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How do I know it was OJ?

Because Nicole told us:

O.J. Simpson threw his ex-wife out of a moving car, beat her during sex and threatened to cut off the heads of her boyfriends, according to entries from her diary and other documents released by prosecutors Wednesday.

And in court, a prosecutor revealed that five days before Nicole Brown Simpson was killed she sought protection at a battered women's shelter, saying her ex-husband was stalking her. She also kept evidence of abuse in a safe deposit box, the prosecutor said.

The documents were filed as part of a hearing on whether to let the jury in the first-degree murder trial listen to evidence of longstanding violence in Simpson's relationship with Ms. Simpson. The papers portray Simpson as fiercely jealous and filled with rage.

At the hearing, capping a graphic recitation of domestic violence incidents dating to 1977, Deputy District Attorney Lydia Bodin said Ms. Simpson contacted the Sojourn Shelter on June 7.

"Nicole Brown Simpson went to that place because she was afraid, and she had reason to be afraid," Bodin said. "She felt she was being stalked . . . and she named the defendant as the person stalking her."

Bodin also said that when prosecutors broke open Ms. Simpson's safe deposit box they found pictures of her bruised face, letters of apology from [O.J.] Simpson and news articles reporting his admission of spousal abuse in 1989.
"She literally created an accounting, an audit trail, of acts of violence because she wanted people to know what was going on in her life," Bodin said.

She's saying "If I turn up dead, it was OJ."

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The real question I’m wondering is, how often do murder trials have THIS MUCH EVIDENCE?

u/thatsodee avatar

Never lol.

One of the detectives on the case said, in that Blood Lies and murder docu, that its the most evidence he's ever seen at a crime scene.

He also said it was too much evidence as in an unsually unbelievable amount. He was implying it was such a a ridiculous amount it looked fabricated. Vannetter told Kato "If this was a columbo episode, it'd be over in two minutes."

u/whatever87052002 avatar

Maybe there was so much blood and evidence around because the perpetrator was in a rage when the killing took place, and then didn't have time to clean up because they had to rush home to catch a flight to keep their alibi?

Yeah pretty much. The blood lies and murder documentary is really eye opening but really graphic. The crime scene reenactor showed how fast someone could dispatch Ron Goldman after Nicole was down and how little blood they would have actually gotten on them. The ron actor was covered, on actor blood mainly in just shoes and socks with little to none on the rest of the clothing.

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Truth is often stranger than we would believe in fiction. That doesn’t mean that evidence wasn’t real. It just means there was a whole lot of it.

u/thatsodee avatar

I rewatched that part and I think you interpreted that line incorrectly. Vannatar did say it oddly tbf, but he was trying to say that this isn't the case where there is so much evidence that it looks fabricated. He understands why in general why ppl think that when there is so much evidence, but he also just doesn't agree with the logic.

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u/No_Engineering2642 avatar

And apparently the prosecution left some out because they didn't want to have too much evidence. 🤔

No. That wasn’t it. The prosecution honestly believed the jury would understand the blood evidence and it would be a clear-cut verdict of guilt. The defense also wanted to use Nicole’s own words condemning OJ but it wasn’t admissible because she wasn’t alive to be counted as a witness. Wrap your mind around that.

Even his own defense attorneys questioned his innocence because of that blood evidence. Watch the Kardashian interview with Barbara Walters. They actually didn’t really believe it was planted themselves – they just fabricated doubt in it as a gaming strategy to win. They understood playing to the jury better than the defense did.

This trial was never about the evidence. It didn’t matter how much was included or not.

The prosecution didn't have enough time to process all the evidence. Darden admitted that.

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It’s starting to become more and more common with the advent of everyone owning a cell phone that can record. Look at the Darrell Brooks case and how much events they had to convict him.

Is that the guy who mowed a parade of people over in his van?!? I watched part of the trial and that motherfucker was deranged. Guilty AF, but totally deranged. The judge had the patience of Job.

"The patience of Job," 😆 So accurate. She truly did. And that man is definitely totally deranged.

He scared ME from hundreds of miles away! Every time he stared someone down a chill ran up my spine. That dude needs to be in solitary forever because he is NOT okay and never will be. Totally evil, just rot within his soul.

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They did convict him, though. If it's the guy I'm thinking about.

They did. And he was recently moved from his county prison to a SuperMax because of his problematic behaviors that continued even once the trial was over. He will remain in solitary with very little access to humans or anything outside his closed off cell.

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That would be the one. If you’re interested there’s a dedicated thread in Reddit with his name. The amount of video and eyewitnesses they had was astounding and this, this creating chose to represent himself and not claim what he did or apologize. He was a complete and utter pain in everyone’s tuchus. Yes, Judge Dorow did a great job.

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They don't. That is why it is hilarious when people act like there wasn't enough. Most murderers are put away for less. This was a case of a botched prosecution, a defense team that knew how to play to a jury and of course a jury that was biased because of things not related to the actual case.

u/redstringgame avatar

I understand you may be using the layperson definition of evidence and not the legal definition, but this is talking about a preliminary hearing to determine whether these things will be evidence. For example, Nicole’s call to the shelter five days before she was killed was kept out of evidence as hearsay (so the jury never got to hear it). Ito did allow the jury to hear about most of the DV incidents, however. But it’s important to note the jury did not necessarily hear all of this.

Well the jury did not review it. They were tired of being away from their family


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u/AroundHereButThere avatar

Doesn't matter. Evidence means nothing if you don't have TRUST.

The LAPD failed to build trust when they searched OJ's home without a warrant. All the evidence became suspect after that. So naturally the jury acquitted OJ.

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u/bankersbox98 avatar

I would go with “his blood is all over the crime scene and the victims blood is all over his car” but this also works

u/BruceFleeRoy avatar

The other day a user in here replied to one of my comments and said "there actually was no evidence against him" 🤦. SMH.


It is insane, but some people do argue there wasn't enough evidence. Some people really don't know what "evidence" actually is. Besides the super obvious blood evidence of the case, his history of beating Nicole would be used in any trial as evidence used against the husband in a murdered wife case.

They obviously never looked at the evidence. Had they not went after LApd and tried OJ he may have been found guilty

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u/sharron31369 avatar

Yes I’ve had this too!

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The Bruno Magli's size 12 is his absolute nail in the coffin.

But he would never wear those ugly-ass shoes 🙄🫠

u/Explod1ngNinja avatar

Ron Howard voice

He actually wore those ugly ass shoes

Perfect 😂

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u/Decent-Feature-5995 avatar


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u/Delicious_Bus_1273 avatar

You mean the shoes which were a size to small??? Try harder

u/OrganicBill4935 avatar

Too. Try harder.

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u/Murph10031960 avatar

I think a big part of why OJ got away with murder was “The Judge”.

I think people often forget the role of Mark Fuhrman. Once those tapes of him were played showing that he was a racist and admitting that the LAPD commonly planted evidence, the case was over. Reasonable doubt was introduced and the case shifted to being about racism and corruption in the LAPD.

u/Throwaway_Fan1989 avatar

Judge Ito could have put a stop to that nonsense from the get-go

u/rivershimmer avatar

Kills me that he hard-core rehabilitated his image and is now a respected true-crime writer and frequent talking-head on Fox and other media outlets. Not that I don't believe in redemption, but his journey seems to have involved really good PR rather than a journey of the soul.

I guess I'd believe he changed if he was involved in anti-racism organizations or gave a Ted talk on his moral evolution. But his rehab didn't involve any of that. Just hiding it.

Recently had an online conversation with a very nice person who thought the controversy was because he said that word because he was acting in play where the script called for it. She honestly thought that was what all the controversy was about. That's how good his PR was.


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u/rivershimmer avatar

I agree, for the most part, with the caveat that most of them won't say that part out loud.

But it goes deeper than Fox. ABC, CBS, and Court TV have also had him on to shill his books or provide commentary on non-OJ cases. The USA network produced a mini-series based on on his book about Martha Moxley's murder. His books are best-sellers.

If that level of success and acceptance isn't rehabilitation, I don't know what is.

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Furman actually helped get a black man off of murder charges. He wasn’t a racist. The n word was a fictional screenplay he was helping write

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The Judge, the 12 smucks on the jury….

u/JackKovack avatar

He was too busy doing maintenance on his trinkets and womwoms on his desk. Recess, my gobble gabblegabs are dysfunctioning.

u/Murph10031960 avatar

The judge could have prevented this miscarriage of justice if he followed the law. He was so afraid of being called a racist , he failed the victims and their families. He also failed the prosecution, and million’s of people who watched a killer being set free. That’s why they were known as “The Dream Team” they dreamed up all this shit.

u/redstringgame avatar

Marcia Clark’s arrogance didn’t help either. She underestimated how different this trial was from her previous experience and ignored advice from a renown jury consultant.

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Everyone knows he was guilty and the jury knew it. They said this was payback.

But that jury put OJ back out on the street and in full custody of his children.

What happened to his children?

They’re a couple of losers.

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u/mystique79 avatar

That's all in vain when you have jurors like Carrie Bess who essentially blames the victim.

u/chirowife2 avatar

Her statements made me sad for a list of reasons. Sucks that she was a juror.

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u/Decent-Feature-5995 avatar

Listen to Kim Goldman’s podcast: Confronting OJ Simpson. There is no doubt that he did it especially after he wrote that book! Also—Nicole had a safety deposit box where she kept pictures of her bruises and swollen face. Nicole left a copy of the letter which she wrote to OJ at the end of their marriage. She talks about the distain that he had for her when she was pregnant because she gained 15 pounds. She also documents other examples of his emotional and physical abuse. He is absolutely guilty.

u/GOODahl avatar

A friend of mine was beaten during her pregnancy- her husband put two and two together and realized he wouldn't be the focal point of her attention after the baby was born, so he lashed out. She moved out, filed for child support and the judge for their case lectured her soon to be ex about what a POS he was....

Believe women. Nicole was doomed but this whole case is a lesson in seeing where an abusive marriage is going....

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Not that it would’ve mattered, but was this evidence allowed at trial?

u/ButterscotchFit6356 avatar

It seems pretty effing simple, doesn’t it? Nah, let’s go for the drug cartel going after a. Brentwood mom.

Yes, and slicing their throats and pulling their tongues thru! Some idiot post'this weekly.

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u/TrustMental6895 avatar

I always wonder why he was so obsessed with her, wasn't he dating supermodels?

He plucked her from relative obscurity when she was 17/18 years old and basically molded her into what he wanted in a woman. She was his possession. He resented her when she made decisions independent of him and could not handle the fact that she ultimately rejected him. It's not necessarily that he wanted her and only her, but he didn't want her to have anyone else.

u/ArtyCatz avatar

It’s typical malignant narcissist behavior. He chose her when she was a teenager and had barely experienced any life. He ingratiated himself with her family, and because he was charming to everyone else, he made it easy for others to minimize the abuse or characterize it as typical relationship struggles.

Domestic violence experts say that the most dangerous time for an abused partner is when they leave the relationship for good. He saw Nicole as an extension of himself, which is why he couldn’t stand it when she asserted her independence from him.

Besides the horrendous abuse and ultimate murder, what kind of a person watches through the window as their former partner has sex with someone else? Stalking is also abusive behavior.

u/throwitaway675909 avatar

And stalking is part of the abuse and a sign of future violence. This is all textbook coercive control, and I’m tired of people pretending it’s some sort of weird thing because he didn’t get invited to dinner, and Ron came by. He was going to kill her at some point. Also, he abuse Marguerite and it was well known in buffalo so forget that nonsense talking point. He groomed and abused a teenager, and as she matured she fought back but also still loved him. It’s sadly not exceptional.

I was wondering if he abused his 1st wife or it was just Nicole. Thx.

u/Comfortable-Crow-238 avatar

Lies Marguerite, was never abused. Fyi she wouldn’t have taken that bs. She has never mentioned any of that. Can you show me a link?

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Yeah, and dating other women (which he was doing at the time of Nicole's murder) is not necessarily going to make everything haunting his psyche just go away. I would not be surprised if OJ may have thought or hoped that dating other women would get his mind off of Nicole, but a person's psyche consumed with jealousy, obsession, lust, a feeling of rejection, ego; it can all be a powerful thing. Simply dating a "hot woman" isn't going to make those feelings disappear.

He was probably dating other women whole they were married. People aren't people to someone like him. They're possessions. He's free to put her on the shelf if he wants to play with another toy. She is not free to get off the shelf.


Yep, OJ was never loyal in either of his marriages, but expected the women to be. He wanted a one way open relationship.

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He was never loyal to her or his first wife. He wanted her to be his possession, but wanted to be free to sleep around as much as he wanted. It was the same with his first wife, but he had even more of an owership over Nicole.

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Yep, some powerful men want a one sided open relationship. They want to be able to sleep around, but want their wife to be 100% devoted to them. Sometimes it works out and the wife will agree for the lifestyle, often it doesn't. Nicole put up with a ton of his abusive behavior, but eventually wasn't and he killed her for it.

u/Oktober33 avatar

This: 🙌

She allowed herself and her family went along with it that’s more accurate thank you

I see you in here all day long defending a man who brutalized his wife. She was a 17/18 GIRL who fell for an older famous man. He killed her. End of story. I pray nothing like this happens to you and no one believes you.

Her family did allow it thou cause O.J was their gravy train, he paid for everything and gave them allowances yes O.J did it but they seen the signs and did nothing to help her which is disgusting in itself. Hell even her best friend supposedly friend Faye Resnick made millions off of her Death not long after it happened smh

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u/DWludwig avatar

Keep eating up OJs shit… yum yum

He killed them

The End

u/Comfortable-Crow-238 avatar


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u/general-illness avatar

He was rich, famous, and a narcissist. These people get really mad when you tell them no.

u/thatsodee avatar

They had these dynamic also where it was incredibly hard for her to like escape him fully. And OJ in classic narc mode was pretty manipulative of that fact. He just seemed used to her not fully cutting him off. I think that's why he kinda completely lost it when she finally did.

It doesn’t matter to an abuser. It’s not about the victim or how great they are or aren’t, it’s about control.

u/erinkp36 avatar

It’s about power and control.



Oh and he wanted to keep dating supermodels. She just had to be 100% loyal to him.

u/pennydreadful000 avatar

So men can only be obsessed with supermodels?

u/TrustMental6895 avatar

What i was trying to say was, the man had thousands of options, i would have moved on and started dating somebody else, why did he keep coming back and stalking nicole?

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she also wanted to be famous.

She was also a supermodel 

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Did the kids ever witness ANY of it? I think of one of the 911 calls and Nicole is telling OJ the kids are sleeping. She was in a TOWNHOUSE! The kids didn’t hear? They’ve never spoken? I get it if they didn’t hear anything at Rockingham, but townhouse? Wonder if the kids will ever speak.

u/JoyInLiving avatar

The Bundy townhome is 3,400 sqft. Larger than what many people would imagine when hearing the word "townhome". The 911 call where OJ broke in and was screaming in the background was the Gretna Green house, which is the same size as Bundy. The kids may or may not have heard the fighting. Prayers for Sydney and Justin.

Or, would they have been so conditioned to hearing fighting, that it didn't bother them? If you constantly hear your parents fight, it kind of becomes just background noise after awhile.

Idk, I never got used to it.

u/rivershimmer avatar

I'm thinking a combination of factors: big house, kids used to hearing their parents fight, and also maybe kids who sleep deep. A lot of children can sleep through any amount of commotion.

I'm not that deep a sleeper, but I once slept through a murder by gunfire. Me and an entire apartment house full of people. The only neighbors to hear the shots were a person who happened to be awake and a dog.

One thing i would add as a possibility: when my mother and her boyfriend of the month would fight, it would often get physically violent and very loud. I would protect my baby sister from hearing it by locking us in my room and turning the tv on or music on as loud as possible, or even doing like a dance party or sing along so she wouldnt hear anything over it. Could be the kids were so used to the fighting that they knew to tune it out with the radio/tv.

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It was 3400 and a rectangle. The kids were on the other end of the building above the garage... essentially as far away as you can get from the attacks....

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I’m sure they did but might have been scared so they stayed in their rooms.

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The mountain of DNA evidence.

u/Motor-Shame-55 avatar

Most people pull over when 20 police cruisers are pursuing them.