Editorial:No More Tragedies of Drug Prescription Blunder - 20240509 - 英文 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網


Editorial:No More Tragedies of Drug Prescription Blunder

【明報專訊】SEVEN YEARS AGO, an incident of ''missed prescription'' occurred at United Christian Hospital (UCH), after which hepatitis B patient Tang Kwai-Sze suffered from liver failure and died after undergoing two liver transplants. Yesterday (7 May) the Coroner's Court ruled that she ''died of misadventure'', marking the end of the judicial procedures regarding her case. However, many crucial details remain unclear.

Although the victim's daughter stated in court that she had reservations about the testimonies of some witnesses from the hospital, after the authorities dropped the charges of manslaughter against the doctors involved last year, it would be difficult for the victim's family to pursue their accountability further. The five recommendations made by the Coroner's Court to the Hospital Authority (HA) regarding Tang's case were mainly technical improvement measures to prevent similar tragedies from happening again –– the key still being the doctors' careful and focused attentiveness towards patients.

In early 2017, Tang Kwai-Sze went to UCH for a follow-up consultation on her kidney disease. Although the hospital had a record of Tang being a carrier of hepatitis B since 2008, when the two senior specialists prescribed her steroids for her kidney disease, they failed to simultaneously prescribe antiviral medication to prevent the activation of the hepatitis B virus in her body, which could lead to hepatitis. In April of the same year, Tang was hospitalised because of acute hepatitis. She underwent two liver transplant surgeries but died eventually.

According to the information revealed, on 6 April that year, UCH was already aware that Tang had not been prescribed antiviral medication. However, it was not until two weeks later, in response to the family's inquiries, that the hospital disclosed the ''drug prescription blunder'' and reported it to the HA. Afterwards, the HA issued an investigation report, which concluded that the two doctors involved had a ''lack of vigilance'', but the incident did not involve concealment in any regard, only ''inadequate communication''.

As for the two doctors involved, they were found guilty of professional misconduct by the Medical Council in 2021, resulting in a suspension of their licences for three and five months respectively. They received suspended sentences and remained in practice at UCH afterwards. Early last year, the police arrested the two doctors involved in the incident and charged them with manslaughter, causing an uproar in the medical community. They believed that the professional monitoring of doctors' performance by the Medical Council had ''proved effective'' and objected to methods of criminal prosecution.

Some doctors even argued that with the manpower shortages and long working hours at public hospitals, it is difficult to determine whether the ''mistakes committed in haste'' by doctors should be attributed to personal or systemic causes. If a precedent of doctors being charged with manslaughter over a medical mishap is set, it may result in a work-to-rule campaign by doctors and exacerbate the resignation wave. At last, the Department of Justice applied to drop the charges, which was approved by the court. To Tang's family, this Coroner's inquest has become their last chance to seek the truth through legal channels.

The jury ruled yesterday that Tang ''died of misadventure''. That means they were convinced that the reactivation of hepatitis B was due to Tang's intake of steroids without the prescription of antiviral medication. Her death was caused by medication, which should be categorised as an injury rather than a disease. It was not caused by an autoimmune disorder (i.e., death by natural causes). Tang's family has been seeking justice for many years. The ruling by the Coroner's Court ascertained that Tang's death was neither ''death by natural causes'' nor ''death by undetermined causes'', but rather death by injury. The Coroner also commended the victim's eldest daughter for her strength and courage, hoping that the family could find closure and move on from their grief.

明報社評 2024.05.08:開漏藥害命教訓慘痛 細心專心防悲劇重演








■/ Glossary 生字 /

concealment:the act of hiding something; the state of being hidden

work-to-rule:a situation in which workers refuse to do any work that is not in their contracts, in order to protest about something

ascertain:to find out the true or correct information about something

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