PHOTOS: Billericay pupils take on very muddy adventure at Nuclear Races

Muddy - Pupils at the Nuclear Races <i>(Image: The Billericay School)</i>
Muddy - Pupils at the Nuclear Races (Image: The Billericay School)

MORE than a hundred pupils have taken on a very muddy and wet adventure at the Nuclear Races.

Echo: Amazing - Billericay School takes on Nuclear Races
Echo: Amazing - Billericay School takes on Nuclear Races

Amazing - Billericay School takes on Nuclear Races (Image: The Billericay School)

Pupils in year 8 from The Billericay School, in School Road, were given the chance to enjoy a day out taking on a very muddy obstacle course.

Echo: Brilliant - The ‘death slide’
Echo: Brilliant - The ‘death slide’

Brilliant - The ‘death slide’ (Image: The Billericay School)

Nuclear Races are well known for delivering award winning events with big, high quality, achievable, natural and man-made obstacles designed to test every ability of fitness on fast-paced courses over epic varied terrain.

Echo: Smiles - Youngsters covered in mud from head to toe
Echo: Smiles - Youngsters covered in mud from head to toe

Smiles - Youngsters covered in mud from head to toe (Image: The Billericay School)

This includes the infamous death slide, para-plunge zip-line and new Swing A Ding obstacles at the lake zone.

The pupils at The Billericay School took the challenge head on alongside some of the staff.

Echo: Dirty - Getting very muddy
Echo: Dirty - Getting very muddy

Dirty - Getting very muddy (Image: The Billericay School)

A spokesman for the school said: “130 year 8 Students joined by some of our Sixth Formers attended a very muddy and wet adventure at Nuclear Races.

Echo: Course - pupils enjoying the challenge
Echo: Course - pupils enjoying the challenge

Course - pupils enjoying the challenge (Image: The Billericay School)

“It was amazing to see so many students get involved including the staff who braved the ultimate ‘death slide’.

“It was such a lovely day and the students loved it.

Echo: Fun - Ms Goodine, head of year 8, with some pupils
Echo: Fun - Ms Goodine, head of year 8, with some pupils

Fun - Ms Goodine, head of year 8, with some pupils (Image: The Billericay School)

“A special thanks to all of the staff involved.”