
Plans change – we understand – and that's why we offer several options on how to change or cancel a reservation, quickly and easily.

Reservations can be changed or canceled by:

  • visiting My Trips, entering their name and confirmation number, then proceeding with the steps to change or cancel a flight
  • clicking here to chat with us
  • direct messaging us on social media
  • speaking to a Guest Service Agent at their local airport

Changes can be made online up to one hour before scheduled departure. 

If a Guest cancels a reservation within 24 hours or less from booking, for a flight that is seven or more days away, they are eligible for a full refund in the original form of payment. Guests who are not entitled to a refund will receive a Reservation Credit for the value of the reservation. Airfare, government taxes and fees, ancillary fees, and carrier fee differences may apply when making itinerary changes to a reservation.

Please click here for information on how to use a reservation credit to book future travel with us.