet another guy wonders whether his pony can fly. It can.
      Guy: Huh.
    • And another wonders what a button does...
      Guy: Ooh, I wonder what this does?
      [presses button]
      Guy: Oh, I'm gay now. Huh.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The first three films had significantly slower pacing, stiffer animation and at least one skit that went on longer than five seconds, all of which greatly improved by the fourth one.
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom
    • Apparently, everybody doing the Flop would lead to this, according to the "Do the Flop" music video.
    • The "Mine Turtle" music video ends with the Earth exploding due to the mass propagation of Mine Turtles.
  • Edible Ammunition: "THROW THE CHEEEEEESE!!!'" It doesn't work.
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: In asdfmovie13, DJ Flop wants to get a party started, but a little girl retorts: "This is a swumbuh pahty..."
  • Enfant Terrible: The child murderer in 10.
  • Everything's Better with Rainbows:
    • "Doctor, I think I might be a homosexual." "How can you tell?" "RAAAINBOOOOOWS"
    • "Doing an internet" makes a rainbow come out of the computer.
    • The trains in "I Like Trains" produce rainbows.
  • Evil Laugh: The evil tie shows its evilness by cackling menacingly.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: The basketball in 10 has his voice get deeper after revealing his deliberate staging of the Death of a Child by an "accident".
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Pointless Button, which when pressed, does indeed follow it's warning by doing absolutely nothing.
  • Exact Words:
    • "Ha ha, they said I could never teach a llama to drive!" Never said they were wrong.
    • In the "deleted scenes" video, a doctor tells a man that he has brain cancer, but due to sudden pineapples, he is instantly cured...because his head becomes a pineapple.
    • In 10, a guy says "You want a piece of me?" When the other responds affirmatively, the first guy rips a piece of himself off and gives it to the guy.
    • The doctor in 12 did save his patient's legs; they're just not attached to him any longer.
    • A few sketches hinge on using this, starting with one definition then swerving to the second for the punchline. It's not wrong; it's just not the one you were thinking of.
  • Expanding Thrown Weapon: The fourth movie has a dad throw a ball to his son, who gets squashed due to the ball not changing size in accordance with the perspective.
  • Expy: Doesn't the flower singing it wants to eat your skin at the start of asdfmovie12 bring you a certain psychopathic flower to mind?
  • Eye Scream:
    • In 6, a man is told carrots are good for one's eyesight. He then jams carrots into his eyes.
    • In the "deleted scenes" video, a man is told by an unseen voice to look towards them. He does so, and his eyes begin pulsating and sizzling is heard, and it's revealed that the voice belonged to the Sun.
    "Ha ha, now you're blind!"

  • Failed a Spot Check:
    • "Hey, guys, check out my new camera." *headshot* "Oh, wait, this isn't a camera."
    • "Sir, is this your car?" "Nope, it's yours!" (guy drives off in the cop's car)
  • Fartillery: The butt from 11 farts with enough force to rip people's faces off.
  • Fat and Proud: In 7, the Sun smiles when Saturn calls it fat.
  • Faux Horrific: In the 8th episode, a guy is horrified at the sight of a "giant flying sheep" up in the sky, another guy points out that these are actually clouds, cue the first guy screaming a Big "NO!" in horror.
  • Finger Gun: The kid in the fourth movie mugs the mugger by pointing his index fingers, and despite the mugger questioning the effectiveness of it, he still throws his guns away and raises his hands out of fear.
  • Flying Saucer: A UFO shows up in two movies and gets cheese thrown at it. The first time works, the second time... doesn't.
  • For the Evulz: This appears to be the motivation of several characters, including the French Jerk throwing muffins, the guy punching the salad, and the guy who squashed the talking potato.
  • Food Fight: Defied in 4.
    Guy: Banana fight!
    (guy gets shot from offscreen)
    Offscreen: NO!!
  • Forced Transformation:
    • The little girl who opens up 11 is capable of this.
      Girl: I want an ice cream!
      Man: What's the magic word?
      Girl: (Black Speech, and the man is turned into an ice cream cone)
    • 14 introduces a guy who can turn people into eggs by pointing at them and saying, "Egg."
  • Foul Flower: A cheerful little flower that likes to sing "I'm on my way, I'm on my way, I'm on my way to eat your skin!"
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus:
    • In the trailer for the fifth movie, Tom's dog's dog tag briefly shows the face of the "I Like Trains" kid before switching to "TOM'S DOG"
    • In the third movie's skit with the bomb, the fuse goes back to its original height for a single frame at the end, though this is most likely just a Blooper (as it doesn't seem to happen in the Newgrounds version). invoked
    • In the 5th movie, right before the car lands on the guy next to Mine Turtle, you can see a smile on his face for a SPLIT second.
    • The guys who do the flop frown as they fall to the ground.
    • A potato appears by the dragon in the I Like Skyrims video after the dragonborn Ersatz summoned a train with his shout.
    • In the "Mine Turtle" music video, the mad scientist who taught a llama to drive can be very briefly seen in one scene, looking at a llama in a petting zoo.
    • During the "Everybody Do the Flop" music video, a newspaper featuring the Flop mentions an "Increase in Standing Up School Dropouts". Also, there is a book titled "I Wish I Knew How to Come Up with Humorous Book Titles".
    • The banners at the skateboard arena in the "REAL MAN!" music video include "Got milk? GIVE IT BACK!", "surfsheep Very Punny Name", and "TOMSKA IS SAD the movie - part 1".
  • French Accordion: A brief accordion riff plays in 13 when we are shown the French dog, which is wearing a beret and a thin mustache.
  • French Jerk: The french guy who likes throwing muffins at people just to be a dick, using the excuse that he works at "ze muffin factory" for a constant supply.
  • Freudian Couch: When someone in 11 is stabbed, a doctor rushes to assist him—a doctor of psychology, that is. One cut later, and the now-dead man has been arranged on a couch by the doctor.
  • Fun with Homophones:
    Some Guy: Hey!
    (a horse gallops into the scene, trampling the guy in the process)
    Horse: (excited) Where?
  • Gender Bender: The crying boy in 11 does this out of spite.
    Person: Aw, come on. Boys don't cry.
    Crying Boy: (staring at the person with an angry pout, they suddenly develop breasts)
  • Generation Xerox: It's implied in 2 that the I Like Trains Kid's love for trains is taken from his father.
  • Genius Loci: Quite a few gags involve sentient celestial objects, including the Earth in asdfmovie3, the Moon in asdfmovie5, Saturn and the Sun in asdfmovie7, and the Sun again in the deleted scenes.
  • Giant Foot of Stomping: Crushing giant feet come courtesy of the "Stegosaurus" and Johnny Bigfeet.
  • Giving Up the Ghost: In asdfmovie7, Brian asks a girl out to the date, and she claims she can't go because she's a ghost. Brian starts to say that she's not dead, but she shoots herself and her ghost says goodbye to Brian.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: In the third music video, The Do The Flop Guy's dance craze starts to go downhill when someone does the flop onto a Mine Turtle, and it only worse from there. Turns out that falling flat onto your face can be bad for your health.
  • Gratuitous German: The fourth movie was made in German... on an English only channel just because.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: Two dsturbing zoom-ins happen in the third one, namely "I AM PUNCHING YOUR SALAD!" and "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!". We get another gross zoom-in at the beginning of the sixth one.

  • Ham-to-Ham Combat:
    • Of a sort. At the start of asdfmovie3, one guy asks another guy to look at his new dog, only for the other guy to realise there is actually no dog, at which point both guys start to yell angrily at each other.
    • We have this exchange in 12, both roles played by the voice of Suction Cup Man:
    Boss: You're fired !
    Guy: You can't fire me, I quit !
    Boss: You can't quit, I quit !
    Guy: You can't quit, you're a frog !
    Boss: You can't frog me, you're my wife !
    Guy: I'm not your wife, you're MY wife !
    Boss: Oh hi honey, how was work ?
    Guy: Pretty good, but I quit my job.
    Boss: You can't quit your job, YOU'RE FIRED !
  • Harmful to Minors: Played for Laughs in 13, where two little girls are playing together, and a man suddenly falls onto one of them, killing her. When he realized, not that he killed a child, but that he's still alive, he pulls out a gun and kills himself right in front of the other girl.
  • Having a Heart: From 12:
    Doctor: (to a heavily bandaged patient lying in a hospital bed) Good news, we were able to save your legs! (holds up two severed legs) And here they are!
  • Hemo Erotic: In 12 a random man tries to impress another man in front of the other man's girlfriend by making himself explode in a fountain of blood. The woman is horrified, but the other man finds it "hot".
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": Do The Flop Guy's real name is revealed to be Dougal Flopguy in the third music video.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Hilarious combination of Opposite Day and Big "NO!" in the fifth movie.
  • Hollywood Silencer: Jimmy, from the beginning of 9, uses a pistol with one to take out the dog.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: One of two potential punchlines in 9, where a woman excitedly tells her lover that she's pregnant. We then learn that her lover is a woman, who is understandably confused.
  • Hugh Mann: The Cow Pretending to be a Man in 8. His "disguise" consists of a hat and a skateboard.
  • I Fell for Hours: The driving llama from asdfmovie 2 had been falling for years before showing up in #5.
  • I Have a Family: "AHHH! Why would you do this? I have a wife and family!"
  • I Have No Son!:
    • "Now, son, don't touch that cactus." *son levitates and attaches himself to the cactus* ''YOU'RE DEAD TO ME."
    • Said verbatim by a man in 12 in response to a child coming out as gay. Subverted when it is revealed that the boy is in the wrong house.
  • Image Song: The I Like Trains Kid, The Do The Flop Guy, Mine Turtle, and Cow Pretending to be a Man each get a character song related to their main gimmick.
  • I'm a Humanitarian:
    • Slight variation in asdfmovie3: "Joey, did you eat my sandwich?" "I am your sandwich."
    • The guy in asdfmovie9 who asks "Are you gonna eat that?" and points at something..with the next shot showing that he's pointing at a baby.
      • Considering that she responds with "No, you can have it.", she may be one as well.
    • A weirder example; the girl in 11 that turns her dad into an ice cream cone and promptly begins eating it/him.
    • The living flower from 12 is either this or To Serve Man, depending on whether his palate of 'skin' is specifically human.
  • I Meant to Do That: As Do the Flop reveals, this is how Dougal Flopguy got the titular dance craze started. Being inherently clumsy, Dougal would always Face Plant when he tried to dance; one day, he found a whole crowd watching him mid-fall, and shouted "Everybody do the flop!" to save face.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: In asdfmovie9, a man getting ready to do a pole vault gets randomly impaled by a jousting knight right before he lifts off the ground.
  • Implausible Deniability: A talking dog claims that he isn't holding a knife. Said knife Sticks to the Back and is not covered in any way. Bonus points for the dog being a Bad Liar.
  • Impossible Theft:
    • This non-sequitur from 4:
      Guy 1: Nice hat.
      Guy 2: Thanks.
      Guy 1: I was being sarcastic.
      Guy 2: Well, I stole your face!
      (Guy 1 slaps his own blank face and finds it gone)
    • "I stole your face!"
    • "Aww, ye stole my lungs."
  • Improbable Infant Survival: Seemingly averted: "Honey, why is the baby on fire?" but actually played straight in that the baby suffers no ill effects and actually smiles whilst still being on fire.
  • Improbable Weapon User: THROW THE CHEEEEEEEESE!
  • Inanimate Competitor: In 12, a cowboy gets into a duel with a toaster. The toaster produces a gun and shoots him in the head.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: The man who says "We're all gonna die" as a counter to a gunman's "You're gonna die" threat is drawn to reflect his voice actor Dan Howell, with a similar sideswept straight fringe hairstyle to what Dan wore at the time, likely as a consequence of the gag already echoing Dan's own comic rhetoric.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: Two characters try to hold an intervention for Larry who keeps snapping people's necks without realizing it. He denies having such a problem then snaps their necks too.
  • Is There a Doctor in the House?:
    • In the sixth movie, when a guy standing beside someone lying on the ground and choking:
    Guy: Is anybody here a doctor?
    Doctor: I am!
    Guy: Well you're a nerd! *high-fives now-dead choking guy*
    • Also in 11:
    (a man is dying from a stab wound)
    Doctor: Don't worry! I'm a doctor! Of psychology!
    (cut to the doctor sitting on a chair taking notes while the other man lies dead on a couch)
    Doctor: So how does that make you feel?
  • It Only Works Once: Throwing cheese at a Flying Saucer causes an explosion in the twenty minute movie but has no noticeable effect in the fourth movie.

  • Jackass Genie: A nerdy guy in 12 rubs a genie lamp and wishes that people will be nice to him. The genie that subsequently pops out calls his wish stupid and smacks him lightly in the face. Note that the nerd's wish only specified that people would be nice to him.
  • Jerkass: Everything Marmite does, such as setting a Man on Fire, is simply because it's a jerk.
  • Jerkass Gods: According to "What is the best asdfmovie joke?," Tom is the god of the asdfmovie universe. According to his actions in "You made the WORST asdfmovie EVER," he's not a very good one as he kills a random bystander just because they said the skits don't always have to end in violence.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence:
    • "You know who's gay? Y-" *run over by a train*
    • "It worked! My time machine wor-" *crushed by a dinosaur*
    • "Stop turning people into e-" *gets turned into an egg*
  • Killed Offscreen: Desmond the Moon Bear dies offscreen (possibly of insufficient oxygen or food) some time after his debut in asdfmovie2. In asdfmovie7, he has been reduced to a skeleton. TomSka has since jokingly suggested that Desmond was actually eaten by the girl who was kicked to the moon in the "why wait"? sketch.
  • "Knock Knock" Joke:
    Door: Knock Knock!
    Guy: Who's there?
    Door: The door!
    • In asdfmovie8:
    Reflection: Knock knock!
    Guy: Who's there?
    Reflection: A mirror!
    Guy: I am lonely.
  • Land Mine Goes "Click!": "Hello! :D" (button on shell is pressed) *BOOM!*, bringing an entirely new meaning to *Click* Hello.
  • Large Ham:
    • "Throooooooowww the CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE !!!!!"
    • "OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO-"-thump
  • Larynx Dissonance: If the opening to asdfmovie12 is to be taken as canon, then Cow Pretending To Be A Man is actually female, despite being obviously voiced by a man. The Beep Beep Sheep's gender is more ambiguous, but still doesn't quite match the voice.
  • Last Note Nightmare: Two examples in 12:
    • "I'm on my way, I'm on my way, I'm on my way to eat your skin!" (sour piano chord)
    • "A, B, C, D, E, F, gun!" (BANG)
  • Let's Meet the Meat:
    • From asdfmovie6:
    Off-screen voice: Hello, burger!
    Burger: I used to be a cow!
    Off-screen voice: Oh.
    • Non-meat example in 7, but it's still a suicidal muffin asking to be eaten.
  • Literal Genie:
    • The twenty-minute movie provides a meta-example, as rather than being 20 minutes long, it was made in 20 minutes — the commenter who inspired it said to make one for 20 minutes, after all.
    • A kid in 10 wishes to be able to fly. A genie grants his wish, at which point he floats into the air and splatters against the ceiling.
  • Literal-Minded:
    • One character is told carrots are good for one's eyesight. He tries to test it by jamming two large carrots into his eye-sockets.
    • One guy tells another to turn his frown upside-down. He does...along with the rest of his head.
      • But he was smiling when he did that, so...
    • Another character, about to shoot himself, says "goodbye, world". The Earth then says "Okay, Jim, I'll see you around. Where are you go- OH! OH NO! Oh, that's not what I thought he meant by that at all!"
  • Lost in Translation: While many of the episodes have found their way onto Nico Nico Douga in one form or another, many of the Japanese users that attempt to subtitle the series have noted that asdf's use of fast-paced English wordplay and puns makes it difficult to follow for Japanese viewers, even with subtitles, without completely changing the context of the dialogue. As a result, some subtitlers have taken to adding a small note explaining various skits that would otherwise be rendered incomprehensible.
  • Made of Explodium:
    • The Mine Turtle, half mine, half turtle, all easily-triggered explosive.
    • A guy in 9 must keep singing or else he'll explode. He's distracted by someone saying hello and has only enough time to say "What have you done!?" before exploding.
    • A guy in 10 jumps off the edge of a pool to do a cannonball and just keeps flying... in order to fly into and explode on the side of a pirate ship.
  • Made of Plasticine:
    • Invisible Billy is sliced by a mere frisbee.
    • The guy who asks whether the other guy wants a piece of him... and then casually tears off a piece of his own body.
  • Major Injury Underreaction:
    • The guy with a flower in 1 doesn't seem terribly bothered by the Chest Burster coming out of him.
    • The "You know who's gay?" guy sounds more annoyed than anything when he gets stabbed by the guy he's talking to.
    • From 2: "Aw, you stole my lungs." Said as though he's merely mildly irritated at the inconvenience.
    • You'd think that being asked to hold a knife and then getting stabbed by said knife would elicit a less silent reaction.
    • In 9, a kid asks a pregnant mother if her child can "come out to play". The baby casually bursts out through the mom's stomach, and no one thinks anything wrong about it.
    • The guy told that carrots are good for his eyesight promptly jams carrots into his eyes. His only response is to remark that the other guy lied to him.
    • From 12: (gasp) "A knife! My favorite!"
  • Makes Just as Much Sense in Context: About 99% of the jokes are this.
  • Man on Fire:
  • Megaton Punch: "When I grow up, I wanna go to the moon!" "Why wait?" (girl gets super-kicked to the moon)
  • Moe Anthropomorphism: All the memorable non-human characters from the show are drawn as cute anime humans in the opening of asdfmovie12. For bonus points, Desmond the Moon Bear is drawn as a bear.
  • Moment Killer: The Moon in the fifth movie spoils a romantic moment by stating its Shipper on Deck status.
  • Mood Whiplash: "I'm allergic to adorableness!" *Kitten lands on face* "Awwwwww." *Cut to his tombstone*
  • Moth Menace: In the ninth movie, a man has his sweetheart stolen away by a small butterfly.
  • Mugging the Monster:
    • In the fourth movie.
    "You're getting mugged, kid."
    "No, you're getting mugged."
    • This moment is remixed for IT'S MUFFIN TIME
    "Give me your hand!"
    (Holding a gun) "No, give me your hand..."
    (The gun is replaced by a wedding ring) "in marriage!"
    (Mugger and victim are at a wedding altar wearing suits while Mendelssohn plays.)
  • Mundane Made Awesome: The whole series is about taking the smallest of things in life and exaggerating them to comedic levels.
  • Mundane Utility: The "I Like Trains" song shows the I Like Trains Kid using his ability to make trains magically appear and run people over in inconvenient situations, just by saying "I like trains".
    ♪ Got bad grades? I like trains! ♪
    ♪ Awkward date? I like trains! ♪
    ♪ Don't like trains?! ...I like trains! ♪
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The segment involving the cutting of a sapient cake, where afterwards the man that cut it literally says "what have I done?!", complete with a Big "NO!" from the guy when the cake is Driven to Suicide as a self-inflicted Mercy Kill at the end.

  • Naked People Are Funny: An Art Shift gag in 7 reveals every single person so far has been naked this whole time, the monochromatic art style just didn't make it obvious. (With a few exceptions - due to Early-Installment Weirdness, people up to 2 and a few in 3 and 5 were drawn with visible sleeves.)
  • Neck Snap:
    • One character tells another to turn their frown upside down. They do.
    • Two characters hold an intervention for Larry, who keeps snapping people's necks. He wonders what they're talking about, while snapping their necks.
    • In the 14th movie, a baby does this to his dad.
  • Never Learned to Read: "Ahaha, I can't read."
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In the seventh movie, when some people are trying to stop somebody from jumping off the building, the flop guy from the sixth movie comes in and does his dance. Everybody flops including the one from the building.
  • Nightmare Face:
    • "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME."
  • No Man of Woman Born: Played for Laughs in "You wrote the WORST asdfmovie EVER," as a Mad Scientist claims that nothing can stop him. Cue a Big "NO!" once he realises nothing is here to stop him.
  • No Name Given: There usually isn't enough time.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • One man in asdfmovie10 turns himself into a "cannonball" in order to blow up a pirate ship, killing himself in the process.
    • Subverted in asdfmovie12: deleted scenes. A slow-motion shot of a bullet heading towards one man shows another seemingly diving towards said man to take the bullet... before he misses completely, allowing that bullet to kill its target.
      Man: "Phew! I almost got shot!"
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": The latter's real name (revealed in music video) is Dougal Flopguy.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Subverted. Johnny "Big Feet" from 12 protests that his feet aren't that big. While Johnny's feet are not disproportionately big, he himself is still a very big person. As shown by the ending shot of the skit, his left foot is big enough to accidentally crush a normal-sized human.
  • Non-Standard Character Design:
    • Marmite is represented by a full-picture photo of a Marmite jar.
    • The magical pony and the talking chair from 4 have a more detailed, pencil-shaded art style compared to the norm.
  • No One Could Survive That!: Some kids seem indestructible; to wit the "I Like Trains" kid and his assumed Spiritual Successor the airplane baby. (Then again, they could be asdf's version of Kenny.)
  • The Noseless: Pretty much everyone, due to the art style. No wonder the cop was so freaked out by the "got your nose" guy. Lampshaded in 13 with the Call-Back to the aforementioned gag:
    Guy 1: Got your nose!
    Guy 2: What's a nose?
    Guy 1: I... don't know.
  • Not Like Other Girls: A girl in the tenth movie claims this. Why?
    "I have..snake arms."
  • Not That Kind of Doctor: Used in the eleventh movie, when a guy runs up to another person that's been stabbed and declares that he's a doctor... of psychology. We then see him attempting to give therapy to the man's decomposing corpse.
  • No, You: The Mugging the Monster scene has the mugged guy do a Finger Gun and state "no, you're getting mugged!" Somehow, this works.
  • Obliviously Evil: Larry, who keeps breaking people's necks, and doesn't even know he's doing it.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Played with.
    "And now: the funniest thing you've ever seen, from really far away."
  • One-Letter Pun: Provides the trope's page image. One sketch has a guy shouting "Oh no, a giant B!" while pointing at a giant version of the letter "B". Then, a giant bee flies down and eats him whole.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted as names sometimes get reused. Even if the characters look the same, they never have the same voice.
    • Joey the sandwich "Joey did you eat my sandwich" "I am your sandwich", and Joey who the muffin wants to be eaten by "Hey Joey want to eat me".
    • Johnny the Vaudeville performer "Hey Bobby, play that one about falling down the stairs" "Sure thing Johnny", and John who loses his wife to a butterfly "She's mine now John".
  • Opposite Day: In the fifth movie, a bully goes to punch another guy in the face, but when reminded of what day it is, the bully shouts "OH NOOO—" as he punches himself in the face.
  • Organ Theft: One guy gets his lungs stolen for being gullible enough to look at the ceiling to see if the word "gullible" was indeed there (it was). Also, a face was stolen in the fourth movie.
  • Orphaned Punchline: The funniest thing you've ever seen, from really far away. The first line is almost impossible to hear properly, the rest of it is much clearer.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: Played for Laughs with Johnny Bigfeet.
  • Overly Long Gag:
    • The Cake skit in the first movie. It is the longest skit in the entire series, clocking in at a gargantuan twenty seconds, in a series where the other gags range from five to ten seconds.
    • Taking second place is the "You're fired!" "You can't fire me, I quit!" argument in 12, with the two guys going back and forth for about seventeen seconds.

  • Paper-Thin Disguise:
    • The Cow-Pretending-to-Be-a-Man wears a baseball cap backwards and carries a skateboard.
    • One of the sheep in the "Beep Beep I'm a Sheep" video has "COW" written on his side for the "Meow Meow I'm a Cow" stanza.
  • Parental Abandonment: "I think we should just be friends." (beat) "Mother..."
  • Parental Incest: Implied weirdly in the example seen in Parental Abandonment.
  • Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs: Played for Laughs in the Mine Turtle music video, where the turtles getting their hands on a time machine results in them exploding the dinosaurs to extinction.
  • Piano Drop: "Pianos!" (a piano falls from the sky and lands on the man that said this) "Whose idea was this?!"
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: The butterfly in the ninth movie that lifts a girl up by her finger and takes her away.
    "She's mine now, John."
  • Pokémon Speak:
    • The "I Like Trains" kid usually only ever says... well, guess.
    • The deleted scenes from 12 have two dogs who go "Dog! Dogdog!"
  • "Pop!" Goes the Human:
    Woman: Aw, babies grow up so fast.
    Horrified Pregnant Woman: THEY DO?! (Inflates and pops, leaving a baby where she once stood)
    Baby: Hello, I have been born.
    • A man does this to himself intentionally in 12 to impress another man. The other man finds it "hot".
  • Properly Paranoid: "My tie is evil and it's going to kill meeeeeeee..." (other guy slides away thinking he's crazy, then he looks at his tie) "Please don't hurt me!" (zoom-in on tie as it performs an Evil Laugh)
  • Rail Enthusiast: The "I Like Trains" kid really exemplifies his name.
  • Rapid Aging: The opening skit of 7.
    First Person: Hey, what did you get for your birthday?
    Second Person: I got...older!
    First Person: (Laughs)
    Second Person: (Quickly turns elderly)
    First Person: AAAAAAAAAAH- That is weird...
  • Rapid-Fire Comedy: Being videos about skits lasting several seconds on average, each gag goes by fast and in quick succession, meaning viewers get no time to properly process every joke.
  • Reaching Between the Lines: Even listening to the "I Like Trains" Kid over the phone won't stop a train from running you over, as the guy that answers the call finds out when a train comes out of his phone.
  • Reactive Continuous Scream: The guy whose face got punched in the face. He starts screaming, and it zooms in to his face's face, who is also screaming but at a higher pitch.
  • Rebellious Spirit: Deconstructed by the skateboarding kid in 4, who ignores an official telling him he's not allowed to skate in the area... that area being a minefield.
  • Recursive Reality:
    • "I'm gonna punch your face... in the face!" (guy about to be punched screams while the scene zooms in to reveal a smaller face on his forehead, which does indeed get punched)
    • "I baked you a pie!" "Oh boy! What flavor?!" "PIE FLAVOR." (miniature pie pops out of the regular pie)
  • Retcon: The REAL MAN! music video, chronicling the origin of the Cow Pretending to Be a Man, makes no mention of the joke at the end of asdfmovie8 where he is implied to have slaughtered several orphans. It's assumed this did not take place in the music video's canon.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: The Mine Turtle is quite the adorably huggable critter, to which everybody that meets him feels compelled to say hello to him, even if his presence usually signifies being stepped on and exploding.
  • RPG Episode: One skit in the first asdfmovie involves a guy landing a single punch against another person. The punched person gets enraged, while a pop-up stating that the puncher leveled up appears right afterwards.
  • Rubber Man: A man in 11 asks another to pull his finger; he obliges and finds that the finger stretches to abnormal length (complete with rubbery sound effects).
  • Rule of Three: A notable trait in the videos, starting with the "I like trains" kid. These gags appear early in the movie, typically to introduce the character, again towards the middle, and then at the very end to lead into the credits. Sometimes they will make an appearance in the next movie (or movies) as well. Examples include the "I Like Trains" kid, the man punching a salad, the mine turtle, the suicidal muffin, the skateboarding cow pretending to be a man, the sheep, the pineapples, and the people cheering for death. The potato, while only appearing once in each movie, appears a total of three times. An exception to the rule is the waffle, which only appears twice in its debut.
  • Running Gag:
    "You guys want to go skateboards?"
    • 11 had a giant rear end that farts so hard people's skin fly off their bodies.
    • Deathnote 
  • Rustproof Blood: Averted in 11 when a man, having been stabbed, is attended to by a doctor of psychology. By the time he's been set up on a couch, the blood has darkened.

  • Sarcasm Mode: Often, but the guy from 11 wins the prize (literally):
    Narrator: And now, the award for best sarcasm goes to...this guy.
    Best Sarcasm Winner: (in the most sarcastic voice possible) Oh, wow, thank you so much.
  • Self-Made Orphan: In a skit from the 14th movie, a baby kills his father by Neck Snapping him.
  • Schmuck Bait:
  • Speak of the Devil:
    • "I like trains."
    • "Piano!" *Piano Drop* "Whose idea was this?!"
    • The butt also seems to respond to the word "but."
  • Sdrawkcab Speech: The Black Speech for turning the father into an ice cream cone is a backmasked "memeicus icecreamicus".
  • Serial Killer: Larry, if his neck-snapping is as common as in his lone appearance in asdfmovie deleted scenes.
  • Shaped Like Itself:
    • "PIE FLAVOUR!!!"
    • "I'm gonna punch your face! IN THE FACE." The victim turns out to have a tiny face on his face.
  • Shipper on Deck: The Moon in asdfmovie 5.
    "Hey! You two should kiss!"
  • Shoot Him, He Has a Wallet!: Played straight (albeit in a typical Non Sequitur fasion) in the first skit of the series. Someone pulls the classic "Got your nose" on someone else, and the cops kick down the door to shoot him. Whether that's a viable concern in the asdfverse is ambiguous, but the fact remains that the prankster doesn't actually have a nose.
  • Shoot the Dog: Literally! The 9th movie opens with a boy misinterpreting his mother's request to "take out the dog".
    "...for a walk, Jimmy!"
  • Shout-Out:
    • One of the people shown doing the Flop in the EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP music video is a LEGO Minifig with a shirt reading "I ♥ Chase McCain".
    • "Honey, why is the baby on fire?" "BUY ME MORE JEWELRY!" from ASDF 3 is a reference to The Sims.
    • Tom's asdf-comic book Art is Dead is named after a Bo Burnham song.
    • The clown in the Muffin Time Kickstarter ad makes a gun out of a balloon in the style of The Mask.
    • A deleted scene featuring the talking fruit is a parody of The Annoying Orange.
  • Sinister Sentient Sun:
    • One gag from the Deleted Scenes has the Sun calling out a poor fellow to look at him, only to turn him blind.
      The Sun: "Hey, look over there!"
      Man: Looks at it and has his eyes fried.
      The Sun: "Haha now you're blind!"
    • The sun returns in the 13th movie, approaching the earth and incinerating a guy who said "hi" to it.
  • Skewed Priorities: A wife's reaction to her husband pointing out the baby's on fire? "BUY ME MORE JEWELRY!"
  • Slasher Smile: In the "REAL MAN!" music video, the Happy Borger man has one when he blows up the Cow Pretending to be a Man's skateboard and poses as an ambulance driver to take him back to captivity.
  • Spiritual Successor: To the Eddsworld videos Tom's Tales Of Awesome, Edd's tales of Boredom, and Tom's Tales of Brilliance. Tom even admitted it on Eddsworld's twitter.
  • Splash of Color:
    • Apart from blood, rainbows, Marmite, Evil Tie flash, exposed muscle tissue, and the brief scene in 7 when everything is in color (and the characters promptly freak out because it's revealed that they're naked) everything is black and white.
    • The Stylistic Suck-filled THE TWENTY MINUTE ASDFMOVIE has foodstuffs colored in.
  • Spontaneous Choreography: "Everybody do The Flop!" (every person in the vicinity instantly flops at the same time)
  • Staging an Intervention: Done in asdfmovie deleted scenes for Larry, who continually snaps people's necks. It lasts about five seconds for everyone besides Larry.
  • Staircase Tumble:
    • In the ninth movie, until it's revealed that we're seeing the scene upside-down so the person is falling up the stairs.
    • "Hey, Bobby! Play that one about falling down the stairs!"
  • Standard '50s Father:
    • The "I Like Trains" kid has one.
    • Apparently so does the little girl in the sixth movie.
  • Status Quo Is God: When one asdfperson states that not every skit has to end in violence in "You wrote the WORST asdfmovie EVER," TomSka himself promptly shoots him in the head, saying that they do.
  • Stealth Pun: In the sixth film, the kid doesn't say it, but he likes planes.
  • The Stinger: "You ever get tired of being random?" *Beat* (guy and friend are now ducks for no reason) "Me neither."
  • Straight Gay: The guy who pushes the button in Movie 9.
    Oh, I'm gay now. Huh.
  • Stroke the Beard: Played with in 12.
    Man: (with a hand stroking his chin) Hmm... this is not my arm.
    (zoom out to reveal another man touching the first man's face)
    Other Man: Hey. Your chin feels nice.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: All over the Mine Turtle music video. Justified because, you know, Mine Turtles.
  • Stylistic Suck:
  • Subverted Trope: A lot of the humor is derived by doing the complete opposite/something different than what you're expecting to see. Also, the second and third movie repeat and subvert some earlier skits.
    • Two women prepare to play "Catch the Knife." The first woman shoots the other instead. "Man, I suck at this game!"
  • Suicide as Comedy:
    • Loads. The Darker and Edgier asdfmovie7 was where the suicide jokes kicked off, with a smattering of them throughout the later shorts, but even the earlier ones had a couple to go around (for example, the trumpeter that gets caught without a licence).
    Muffin: Hey Joey, you wanna eat me?
    Joey: No thanks, Mr. Muffin.
    Muffin: But I wanna die!
    • A sketch in asdfmovie11 has a doctor tell a patient he only has one year left to live. The patient responds by laughing, retorting "Oh yeah?" and shooting himself.
  • Suicide by Cop: "Quick! Shoot me in the face!"
  • Superdickery: "Save me, Superguy!" "No." "You're a diiii—" *splat*
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Partway through the music video "Everybody Do The Flop", the "Do The Flop" guy eventually comes to realize the obvious dangers of falling down onto one's face. He then spends some time to try to come up with a new sensation, only to give up when he realize it's tough to force a new fad onto the public.
  • Surreal Humor: Most of the comedy is bizarre and makes no logical sense, but the absurdity of it all can still elicit plenty of laughter.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: The Butterfly from 9 to Marmite. He has an identical voice to Marmite, and just like Marmite, he steals a guy's wife.

  • Take a Third Option:
    Drill Sergeant Nasty: "What are you, a man, or a mouse!?"
  • Take That!: Deleted Scenes features a nasty one towards The Annoying Orange: a kid reenacts the very first episode with an orange and an apple, and his parents aren't too happy about it.
    Father: Well, we failed. (cocks shotgun) Don't look, honey.
  • Taking the Bullet: Subverted in 12's deleted scenes. One man fires a gun, and another dives... behind the target.
    "Phew! I almost got shot!"
  • Taking the Fight Outside: Played with in a skit which features two rowdy types in a bar with drinks looking like they're about to get into a fight. One of them, in a very serious tone, suggests "taking this outside", to which the other replies in just as serious a tone "Sure!". One cut later, with both of them outside, and the Bait-and-Switch apparent:
    Rowdy guy number 1: [still in pre-fight tone of voice] Wow! What a lovely evening!
    Rowdy guy number 2: [also still in pre-fight voice] This was a really great idea!
  • The Talk: Parodied in 13 when a boy asks "Where do babies comes from?" and his mother responds with "Baby gun." before blasting him in the face with one.
  • Talking Animal:
    • Mine Turtle consistently replies with a "Hello" to people. His music video also has him noting "technically I'm a tortoise".
    • The ducks are a more unusual case; when one of them quacks like normal, the other remarks (in English) how he was just about to say the same thing.
    • The cow pretending to be a man naturally talks to maintain its cover as a man.
    • The sheep in 10 who likes to say "beep beep, I'm a sheep".
  • Teens Are Monsters: Spoofed via inversion:
    Police officer: Ma'am, I'm afraid I've caught your son doing... homework.
    Mom: Where did I go wrong?!
  • Tempting Fate: From 12:
    Guy: Boy, I sure hope I don't get hit by a car!
    (man gets punched in the face... by a car)
    Car: That's for sleeping with my wife!
  • Terrible Pick-Up Lines:
    • Parodied in asdfmovie7. A man says to a woman, "Hey, baby, are you an angel? 'Cuz I'm allergic to feathers." [vomits on her]
    • And again in asdfmovie10. A woman says to a man, "Hey, I'm not like other girls; I have SNAKE ARMS." [flails them around]
  • There Can Only Be One: Unless you like dying from getting stabbed in the chest, don't say your boyfriend said you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
  • There Was a Door:
  • They Called Me Mad!: A few Mad Scientists pop up who state this in regards to their bizarre creations
    • They said he could never teach a llama to drive. He probably should have listened.
    • Tom, who created the Mine Turtle.
  • They Killed Kenny Again:
    • Every time The "I Like Trains" Kid appears, he or someone near him gets hit by a train.
    • The Mine Turtle blows up in all but one of the skits it's in. It's shown in the song that there is actually an entire army worth of Mine Turtles (who then go on to explode the dinosaurs).
    • Either The "Die, Potato" Guy, the Potato, or both die in all of their skits.
    • The Deleted Scenes and asdfmovie10 both have a skit involving a girl called Suzie being killed (by the "Stegosaurus" in the former and a car in the latter); given the nature of the series, it's likely that they're the same character.
  • Thought-Aversion Failure: This bit from 6.
    Guy A: Quick, don't think about cats!
    [Guy B starts barfing cats]
  • Through the Eyes of Madness:
    • In asdfmovie9.
      "Are you hungry?"
      "No, I'm crazy!"
      (crazy person is staring at cactus with hamburger balanced on it)
    • Also in 10.
      Clay figure 1: What time is it?
      Clay figure 2: It's medication time!
      (art style shifts from 3D figures to usual 2D style)
      Guy 2: This is better.
  • Toilet Humor: The giant butt in 11 provides this, in the form of farts capable of ripping skin and muscle off one's face.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Billy. He wanted to be a he baked himself into one.
  • Train Song: The "I Like Trains" song, though it's about the "I Like Trains" kid rather than the trains themselves.
  • Transflormation: "Tree powers, activate!" Doesn't really work, though.
  • Trigger-Happy: Everybody is prone to pulling out guns and shooting at the drop of a hat.
  • Tuckerization: The Mine Turtle was apparently invented by a man named Tom.
  • Unfortunate Names: In asdfmovie9, a girl tells her dad that she's hungry, to which the dad replies with "Hi hungry, I'm dad", a typical "dad joke"... until it's shown that the girl actually is named Hungry.
  • Unusual Euphemism: "Holy shirt!", as seen in the end of asdfmovie deleted scenes.
  • Vague Age: Just how old is the "I Like Trains" Kid? He's referred to as a "kid", is seen with kids in most of his early appearances and apparently still lives with his parents, but in his self-titled song, he's shown to be able to get a job, buy a house and get married. Not helped by the fact that he's visually modeled after Edd Gould, who was 22 when he first started voicing the character.
  • Verbal Tic Name: Presumably the "I Like Trains" kid.
  • Villain Song: A short ditty sung by a potted plant in asdfmovie12... about eating human skin.
  • Visual Pun:
    • From asdfmovie6.
      Mom: Here comes the airplane!
      Boy: *smiles*
      * airplane lands on house*
    • The "asdfmovie Song" video sometimes quickly flashed corresponding pictures of a cow and a bell (cowbell), as well as a drum and a karate kid (drum kick).
  • Vocal Dissonance: Babies in asdfmovie 8 and asdfmovie13 have deep, grownup voices.
  • Voice of the Legion: "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE."
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot:
    • Doctor, I think I might be a homosexual." "How can you tell?" "RAAAINBOOOOOWS"
    • "Quick! Don't think about cats!" (BLARRRRGH)
    • "Hey, are you an angel? Because I'm allergic to feathers." *pukes in the girl's face*
    • "Miss, you need to pay for your food!" "Nope." (pukes up an entire burger)
    • "I'm feeling carsick!" ''(pukes up a car)'
  • Weaksauce Weakness:
    • "I'm allergic to adorableness!"
    • "It's a lovely day to walk down the road, and if I ever stop singing I will explode..."
  • Weird Moon: The moon is both alive and acts as a Third Wheel out of its Shipper on Deck views. "HEY, YOU TWO SHOULD KISS!!!"
  • What Does This Button Do?:
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?:
    Lady: "Somebody help me, I'm being robbed!!"
    T-Man: "I'll save you! Tree powers activate!!" *turns into a tree*
  • Who Writes This Crap?!: "Whose idea was this?!"
  • Widowed at the Wedding: Inverted in the "I Like Trains" Song, where the I-Like-Trains Kid is about to get married, and instead of saying his vows, he says, "I like trains," causing a train to run through the wall of the church and run over his bride.
  • William Telling: Is pulled off successfully in 10 with a little boy, pinning the apple atop his head to the tree behind him... only for the tree to fall on top of him.
  • X Called; They Want Their Y Back: In 11, a guy approaches a Disco Dan character.
    "The '80s called. They dead." (draws gun and begins rapidly shooting the now-rapidly dancing Disco Dan)
  • Yandere: Don't say your boyfriend said you were the most beautiful girl in the world...

"Do you ever get tired of being random?"
"Me neither."

Alternative Title(s): Asdfmovie


"Gullible" on the ceiling

"Oh, so it d--ah! You stole my lungs."

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4.8 (10 votes)

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Main / OrganTheft

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