The Third Way: New Politics for the New Century | The BMJ

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The Third Way: New Politics for the New Century

BMJ 1998; 317 doi: (Published 14 November 1998) Cite this as: BMJ 1998;317:1394
  1. Albert Weale, professor of government, University of Essex, Colchester

    Tony Blair

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    Fabian society, £3.50, pp 20

    ISBN 0 71630588 7

    Rating: curiosity Embedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImagecoherenceEmbedded Image

    The plot is simple. Once upon a time, there was a world of secure jobs, large firms, low unemployment, relatively closed national economies, and strong communities underpinned by stable families. In that world social democratic governments could pursue their goals by simply using the instruments of state power. But that world has gone. Globalisation and other changes now mean that social democratic measures no longer work. Yet we should …

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