Rigged: Revolving Beast Guitarist Benjamin Powell (aka Valient Thorr's Eidan Thorr) and Storm Castaneda - Gear Gods

Rigged: Revolving Beast Guitarist Benjamin Powell (aka Valient Thorr's Eidan Thorr) and Storm Castaneda

Apparently Valient Thorr six-stringer Eidan Thorr, known to the earthbound as Benjamin Powell when he walks amongst us mere mortals in the realm of Midgard, tries to avoid any possible moment of calm and quiet. So when he”s not raining down the hammers in his more widely-known band he simply continues to bring the thunder in Revolving Beast. Powell, along with drummer Storm Castaneda (come on guys, do you have no bass love for us?), gave us the scenic thorr tour of The Beast”s sky-crushing gear.


Revoling Beast”s forthcoming record is a continent-spanning split with Oslo, Norway”s Turbojugend Kokomo. You can call them TJ Kokomo for short, or if you”re looking for a great name for a Magnum, P.I. reboot. Preorders are up at this location, but I have to warn you online casino that you might want to don your spectacles ahead of time. The text-on-background clash on Shop Turbojugend is giving me serious Geocities flashbacks.

Want more from Mr. Benjamin Powell? Catch Valient Thorr on the road with Nashville Pussy and Against the Grain at these stops:

12/6 – Lexington, KY – Cosmic Charlie’s
12/7 – Grand Rapids, MI – Pyramid Scheme
12/9 – Minneapolis, MN – Lees Liquor
12/10 – Green Bay, WI – Lyric Room
12/11 – Madison, WI – The Majestic
12/12 – Chicago, IL – Reggie’s
12/13 – Hamtramck, MI – Smalls
12/14 – Columbus, OH – Ace of Cups
12/16 – Cleveland, OH – The Foundry
12/17 – Rochester, NY – The Bug Jar
12/18 – NYC, NY – Gramercy
12/19 – Asbury Park, NJ – Wonder Bar
12/20 – Philly, PA – Star Bar

Written by

Chris Alfano has written about music and toured in bands since print magazines and mp3.com were popular. Once in high-school he hacked a friend's QBasic stick figure fighting game to add a chiptune metal soundtrack. Random attractive people still give him high-fives about that.

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