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  • effect on hunter-gatherers
    • Timucua men in northeastern Florida using animal skins as a disguise for deer hunting, engraving, c. 1564.
      In hunter-gatherer

      …southwest Asia and in Mesoamerica, all peoples were hunter-gatherers. Their strategies have been very diverse, depending greatly upon the local environment; foraging strategies have included hunting or trapping big game, hunting or trapping smaller animals, fishing, gathering shellfish or insects, and gathering wild plant foods such as fruits

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  • importance of agriculture
    • farm in Saskatchewan
      In origins of agriculture: Early agricultural societies

      In contrast, the earliest civilizations based on complex and productive agriculture developed on the alluviums of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Nile rivers. Villages and townships existed in the Euphrates valley in the latter part of the 7th millennium bp. Soon the population was dispersed in hamlets and villages over…

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  • philosophy of history
    • Jacob Burckhardt
      In philosophy of history: Later systems

      …undertook a comparative study of civilizations, thereby repudiating attempts to treat the past as if it exhibited a single linear progression: at the same time, he diverged from Spengler in suggesting that current Western society might not after all be necessarily doomed to extinction and in tempering a predominantly deterministic…

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  • view of Democritus
    • Plutarch
      In Western philosophy: Pluralistic cosmologies

      Civilization, he thought, is produced by the needs of life, which compel human beings to work and to make inventions. When life becomes too easy because all needs are met, there is a danger that civilization will decay as people become unruly and negligent.

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    • cities
      • Shibuya shopping district in Tokyo
        In city: Ancient world

        bc), humans achieved relatively fixed settlement, but for perhaps 5,000 years such living was confined to the semipermanent peasant village—semipermanent because, when the soil had been exhausted by the relatively primitive methods of cultivation, the entire village was usually compelled to pick up and move to another location. Even when…

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    • hydraulic civilization
      • Luxor, Egypt: feluccas on Nile River
        In river: Significance in early human settlements

        The inner valleys of some great alluvial rivers contain the sites of ancestral permanent settlements, including pioneer cities. Sedentary settlement in Hither Asia began about 10,000 years ago at the site of Arīḥā (ancient Jericho). Similar settlement in the Tigris-Euphrates and Nile valleys dates…

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    • nonurban cultures
      • Tarasco Indian handicrafts
        In primitive culture

        In general, civilization involves the rise of legal institutions and the acquisition of a legal monopoly of force by a government. Those developments made possible the cities and empires of classical times and the growth of dense populations. Thus “civilized” is nearly synonymous with “urban.”

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    • urban revolution
      • In urban revolution

        …indicate the development of urban civilization: increased settlement size, concentration of wealth, large-scale public works, writing, representational art, knowledge of science and engineering, foreign trade, full-time specialists in nonsubsistence activities, class-stratified society, and political organization based on residence rather than kinship. He saw the underlying causes of the urban revolution…

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    study by

      • Spengler
        • Spengler, Oswald
          In Oswald Spengler

          Spengler contended that because most civilizations must pass through a life cycle, not only can the historian reconstruct the past but he can predict “the spiritual forms, duration, rhythm, meaning and product of the still unaccomplished stages of our Western history.” Unlike Arnold Toynbee, who later held that cultures are…

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      • Toynbee
        • Arnold J. Toynbee
          In Arnold J. Toynbee

          …rise and fall of 26 civilizations in the course of human history, and he concluded that they rose by responding successfully to challenges under the leadership of creative minorities composed of elite leaders. Civilizations declined when their leaders stopped responding creatively, and the civilizations then sank owing to the sins…

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