The Meaning Behind The Song: Lazy Afternoon by Irene Kral - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Lazy Afternoon by Irene Kral


The Meaning Behind The Song: “Lazy Afternoon” by Irene Kral


Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Lazy Afternoon Irene Kral John La Touche & Jerome Moross The Band and I (1959)

When it comes to songs that have the power to transport you to another place and time, “Lazy Afternoon” by Irene Kral is certainly one that comes to mind. This beautiful jazz standard, with its soothing melodies and heartfelt lyrics, captures the essence of a lazy afternoon spent in the company of a loved one.

The song begins with the lines, “It’s a lazy afternoon, and the beetle bugs are zoomin’.” These vivid descriptions of nature in full bloom set the scene for a peaceful and idyllic day. The mention of “tulip trees bloomin'” and “not another human in view” creates a sense of isolation and tranquility, emphasizing the intimate connection between the narrator and their partner.

As the verses continue, we are transported further into this lazy afternoon, where even the farmer has left his work and the cows are peacefully sleeping in the meadow. The mention of the “speckled trout” leaping upstream adds to the serenity of the setting, as the narrator and their partner indulge in their dreams.

One of the most poignant lines in the song is, “If you hold my hand and sit real still, you can hear the grass as it grows.” This line epitomizes the stillness and profound connection between the two individuals, as they find solace in each other’s presence and observe the subtle wonders of the world around them.

The chorus, with its enchanting melody and poetic lyrics, further enhances the dream-like quality of the song. The repetition of the phrase “It’s a hazy afternoon” reinforces the relaxed atmosphere, while the mention of “daisies running riot” paints a vivid picture of nature’s wild beauty. The line, “And there’s no one passing by it to see,” suggests a desire to keep this private moment cherished and uninterrupted.

Now, let me share a personal experience with this song. Whenever I listen to “Lazy Afternoon,” I am transported back to the lazy summer days of my youth. I can vividly remember lying on the grass with my friends, gazing up at the clear blue sky, and feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment. The song captures the essence of those carefree days, where time seemed to stand still and the world felt full of possibilities.

Its gentle melodies and soothing vocals have the power to instantly calm my mind and transport me to a place of tranquility. The lyrics, with their heartfelt descriptions of nature and the intimate connection between two people, remind me of the importance of slowing down and cherishing the simple moments in life.

“Lazy Afternoon” is a song that reminds us to appreciate the beauty around us and the joy that can be found in slowing down and savoring the present moment. It serves as a gentle reminder to take time for ourselves, to connect with nature, and to create meaningful connections with the people we love.

So, next time you find yourself in need of a moment of relaxation and introspection, I highly recommend giving “Lazy Afternoon” a listen. Let the soothing melodies and poetic lyrics transport you to a place of tranquility and remind you of the importance of embracing the beauty of a lazy afternoon.

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