Warmane realmlist guide
  1. Warmane realmlist guide

    Tutorial on how to update your realmlist to Warmane.

    Wrath of the Lich King
    1) Go to your World of Warcraft folder
    2) Double click on your "Data" folder
    3) Double click on your enUS (or whichever language pack you're using) folder
    4) Right click on the file named "", open it with Notepad.
    5) Replace ALL of the text in this file with the following: set realmlist

    1) Go to your WoW folder where you can find your WoW.exe
    2) Double click on your "Data" folder
    3) Double click on your enUS (or whichever language pack you're using) folder
    4) Right click on the file named "", select "open it with Notepad
    Note: Sometimes "" file may be located in the World of Warcraft
    5) Replace ALL of the text in this file with the following: set realmlist

    Mists of Pandaria
    1) Go to your WoW folder where you can find your WoW.exe
    2) Double click on your "WTF" folder
    3) Right click on the file named "", open it with Notepad
    4) On the third line, you should see "realmlist". Replace the text on this line with the following: SET realmlist ""

    How to fix the "read only" problem;
    1) Right-click on the file.
    2) Select "Properties" from the displayed menu.
    3) At the bottom of the new panel, there is a box named "Read-only". Make sure it is NOT checked!

  2. How to setup your Warmane realmlist

    Wrath of the Lich King
    1) Go to your WoW folder where you can find your WoW.exe.
    2) Double click on your "Data" folder.
    3) Double click on your enUS (or whichever language pack you're using) folder.
    4) Right click on the file named "", select "open with" and proceed to use Notepad.
    5) Replace ALL of the text in this file with the following;
    set realmlist
    Just to be 1000000% sure, it was not NEEDED to change realmlist right? only optional?
    Because otherwise we will lose like half of our players again.

  3. Currently optional, in the future I would assume they will drop support under the molten domain.

  4. Currently optional, in the future I would assume they will drop support under the molten domain.
    That was my idea aswell, but I need 100% confirmation on this before I am going to spam this around on global... I don't feel like molten losing a big chunk of its population.

  5. That was my idea aswell, but I need 100% confirmation on this before I am going to spam this around on global... I don't feel like molten losing a big chunk of its population.
    Everything is somewhat in limbo right now with a lot of things, it's best to be future-proof'd and just set yourself to warmane realmlist, as all updates, discussions and news now takes place under the warmane name and website.

    If you have any thoughts or questions about this, feel free to PM me

  6. Just to be 1000000% sure, it was not NEEDED to change realmlist right? only optional?
    Because otherwise we will lose like half of our players again.
    I want to let you know that 3 minutes ago I logged on, to find a message ''You are currently using our old realmlist blablabal, go to this thread ** blablabalba..blabalbalab''

    I couldn't se my mail, gems/enchants, talents and this was right of the bat probably were more errors but just logged off to fix it. Also all of my addons were bugging the crap out with errors. Promtly got to the new connection guide to fix it.
    Did so and logged back on and it's fine.

    *MODERATOR/STAFF QUESTION + TIP* The error when logging in was good, BUT - I have no fancy Prat addon or such that let's me copy a link from chat. I ain't gonna manually type in the whole link either and I don't think newbie players will either.

    INSTEAD: ''Google - Warmane Realmlist and click on the first link.'' would be a more dummyproof answer. To ensure all newbie players are able to get the new realmlist if it is like you say Martin.

  7. Due to some problems I couldn't save the list after changing it, so to fix it, I deleted old realmlist, then on torrent (I already had WoW seeding) set re-download WoW via check, this will only download you the missing files of that download, and you will get a new realmlist already set on warmane.

    Just a heads up if someone gets the same problem, this way you can fix it pretty easy, and fast.

  8. I followed your steps to change the realmlist but it tells me the file is read-only and wont let me change it. is there a way to fix that?

  9. I followed your steps to change the realmlist but it tells me the file is read-only and wont let me change it. is there a way to fix that?
    I added a fix for this at the bottom of the guide. :)

  10. Due to some problems I couldn't save the list after changing it, so to fix it, I deleted old realmlist, then on torrent (I already had WoW seeding) set re-download WoW via check, this will only download you the missing files of that download, and you will get a new realmlist already set on warmane.

    Just a heads up if someone gets the same problem, this way you can fix it pretty easy, and fast.
    So is it ok if i just delete my old WoW file and re-download a new one ??

  11. so on wolk i followed the steps but i am still being spammed saying im useing the old relmlist when i have done what is needed whats going on?

  12. I Play on MoP and im running Windows 8.1 and when i tryd to change the Realmlist its kept saying that my changes has been denied. if any of u that have 8.1 and has changed it plz help beceuse my WOTLK changes and my Cata but MoP wont

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