Arden Cho Shares Message for 'Teen Wolf' Fans and Talks New Netflix Series 'Partner Track' (Exclusive) | Entertainment Tonight

Arden Cho Shares Message for 'Teen Wolf' Fans and Talks New Netflix Series 'Partner Track' (Exclusive)

The actress had a moving message to the 'Teen Wolf' supporters and previews her upcoming show, 'Partner Track.'

Arden Cho may not be in the new Teen Wolf movie, but she had a message for fans who are sad about her character's absence. The upcoming Paramount+ movie reunites the majority of the original series cast, minus key alumni such as Cho and Dylan O'Brien. Cho, who headlines Netflix's new workplace series Partner Trackconfirmed in an interview earlier this summer that her decision not to appear in the Teen Wolf movie was due to significant pay disparity with a few of her co-stars.

Nonetheless, Cho expressed her gratitude to the Teen Wolf fans for their support and love for her character, Kira. "I will always love the fans and I'm so thankful for the moment that I got to be Kira and thankful that fans still remember her," Cho told ET's Denny Directo recently over Zoom. "I mean, it's okay. She still lived and she had her time. So hey, watch Partner Track now!"

Partner Track follows Ingrid (Cho), a first-generation Korean American and the first lawyer in her family, as she experiences the trials and tribulations of excelling at a prestigious, but old-school law firm. With the support of her friends, she battles through workplace challenges to break through the glass ceiling on her path to becoming a partner as she struggles to juggle her love life. 

Asked how she felt about her new show potentially being compared to female-driven shows like Sex and the City and Emily in Paris, Cho said she was "honored," noting that Partner Track does have its own uniqueness to it. 

"It's definitely different. I feel like it's not exactly a show that we've seen before," the 37-year-old actress said. "There are elements that I feel like, of course, we see some similarities. But it's got a lot of moments for me that feel like movie moments. It's very fun. It is Ingrid marching through Manhattan trying to make it in this city. I love the Sex and the City comparison because, obviously, love that show -- and there's so many great moments in it -- but this is still a drama and there are still real things happening. It's very relatable. It's tough. There are moments where we might be crying, we might be angry or we might be laughing."


"I'm getting texts. I love that people are angry, people are happy, people are arguing. I love it. It's the emotions that we want," Cho said of the early response from people who have seen early cuts.

Cho shared that she connected with Ingrid's journey in so many different ways. For one thing, Ingrid being a first-generation Korean American woman trying to carve out her own path in her personal and professional lives immediately spoke to Cho.

"There are so many moments I relate to Ingrid or so many times where I'm like, we hate how invisible she feels or how she's doing all the hard work, not getting the credit, being pushed aside or overlooked. We all hate the misogyny and the patriarchal system. There are so many moments where I'm just like, 'Ugh, I hate it,' but I love that we show it. That's special. It is rare that we get to see it," she said. "Some of these moments that I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, it's so long and painful,' but it's good. We need that."

"And how great is it that we get to see this today? I mean, this is not a show that only Asian American women are going to relate to. This is a show that minorities, men, female, anyone in a tough field where they're the minority will relate," Cho added of the universal hardships her character goes through. "I feel like there's a little something for everyone. And every character is on a journey. We see everyone battling themselves, battling their identity or what they want, who they want, who they are."

Partner Track premieres Friday, Aug. 26 on Netflix. 


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