Vatican sets new rules for postulators of sainthood causes - Catholic news – La Croix International

Vatican sets new rules for postulators of sainthood causes

Rome moves to ensure that those who promote beatification and canonization causes are truly working for the good of the Church and not just trying to enrich themselves

Updated October 20th, 2021 at 05:41 pm (Europe\Rome)
La Croix International

The Vatican has issued new guidelines for those who oversee the procedures for promoting someone to be eventually declared a saint

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints posted the norm last Friday on its website. 

They are contained in a document called “Regolamento dei Postulatori”, or rules for postulators.

The text, which so far exists only in Italian, was signed on October 11 by the congregation’s prefect, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro.

"Postulators, through their work, help highlight the examples of those baptized Christians who have lived and witnessed to the Gospel," says the introduction to the text. 

It consists of 86 articles and insists that the important role of the postulator cannot be reduced to a merely administrative or juridical task.

Rather, it says that the postulator has a "particular responsibility" towards the diocese or institute that has opened a cause for beatification or canonization, as well as towards "the bishop and the people of God".

"A Catholic of proven integrity"

The new Vatican guidelines say that a postulator must be "a Catholic of proven integrity" who is under 80 years of age and has "an adequate knowledge of theology, canon law and history".

Cardinals and bishops may not be postulators. Nor may those who are linked to the Congregation for the Causes as an employee, member or consultor.

Furthermore, postulators must live in Rome and are forbidden to handle "more than 30 active causes” at one time.

As a sign of stricter control, postulators must now provide their curriculum vitae at the first meeting with the congregation. 

Remuneration according to the work "actually" performed 

But above all, the new regulations seek to assure that postulators do not use their position for unreasonable financial gain.

“The postulator has the right to a fair remuneration, according to the work actually performed," the new norms say.

“The postulator cannot demand or receive a salary linked to his appointment for each cause," the norms also stipulate. In short: he or she cannot accumulate salaries.

Likewise, "the postulator can also exercise his office free of charge", according to the new regulations.

The Vatican also wants to bring an end to any attempt by postulators to put pressure on the members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.  

"The postulator must not have any contact with anyone who has been designated by the dicastery for the judgement of the causes entrusted to him," the regulations state.

Previously there were no clear rules

The Vatican also sets out clear rules for the appointment of diocesan postulators.  

In the dioceses of origin for the person whose life is being examined, they are responsible for making an initial report. 

Thus, the postulator cannot be a Vatican employee and must live in the diocese. 

The new Vatican text, which was in preparation for the past several years, was approved by Pope Francis at the end of August.

It was necessitated by the occurrence of abuses committed by certain postulators. 

For instance, some Italian lawyers have become specialists in taking on a multitude of sainthood causes and charging a handsome fee for doing so. 

The approval of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints was always required, in theory. But no clear rule actually existed.

"I believe that the ideal postulator is the one who assumes and carries out the function that’s been conferred as a service," explained Cardinal Semeraro in an interview published last Friday by Vatican News.

He insisted that being a postulator is "just any service, but a service rendered in the Church and for the good of the Church, for the good of the faithful".