Access to Education | CPPS Ltd
Expert Care and Occupational Therapy Services
Access to Education

Access to Education

CPPS Occupational Therapists help our clients to access educational facilities across preschool, school, college and university. We support children and young people’s development with intervention programmes and advice that spans across home and school, supporting continuity of learning and care.

We support education staff to understand the functional impact of a disability for our clients and assist them with overcoming barriers to education. As part of our assessment, we advise on any necessary adaptations required in schools and requirements for specialist equipment, transport arrangements and extra-curricular activity.

Our team contribute to education health care plans and support specific learning outcomes for our clients. This might include using assistive technology to support handwriting, developing independence for dressing and undressing for PE, achieving a regulated sensory state so that the client is ready to participate in a lesson, and providing advice on exam arrangements.

Access to Education
Access to Education
Access to Education
Access to Education
Access to Education
Access to Education
Access to Education
Access to Education
Montessori Nursery Manager

“It was a pleasure to welcome CPPS Expert Care and OT Services Ltd into our setting. Good advice was given and very helpful strategies for dealing with some very challenging children that are still being used today.”