3-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
*Only accepting banquet bookings
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (77)
🇭🇰OZAKAYA·Lunch Set $198呢個restaurant week lunch set係我朋友食過話好抵食 好好味 推介我哋嚟食嘅 果然真係超級唔錯 佢係超級豐富 而且午餐真係平超多🤑🤑·welcome mocktail l uni toast我本身以為佢個welcome mocktail係細細杯既姐 點知原來超大杯🤣佢係類似菠蘿梳打咁樣 唔會話太甜 個菠蘿味都好真 勁開胃🍍之後佢個uni toast雖然比我睇相細舊 但係佢上面嘅海膽好甜好鮮 好好食 如果大嚿啲就完美啦😈·uni • ikura • angel hair l black cod saikyo l negitoro tuna don (+$58)之後主菜我哋就每樣嗌咗一個 佢3個都超好食🤩🤩佢嗰海膽天使麵勁有驚喜 佢個汁係好濃海膽味 而且佢個天使麵係出奇地煮到啱啱好 係好難得仲有質感得黎勁掛汁 我自己好鍾意👼🏻🤤🤤之後個鱈魚都好嫩 好滑 調味都好好 不過呢個就相對細份啲 如果就咁嗌呢個應該會唔夠食🐟😂最後個吞拿魚蓉都有驚喜 佢口感好好 仲食到啲吞拿魚 而且都幾肥美😚·aichi ichijku l yuzu crème brûlée反而甜品我就冇咁鍾意啦 佢第一個無花果甜品中間係有個雪葩既 食落幾清新🍧之後個柚子crème brûlée我就冇咁鍾意 佢食落去似蒸蛋多啲 而且係偏淡味嘅 無主菜同前菜咁好味🍮·#rbyeat#rby日本菜 #rbydiningcity #rbycelebrations#rby灣仔·📍灣仔莊士敦道78號The Johnston1樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-29
一年無過黎食brunch,水準依然咁好。$495一位,前菜任食,主食選一個,包你一定滿足,但又唔係自助餐食好多唔係可以回本嘅野又味道麻麻。今次又係下午食完,夜晚都唔駛食野。加多$100就有非酒精飲品任飲,不過我會選擇$190任埋sake,紅白汽酒任飲。先講野食,前菜任食,海鹽枝豆,軟殼蟹卷,素菜壽司卷,辣蔥三文魚卷任你食,係有得任吃,不過不能吃太多,因為其他前菜好食都多而且又唔會咁飽。好食嘅好多,雜錦刺身,番茄、鹽燒雞翼、和牛他他,配菜有馬山椒同火箭菜,粟米加上青檸味噌醬,點左黑糖醬嘅唐揚炸雞都係我私心要一點再點嘅推薦。如果食得飽,點番d綠花椰菜苗同芝麻菜和風沙律可以幫助消化,食完準備挑戰呢個主菜。主菜有阿波美地雞、北海道白金豚、海鹽燒油甘魚鮫、角切刺身丼、舞茸菇高菜土鍋飯,溫泉玉子、西京銀鱈魚、南澳洲M6和牛後腰肉,同和牛西冷,八個選擇中,唯獨牛同魚要加錢,不過都值得因牛嘅質素好高,個人覺得舞茸菇高菜土鍋飯粟米都好推薦,加左粟米•松露油後都非常香,西京銀鱈魚都做得剛剛好的perfect 油香同juicy。甜品部分,無限量每位都有得食季節水果,另外兩個係京都抹茶流芯蛋糕,柚子焦糖法式燉蛋,兩個都做得細緻,特別係法式燉蛋,同平時係餐廳a la carte點的份同味道都一樣。如果想搵個地方坐朋友食下傾下一個下午,絕對值得試吓,唔算貴又叫做幾好食,怪不得呢個brunch都維持到有不少人支持。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-26
餐廳係灣仔修頓球場對面,利東街附近,坐喺度可以睇到鬧市街景,食完飯又可以行吓好有節日氣氛嘅利東街,都幾開心😍餐廳亦提供Restaurant Week菜單,晚餐$438pp,包Welcome Mocktail、前菜、主菜、甜品+餐茶, 抵食,而且整體質素掂,餐廳經理非常友善🥰Welcome MocktailMori 森林菠蘿.蘋果.乳酸 .有汽水海膽多士,松露醬鮮甜海膽先嚟刺激客人嘅味蕾😋Ozakaya卷醋清大根•柚子蔥吞拿魚•鮭魚籽餐廳經理介紹呢個卷由4種魚製作而成🤭澳洲m6和牛後腰肉 (150g) 牛肉照燒汁睇相都見到juicy ,旁邊嘅配菜一樣咁好食🤤極上刺身丼(+$58)柚子焦糖法式燉蛋因為係柚子味,所以個法式燉蛋係酸酸甜甜😋愛知縣無花果無花果.乳清芝士.百里香.蛋白脆咖啡或香草茶餐廳經過長樓梯上去,環境好靚😍設有Bar枱,適合收工過嚟Happy Hour飲下野🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前排有朋友介紹呢間日式餐廳話佢個海膽多士好創新好好食又見到唔少明星都有食過陳凱琳鄭嘉穎都推介🤣於是就夾埋朋友lunch time去食.一去到餐廳同事已經好熱情,歡迎我哋態度好好👍🏻👍🏻招呼我哋坐低之後我哋唔知食咩好🥹佢哋都好認真介紹返特別嘢飲方面按我哋喜好沖咗啲special Cocktail🍸🍹🧉呢杯煙燻木效果影出嚟好靚飲落甜甜地好易入口.介紹返食物先海膽多士真係全場最吸睛我見差唔多台台都有叫海膽好鮮甜冇腥味聽落鬆脆嘅多士層次好豐富.另外試了職員大推的燒牛舌、手羽先、免治雞肉棒及一些刺身每件燒物都剛剛好刺身也很新鮮整間餐廳也恰到好處👏🏻很期待再來試試其他菜式 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-25
Dinner with VeggieGal after an intense Thanksgiving HH nearby. Drums available for diners to vent their frustration in life. Continued HH with the “Buy 1 get 1 free” Happy Hour promotion- me with the Sauv Blanc; she with the Suntory Premium.Here’s what we had. Cold dish: pickles comprising chunks of cucumbers & radish with jalapeno miso, yukari (type of rice seasoning made of dried red shiso leaves and salt) & plum sauce. Didn’t like this one. Too blatantly acidic.Grilled Corn Ribs with lime miso butter & shichimi. Nice flavors.Grilled Miso eggplant with taro, broccolini & poppyseed head. Loved the eggplant but the taro coins tasted a bit blend with hard texture. Mixed Japanese mushrooms (oyster mushroom and king trumpet mushroom) with cauliflower puree, chives & yuzu kosho, which was surprisingly not too spicy for me. Lovely balance of flavors: particularly with the cauliflower- considered requesting extra servings of that. Mixed vegetables Tempura (green pepper, taro, sweet potato, angel fruit, pumpkin etc). Sauce came in a sake container and server reminded us to try it also with the Ginger salt on the side. Taro on this dish was surprisingly sweet and fresh. Grilled Chicken Wings on skewers sprinkled with sea salt all for myself. In summary: impressed with the extensive and creative vegetarian options. Excellent service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)