Torino, Urbano Cairo headed for Ivan Juric -

Torino, Urbano Cairo headed for Ivan Juric

©Getty Images

Urbano Cairo on Ivan Juric: "Contracts end"

In the aftermath of Torino's third 0-0 in its last four league outings, Granata owner Urbano Cairo also spoke on the sidelines of the opening of the first pitch at the new Robaldo Sports Center about the future of the club&#39s bench, without hiding too much about the current coach, Ivan Juric.

"I invested so much at his request,‖ Cairo said.

He did not want to renew, and contracts end at some point. Last year he asked me to get Ilic, I satisfied him because I wanted him to stay with us and he said yes, but the negotiations slipped and he kept other doors open. I repeat, contracts eventually expire".

"The market will be taken care of by Vagnati, who will renew his contract,” Cairo then said.

Now we have to think about the last three games, maybe some surprises come out in key Europe. We have to restart from the players who are already there, the hard core is there'è we can do well in the future".

"I think that this year&#39s Torino is the strongest in my eighteen years of management – explained again the granata patron -. I don&#39t just say it, Ventura said it a few weeks ago and he understands soccer. I do not know what was missing to get higher in the standings, we should ask others".

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