Move on in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation -

move on

move on(
An intransitive verb phrase is a phrase that combines a verb with a preposition or other particle and does not require a direct object (e.g. Everybody please stand up.).
intransitive verb phrase
1. (to leave)
a. seguir viaje
We stopped in a small town to have lunch before moving on to Boston.Paramos en un pueblo pequeño para almorzar antes de seguir viaje a Boston.
b. seguir adelante
I've enjoyed my stay here, but now it's time to move on.He disfrutado de mi estancia aquí, pero ya es hora de seguir adelante.
c. circular
Please move on. The paramedics need space to attend to the injured.Circulen por favor. Los paramédicos necesitan espacio para atender a los heridos.
2. (to change activity; used with "to")
a. pasar a
Since we're in agreement, let's move on to the next topic.Puesto que estamos de acuerdo, pasemos al próximo tema.
3. (to progress; used with "to")
a. avanzar a
You shouldn't move on to calculus until you've mastered algebra.No deberías avanzar al cálculo hasta que hayas dominado el álgebra.
b. pasar a
Some students move on to a new stage very rapidly.Algunos alumnos pasan a una etapa nueva muy rápidamente.
A transitive verb phrase is a phrase that combines a verb with a preposition or other particle and requires a direct object (e.g. Take out the trash.).
transitive verb phrase
4. (to cause to leave)
a. dispersar
Bystanders crowded around the accident until the police moved them on.Alrededor del accidente se apiñaron espectadores hasta que la policía los dispersó.
b. hacer circular
The police came to move the people on who were loitering in front of the door.Vino la policía para hacer circular a los que merodeaban delante de la puerta.
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