Zero Hour: Legend Time feels too short. And having to also kill all adds AFTER the boss? That's a bit much. : r/DestinyTheGame Skip to main content

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Zero Hour: Legend Time feels too short. And having to also kill all adds AFTER the boss? That's a bit much.


The legend timer is pretty short. 20 minutes for a REALLY long basically jump puzzle the entire time.

A few extra deaths and you're not going to make it. Have a team member that falls behind or doesn't know really well the route? Not going to complete it on legend.

And then if you DO get the final boss down, you also need to get all adds in the timer or it'll send you to orbit.

Feels like it needs a small adjustment.

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u/dx_lemons avatar

I'll get downvoted for saying this because fucking sweats don't like anything that doesn't match their opinions.

It needs an extra 5 minutes on legend to be more comfortable. (Not overly too easy, but just a tiny bit extra breathing room) Especially with an extra boss in the mix. I feel like that would give some breathing room while also maintaining the rush aspect. I'm an average player I feel like. I've soloed almost all legend exotic mission, both legend campaigns and did shattered throne solo but holy crap. Even with a buddy ZH just feels waaaaaaaayyy too time crunched on legend.

It’s not about needing five minutes maybe when you get to the boss, the timer stops. I think that should be fundamentally changed.

Nutting straight to the boss just insnt fun. Especially that we need to do this 3-4x more for each intrinsic.

Especially with lfg randoms. I'm cool with inexperience, just that goddamn timer leaves no room for error anywhere.

I considered myself average. I've never solo'd anything.

Yeah, I've noticed that 5 extra minutes is needed. Tried about 20 times with an experienced group. Pretty much no deaths, even on the jumping puzzles, Dragon's Breath and Whisper with the catalysts. Right behind each other and not having to wait when we got to the boss. Every single attempt we were within a slither of killing the boss. Every time.

Eventually relegated to using the time removal cheese and did it solo. No regrets if Bungie and the elitists of the community act like this.

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As a more casual player, after several legend attempts I'm resigned to just not progress the mission :')

u/puneetu84 avatar

I already skipped wicked implement because I was not able to kill the tormentor in the given time. I think I have to miss out on outbreak catalyst as well. Maybe destiny 2 is not for me as I want to have fun and not sweat hard in the limited amount of time i have to game. No more destiny 2 expansions for me.

u/Rescheduled1 avatar

same. took me and my team nearly 5 minutes to scale that jumping puzzle on the outside wall - then there is Trevor to contend with…l

u/abundantprocreator avatar

I don’t have much time to spare on normal so there’s no way I would be able to do legend for either this or whisper. 

I generally skip anything with timers, I don’t consider it fun. I have zero issue with things being challenging with design and enemies.  There are things people do solo, without timers, I still haven’t been able to beat and I’m ok with that, I’ll keep trying and get it eventually. But adding a timer is just annoying. I play for fun, and run the classes and weapons I like. I don’t care about meta whatever. It’s why I solo, groups get mad if you don’t have specific load outs, which is perfectly ok because they just want to get things done. Because I run what I want, things take longer. Which is a double edged sword since I often don’t have long stretches of uninterrupted time. If it’s something that will take me long and doesn’t have checkpoints, I usually have to skip those as well. 

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u/AcanthaceaeGuilty238 avatar

I just don’t get how ppl do it so quickly. Our record time getting to the final boss, was 7:30 to spare. It took us 5 and a half minutes to make the captain disappear and kill and tanks. The servitor and rest of the ads just made it a bigger pain in the ass.

My question is how tf are people destroying them so fast? I had a 100 res build too, just getting ohk by traced shanks and vandals.

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

Polaris Lance.

Dragons Breath for walkers.

Polaris is good too for them but takes a bit longer.

Also, breaking a shank shield with matching element causes the shield to explode dealing that element damage to everything around it.

My quickest run was like 20 minutes solo. I'm sure I could tighten that up but it may take some time.

u/AcanthaceaeGuilty238 avatar

Even with dragons breath, I ran out of heavy quickly. And then never got drops. Had full retrofit mods on too to try and up my chance of heavy or special drops.

To be fair, me and my buddy took down the captain and tanks. The other blueberry was still running through the puzzle. So im sure if we all had Polaris and dragons we could get close.

Can’t believe you did it solo though, I could never lol

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

Thing is, I didn't use Dragons Breath for my solo run. I used a lot of primary elementals to match shields.

u/AcanthaceaeGuilty238 avatar

I’m gonna need to pick up an arc scout then. I just returned after not playing since warmind, only have hung jury and there were no void shields.

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Some people at bungie are just sadist. 

u/puneetu84 avatar

I think they hate casual players and noobs and don’t want them to get exotic weapon. Maybe people should stop buying expansions and dungeons.

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u/Designer_Cockroach68 avatar

Dudes can't read that you said legend. The legend timer is way too short for most people. Not everyone is swordskating or using movement tech to fly through sections. By far the hardest mission I've done in this game and I've beaten damn near everything.

20 minutes and you spend most of the encounter doing puzzles and parts you can't really speed up as a casual user. For an exotic quest step that everyone gets, it's overtuned, and I don't understand why people have a problem with admitting that.

u/Jaqulean avatar

It's especially idiotic, because they reprised Outbreak, they added New stuff to it, and you literally have to run Legend to get it. If you can't manage that, you might as well just stick to the original Outbreak...

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But that's the original timer.

the original version didn't have a brig

What's your point here exactly? The original version of Whiper didn't have an additional boss at the end either, yet they held true to the original timer. We are far powerful and quicker with movement now than we ever were back then. If you can't hang, just say so.

brigs have a built in 75% damage reduction until the faceplate pops off and retain that DR on every part of their body but the crit afterwards.

i solo'd zero hour on normal and it was a chore even with all the extra time, on legend? I just feel like it's an enemy type that's overtuned. they basically put a raid boss in an exotic mission.

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

Edge Transit. Envious Assassin + Bait and Switch.

Solar burn him, proc Bait, unload, may need a few extra hits but face plate pops right off. Brig should be about 1 minute or so if you manage to get in everything.

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Felt fine to me dawg.

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Whisper doesn't rely on time wasting tactics like the electric doors in Tr3ver and him going into the exit, coming out and then going back, Whisper was a lot shorter and had the same time, ZH especially on legend has so much traversal and spots where you're limited because you're either climbing a wall or in a vent, or in the maze with Tr3ver. The mission has several things to waste your time already, the mission should end when the boss dies, not when the ads die. It's a baffling design choice, not to mention the Servitor can fall off the map and clip into the back so it can make him immune while being undamageable itself. You can defend the mission to your hearts content, a lot of people feel the brigs unnecessary, and the timer too short. I love going fast and movement tech in this game, and I love when the game makes us speed through stuff, but this mission as it is, is the worst concept of that.

Never played the original and heard so many people hype it up, and I realized two things during it. You could drop nothing but the D1 tower to explore and people will praise it as the best thing ever, and if it contains the D1 tower and gets criticized people will rush to defend it to no end. Mission is bad, has the worst enemy types just scattered throughout and people love it because nostalgia and D1 Tower.

It’s a three man activity. It isn’t meant to be soloed. People do it for a challenge. Crying because you can’t complete something solo isn’t a reason to say “this mission sucks.” Practice the jumping parts, watch a guide, and keep at it. This is probably the player base’ favorite exotic mission of the entire franchise and many people have done the solo legend clear. Just like they did the solo heroic clear in the first iteration.

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u/BenchOrdinary9291 avatar

Finished in lfg last night on lengendary with 2:58 left on the clock.

same, but with literally 0-1 seconds left on the clock...

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The entire point of the mission is, and always was, to pressure you with time. You are meant to feel like you do not have time. If you feel comfortable with the time, then the timer is too generous.

u/n080dy123 avatar

On the other hand, if having a puzzle you have to do to get the catalyst means the best thing to do is to do the puzzle, abort, and run it all again then I think something's gone wrong.

Nevermind if you wanted to actually be efficient with your time and do the instrinsic puzzle in the same run instead of doing an entire other run sans boss just for it, putting you up to three runs per week. It giving you a single extra minute for completing that is a fucking joke.

. It giving you a single extra minute for completing that is a fucking joke.

It only takes 1 minute to press the buttons in the correct order so it's really a net 0.

u/n080dy123 avatar

But you also have to do the little puzzle in the courtyard, which requires you to either activate it initially while under heavy fire form an open position or cross back to the starting end after you likely ended near the exit to activate, then run back to the far end again cuz two of the symbols are there, and involving checking and shooting the symbols (including one you need to get an angle like halfway back across the courtyard to hit). And I'm pretty sure before you to need to also have gone out of your way to grab the keypad after the first combat arena beforehand, all that adding probably another minute or two on top in which you're either all still there or a man down for the heavy hangar encounter and making it take longer

And that's assuming you don't screw it up on either part.

The puzzle in the courtyard is for the ship, something you can (and should) do on Normal difficulty.

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Not all content is made for all players. Maybe this puzzle under time pressure isn’t for you.

There is tons that isn’t for me. I don’t mind.

u/falynnsandskimmer avatar

Absolutely agree. Having to try shouldn't be a new reddit thread but here we are. If you're looking to try-hard hit me up.

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u/Occasionally_Loose avatar

Puzzle is 30 seconds and it gives you 1 min?

u/n080dy123 avatar

The Catalyst puzzle doesn't give you any extra time afaik, only the Intrinsic one.

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u/BenchOrdinary9291 avatar

The original legendary version was 20 minutes. With a half decent team you can fly through the mission. Honestly the legend version was a bit easier at the boss than the normal version.

i like the time and difficulty, but i dont like needing to do it 3 times for the full quest (im lazy for “do it again next week” stuff)

You can always wait until all of them are out and do them all in one run. I missed last week and have both week's. It just means you have to do more puzzles, which is tough for Zero Hour but generally not an issue with other stuff, like Whisper. The blights were all along where you were going anyway.

u/TWIYJaded avatar

Each week I am just getting all the 1st puzzle related Quest parts checked off solo (Legend), and the final room puzzle with LFG on normal, then waiting to attempt god knows how many Legend LFG's (but able to do with max speed run intended) to complete final Quest requirement for all 3 at once later.

Edit: This is probably what you meant, and will also add for the Whisper exotic mission there was a cheese that made it easy to solo Legend.

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It was always this way.

Just means it was bad before and bad now.

Also not really, the Brig boss was not in the original mission.

We also have faster movement tech and abilities that clear much faster than before.

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

Something so bliss about propelling myself across a huge room with Mountain Top and then sword skating with a burst jump then warlock dash.

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u/Bad_hair_666 avatar

Should’ve been there when it first dropped. Was harder then than it is now especially since it was before subclass 3.0 reworks.

lol it was easy before wdym. That was when skull of dire ahamkara was busted as hell. You could just slowva bomb every servitor and get your entire super back

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That's exactly how it used to work, being hard is literally the point.

u/KingVaako avatar

There is a difference between hard and frustrating.

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

With practice you could do it. Took me a few runs to get it down but I got it now. My first attempt at solo I got to the boss with like 2 minutes left. Now I get there with like 30 minutes left on normal.

Typically, I put in text chat if the people in my group need a guide if I'm not hosting. Some don't say anything then leave after I'm already 3/4 done with the Brig. Others do speak up and I teach them the encounter.

If you need a guide don't be afraid to ask, a lot of us want to teach you to help you better yourself for harder content.

I, for one, would like more people to play and enjoy themselves. If you want to know the ins and outs I got you, little light.

The difference is your mindset.

Tell 'em, Mr Miyagi.

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u/City-Equal avatar

But with the changes to the boss, they should add a couple of minutes, at most 25 minutes total

I cleared it on legend as a 2 man with my friend with 2 minutes to spare. It's perfectly doable.

u/KingVaako avatar

You're slacking. I solo'd legend in 12 minutes.

u/Jaqulean avatar

"I did it therefor everyone is perfectly able to" is the dumbest mindset anyome could have in this case...

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u/YeesherPQQP avatar

You didn't play this mission previously, did you?

u/OddTaterTot avatar

Our first clear had four minutes to spare. Its okay to have moderately difficult content.

u/KingVaako avatar

Moderately? This is the most difficult exotic quest and its not even close.

u/falynnsandskimmer avatar

You're kidding right? You must be new here. Enjoy being challenged!

u/D1g1taladv3rsary avatar

As some who usually solos this content with fair ease this is honestly the only time I needed another player just to eat through the brigs reduced by 75% damage HP face even with mounted spam in time to comp. It shouldn't take a meta load to do legend content that should be soloable

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

There's a ton of options at your finger tips to help with the Brig.

Perks on weapons you want to look for are vorpal and deconstruct. MT is a good option, Sunshot, Polaris, Grav Lance, Dragons Breath.

Utilize your artifact. Solar is huge, apply burns and scorches and deal more damage with those.

Using an Envious Assassin + Bait and Switch GL with solar burn to weaken it. I took down the Brigs health from approx 95% to 20%.

Using the right load out for the right encounter helps a ton. You have the tools at your disposal, you should use them.

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The tron bot is the most pita if not for communication while doing it

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

Thee robot has a name. It's Trevor and he has feelings you know.

Lol, that side he follows the same pattern for each encounter and loops. You can actually know where he is going to be and when he is turning down the hallways.

Thee robot is also sensitive to the spelling of its name as well. Treyvor is correct. The sensitivity in this thread alone goes way beyond our solar system.

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u/Xander-AE avatar

one of the most infuriating experiences


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You’re joking right…

u/MrFreedomFighter avatar

I think the timer is fine. It would've been nice if we could put a rally banner at the boss though

You can put one before you drop down.

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yeah, legend timer is way too short, and having to clear all adds after beating the boss or it doesn't count is complete and utter bs. this is a terrible mission as-is, especially if you're not some kind of parkour god who can perfectly execute these ridiculous jumps, and i simply won't be completing it until bungie balances it properly. not everyone wants to be an esoterick, and locking coveted exotics behind inane amounts of difficulty is completely unfair.

Lmao gonna block me for having a different opinion than him (not OP).

It’s really not that hard bro. Idk what yall be using for your loadout but we did not use anything special and beat it with 4:30 left on the clock for legend

I think its fine and I hope it remains the same. It's nice to have a challenge and I find it fun helping other people get through it. The problem with destiny and it's playerbase is they just want everything thrown at them as easy as possible and get everything basically free with minimal effort, it's not fun that way. When you DO beat it, you'll feel like you've achieved something, and that's something Destiny has been missing for a very long time. #NiobeLabs

u/Fala_the_Flame avatar

I'd agree but the changes to the boss fight add a few extra min, so you're pushing the timer a bit further than you used to

u/n080dy123 avatar

My biggest issue is that if someone is struggling on the jumps at all you're basically screwed, lord help you if it's using FTF/LFG and you didn't require mics. Whisper teleported you to the boss room if someone was lagging behind, Zero Hour doesn't do that.

u/Fala_the_Flame avatar

My first clear I was teaching 2 people the route and one decided to just not follow us and never made it to the boss. Had to 2man the boss room and it was kinda funny the dude didn't get to open the chest for outbreak. Before anyone gets mad, he was following me and followed me down below the ship and then decided to explore above the ship and turned around

u/n080dy123 avatar

I had something like that happen on my first Normal clear. Dude eventually made it to the boss when it was at like 1/4 of its final phase, but since he missed one of the vents in that same spot, we couldn't really help him cuz we couldn't get back or fire up the vent. My first solo attempt I actually took the righthand path over there and lost most of my time trying to figure out how the hell to get out.

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u/APartyInMyPants avatar

Many of the jumps have switches at the end to extend platforms for players lagging behind.

u/n080dy123 avatar

Most of them, but I don't think the outside jumping portion on Legend has anything like that. Which also happens to be the part people get stuck on all the time.

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I'm a pretty good PvE player and got very good mates from the LFG and we had 3 seconds remaining, it's a tiny bit too short, I mean, it's more difficult than this week's Pantheon lmao

u/RepairHopeful avatar

Same thing here we finished it with 3 seconds left. Took 3 attempts though

For me it took 5 attempts, but finding the spot for the quest and learning and remembering the path again was part of the trys 😅

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DTG when content has a fail state 😡

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Anyone who says this is doable, is either glitching, has an “eager edge”, or both, and if u have to have either to actually be able to complete something then yeah it’s to hard.

u/dragonisbae avatar

Why would you not use eager edge when you clearly know the benefits it provides?

And don't tell me it's because you don't have it because I'm 90% sure you can farm one out if needed.

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

I'm gonna make a solo run with out my sword today just prove this guy wrong. I won't even use my dash. I'll just use my little burst glide warlock and show him it can be done.

u/dragonisbae avatar

I’ve already done this solo on my Solar Hunter, literally ran machine gun the whole thing, finished with minutes to spare.

Hell esoterickk even did the whole damn thing on blink warlock.

u/Flaky-Ad-3180 avatar

Yeah, I saw that video. I wonder how much that man practice it with blink warlock to get it done lol.

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u/Occasionally_Loose avatar

I did it with casual work buddies twice today...

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