Hotmail and Outlook down, or login problems - Jun 2024 | Product Reviews

Hotmail and Outlook down, or login problems

The transition from Hotmail to Outlook hasn’t been without problems, in fact there’s been a few outages with users reporting Hotmail or Outlook has gone down throughout this year at different times. In most circumstances this will just be old issues not lasting very long, although some issues will be prolonged with Outlook login problems being the most highlighted.

If you made the move from Hotmail to Outlook, then you might not be happy since the automatic switch and not having the ability to switch back to Hotmail again. In fact, we have seen a few people complain and think the service hasn’t improved since the changes to their inbox.


Do you have problems with the Hotmail (Outlook) login on Saturday June 1, 2024? If there’s a global outage, or issues local to USA, UK, and other countries then they will be revealed within status updates below. Also, leave details about problems you have or if the email service is down today for you.

When Microsoft offers official statements in regard to Outlook, or Hotmail, problems then you can be sure to find them below.