Free PDF Converter: Convert to and from PDF’s online | Canva
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Free PDF Converter

Convert files to PDFs without changing the content or compromising quality. With Canva’s online PDF converter, you can freely convert your DOCX, PPTX, and JPG files to PDF and more for easy sharing and download. Or convert your PDFs into editable Canva designs.

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How to convert files to PDF

Convert PDF documents to other file types

PDF Converter Feature Card 1

Upload your PDFs and convert them into editable Canva files that you can share as a link, publish as jpg, PPTX, or republish as a PDF. Simply launch the Canva homepage and import your media from your device. From there, change your designs or extract embedded images from your PDF files and turn them into high-quality pictures, ready for uploading and publishing.

Make your files easy to view and share

PDF Converter Feature Card 2

Different operating systems and software programs can add stress to any project requiring plenty of correspondence. Ensure that every detail of your work remains intact and viewable by converting jpg or other files to PDF before emailing them. Not only will the reduced file size make it easier to share, but they’ll also be easy to open across various devices. Use the short link generator(opens in a new tab or window)on Canva to instantly create a custom short URL you can seamlessly integrate into any design.

Upgrade your layouts with creative details

File size concerns can hinder your creativity when designing reports and presentations. Sharing as a link through Canva or converting your file to PDF allows you to let loose your artistic vision without creating huge files. Add images and other visual flourishes in reports. Use typography to make your text more compelling to read. Share directly or save your final creation as a PDF and have confidence that it will keep its superior resolution even with a small file size.

How to convert jpg or other image files to PDF

How to convert jpg files and more to PDF

Open Canva using the app or a web browser. Log in to your account to access our easy-to-use converter for PDF.

Click “Upload” or use the drag-and-drop method to import the photo, document, or file you want to convert to PDF. This takes you to our online editor.

Enhance or make changes to your file if desired. Edit the content, crop or resize the images, or add photo effects. You can also add text boxes, color blocks, and other graphic elements from our media library to take your file to the next level.

Once you’re finished customizing your layout, click Share then Download to convert your image or file to PDF. Select “PDF Standard” if you intend to share your file through email or “PDF Print” for printing.

You can now share your freshly converted PDF online. Attach it to emails, send it out for printing, or save it in cloud folders without worrying about large file sizes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our online PDF converter is completely free and easy to use. Convert to PDF or convert from PDF to other file types in just a few clicks. Turn any file into your chosen format, customizing it to your needs while maintaining quality. Whether you're looking to edit or modify a file or split or merge documents, our free PDF converter has all the tools you need to transform your images and layouts with ease.

Download our iOS or Android app to access our image to PDF converter. Choose a template or start your project from a blank layout. Click the purple + icon, then navigate to the Uploads tab to upload the JPG or PNG file you want to convert. Once your image is on the editing deck, customize its size and placement, or add other design elements. Download your work by selecting PDF Standard if you wish to send your file via email or PDF Print to convert your PNG to a PDF file for printing.

Since PDF is an open standard file format, converting to PDF makes images, documents, and other files convenient to share and download. It also compresses the file size without distorting its content and layout, even when it includes text, images, 3D graphics, and more. Converting jpg and other files to PDF also keeps them secure from unauthorized modifications. As an alternative, you can also share your files as a view-only Canva link so that you can make changes to your design without having to reshare a file.

PDF is one of the most compatible file-sharing formats, making it very useful for operations requiring presenting and sharing plenty of information. While PDF files can be opened and viewed across different devices and operating systems, they can also be password protected, which helps keep important documents confidential and viewable only to those authorized to open them.
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@canva is simply outstanding as a tool to create designs. Using Canva is such a seamless experience that once you sit down to design, you don't feel like getting up. It's addictive and useful. Keep going Canva. I use Canva every day – I couldn’t do my job without it. The ability to style logos is my favorite


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