7 Most Stubborn Guard Dog Breeds That Are Toughest

7 Most Stubborn Guard Dog Breeds That Are Toughest

Most Stubborn Guard Dog Breeds

Stubborn dogs can sometimes be quite the handful. In the world of canines, being labeled as stubborn usually means a dog is challenging to train. This trait is sometimes seen in guard dog breeds that are naturally independent, headstrong, and full of energy.

These dogs might not always be the most attentive, may get easily distracted, or just prefer to follow their own rules, which can make training more demanding than usual. But this doesn’t mean they aren’t good pets; rather, they might just be better suited for owners who are more experienced in rigorous training routines.

However, it’s important to remember that no dog is inherently untrainable. Many professional trainers will argue that what seems like stubbornness is often just a sign of training methods that need to be adjusted. The guard dogs we’ll talk about are deeply loyal and affectionate; they just need a little extra patience and creativity in their training approach.

Training Tips for a Stubborn Dog on Walks

So, let’s dive into learning about the most stubborn guard dog breeds and the unique challenges they present.

Most Stubborn Guard Dog Breeds

1. Afghan Hound

Most Stubborn Guard Dog Breeds

Afghan Hounds, one of the oldest sighthound breeds, are known for their independence and strong will. They have historically served various roles, from guarding to herding and coursing, showcasing their versatility. These hound dogs are exceptionally loyal to their owners, and despite their eagerness to please, they present unique training challenges due to their strong-minded nature.

Afghan Hounds are highly intelligent, but their independent streak can make training a complex task. They do not respond well to harsh methods; instead, they thrive under gentle guidance that respects their sensitive temperament. Implementing positive reinforcement techniques and maintaining patience are crucial when training this breed.

High maintenance in both grooming and training, Afghan Hounds also require early and consistent socialization to reduce their natural inclination towards independence. This early training helps them adapt better to different environments and makes them more manageable. Owners need to be particularly patient and firm, as Afghans can be temperamental and require consistent discipline to learn effectively.

2. Siberian Husky

Stubborn Guard Dog Breeds

The Siberian Husky stands out as one of the most stunning dog breeds, boasting an almost exotic look with their piercing blue eyes and wolf-like fur. Their appearance isn’t just beautiful—it also serves as a powerful deterrent to potential intruders due to their formidable and wild appearance.


Stubborn husky, she doesn’t want to wear a harness. I know that there are ways to train, but if you are thinking of getting husky, they come with attitude #huskylife #huskysoftiktok #husky #siberianhusky #walk

♬ original sound – Husky_Therapy

Known for their deep loyalty, Huskies are protective of their families, ready to defend their loved ones at a moment’s notice. Beyond their protective nature, Huskies are highly intelligent, yet they are equally known for their stubborn streak. They are strong-willed and have been known to throw epic temper tantrums if their needs aren’t met.

Siberian Huskies are not shy about expressing themselves; they become extremely vocal, resorting to whining, howling, and moaning to communicate their demands.

Before you decide to bring a Husky into your home, it’s important to match their strong personality with an equally assertive human leader. Huskies are also escape artists known for their ability to leap fences and open gates, often distracted by small animals due to their roots as sled dogs. Regular physical activity and thoughtful training tasks are essential to channel their energy positively and prevent them from becoming unruly.

3. Tibetan Mastiff

Stubborn Guard Dog

Tibetan Mastiffs are an ancient breed, domesticated thousands of years ago to guard vast territories, and they continue to embody these protective instincts, making them vigilant guardians of their families and homes. Their majestic, lion-like appearance not only adds to their regal demeanor but also serves as a natural deterrent to strangers.

Training a Tibetan Mastiff can be challenging due to their independent nature and strong protective instincts, traits deeply ingrained from their history as guard dogs. Early and extensive socialization is crucial to prevent them from becoming overly wary or aggressive towards strangers.

Though Tibetan Mastiffs are capable of learning quickly, their strong-willed and sometimes stubborn nature can complicate training efforts, making them less suitable for obedience competitions. They tend to be aloof and selective in their attentiveness, preferring not to engage in repetitive training activities. Due to their size and protective nature, a poorly trained Tibetan Mastiff can be a risk, emphasizing the need for an experienced and vigilant owner.

4. Pekingese

Stubborn  Dog Breeds

The Pekingese is a small breed with a big personality, reflecting their noble history as companions to Chinese royalty. They are fiercely protective of their family and territory, unafraid to engage in a scuffle if necessary. These watchful little dogs are known for loudly alerting their households to any approaching friends or foes, often being very vocal about perceived threats.

Affectionate and loyal to their families, Pekingese dogs can also be quite stubborn, often showing a regal indifference to commands or training efforts. They are intelligent and possess a strong sense of self, which requires a gentle but firm approach to training. Acknowledging and respecting their independent nature while establishing clear leadership is key to managing their stubbornness. Known for being “serenely independent” and “opinionated,” Pekingese are not naturally eager to learn commands and prefer to be in control.

Examples of Stubborn Behavior in Dogs

For effective training, it is crucial that the person they choose as their favorite takes the lead. Pekingese see themselves as equals to their humans, so earning their respect is essential for successful training. By combining patience, firmness, and respect for their unique character, Pekingese can become well-behaved and delightful companions.

5. Akita

Stubborn dogs

The Akita is a stunning breed, celebrated for its role as a guardian and protector of families. Like many other breeds renowned for their protective qualities, Akitas are known to be quite headstrong.

Akitas may sometimes walk away during training sessions, a testament to their stubborn nature. If not properly socialized, they can be aggressive toward other dogs and aloof towards strangers. Due to their large size and considerable strength, Akitas can be challenging to manage and are not suitable for every owner. They possess immense endurance and require dedicated, consistent training to manage their energy and prevent boredom properly.

Because they are so intelligent, Akitas get bored easily, especially with repetitive training routines. To successfully train an Akita, it’s advisable to start early and engage professionals experienced in handling this breed’s complex personality.

Once properly trained, Akitas are generally calm and well-balanced. However, they are not typically recommended for families with young children, as their size and strength could inadvertently lead to injuries.

6. Dalmatians

most challenging dog breeds

Dalmatians are easily one of the most iconic dog breeds, instantly recognizable by their unique spotted coats and famously associated with firefighters and their fire trucks. They’ve even captured hearts worldwide in their starring role in the movie “101 Dalmatians.”

Originally bred to guard horses and carriages, Dalmatians retain much of their protective nature. They may appear reserved, but this is simply a sign of their dignified demeanor. They are reliable watchdogs, showing a strong loyalty to their chosen family members. However, Dalmatians are also known for being one of the more challenging breeds to train due to their high intelligence and stubborn nature.

Challenges Faced by Owners of Stubborn Dogs

Dalmatians can sometimes display aggressive tendencies and require a lot of exercise along with mental stimulation to stay balanced. Without sufficient activity, they can become destructive and moody. As an independent breed, Dalmatians thrive under the guidance of an owner who is assertive and confident. Successful training with a Dalmatian depends on consistency and authority to establish leadership, as well as regular socialization to ensure they remain approachable and friendly toward strangers.

7. English Bulldog

challenging dog breeds

English Bulldogs are a charming breed known for their potential to be loving and devoted family members. They have a calm demeanor but are naturally protective of their homes and loved ones, always ready to defend their territory if necessary. It’s important to teach them to distinguish between genuine threats and normal daily interactions to prevent overprotectiveness.

Training an English Bulldog can be challenging due to their stubborn nature. They respond best to positive reinforcement, such as treats and encouraging voice commands. English Bulldog owners often notice that their pets will take a moment to consider commands, thinking over what benefits they might gain before complying. This wilful behavior underscores the importance of patience and consistency in their training.

Additionally, English Bulldogs are prone to several health issues, particularly those affecting their joints and respiratory system. This means that while training is essential, it should never be too strenuous to avoid exacerbating these conditions. Early socialization with other pets and children is crucial; it helps the Bulldogs adapt well to various social situations and can moderate their stubborn tendencies.


The most stubborn dog breeds, such as the Jack Russell Terrier, Shiba Inu, and other small dog breeds with big attitudes, present unique challenges for dog owners. These stubborn breeds require firm training and consistent obedience training to manage their independent and headstrong nature.

Despite their stubbornness, with the right approach, each stubborn breed discussed here can become loyal and protective companions.

Mahvash Kazmi
Mahvash Kazmi, with a rich academic background in English Literature and Journalism, is not just a master of words but also a passionate advocate for the voiceless. Her vast experience, from teaching to insightful content creation, is underpinned by a profound love for animals and an unwavering commitment to conservation. An ardent animal lover, she often finds solace in nature's tales and the gentle purrs of her beloved Persian cat, Gracie. Her dedication to the environment and the written word combine to create truly compelling writing. With a heart that beats for the wild and the written word, she crafts compelling stories on animal issues, urging readers to coalesce for a cause.

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