Map of the City centre | Maps and secrets - LEGO City: Undercover Game Guide |
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LEGO City: Undercover Game Guide

LEGO City: Undercover - City centre
LEGO City: Undercover - City centre
Skullpture Vulture 4/5
Secret Shield 3/5
Secret Shield 4/5
Secret shield 5/5
Muncher - trial requires to build a ramp in south part of Paradise Sands.
Falchion GT
Token: Dasher
Hanker - colour the button above hotel's doors
Chan's Drakonas
Spirit - in the cave
Rex's Galician
Snowboarder Guy
Mikey Spoilers
Ice Fisherman
Captain Bluffbeard
Frank Poolside
Get on the white building to find Sentinel Channard and Forrest Blackwell Tuxedo tokens.
Here you'll find a Lucky Pete token and can get from here to Gang Investigation activity.
Soccer Player - pull the ball by the statue.
You can get here two tokens. Bring here three balls (4, 5a, 5b) and put them into a cup (Carlo Jerome) and paint them brown and pink - on the roof Vinnie Tracksuit token will appear.
Bryony Muska - on the building.
On the roof: Salvatore Calzone and Paulie Blindfolds
Tony One-Time - use teleporter on the roof.
Tim Welch - using the helicopter get here and go around the fence, get inside and go by fence from the southern side - you'll see a place, when you can again climb over to find a token.
Viking - repair the fusebox and use a ship to get token.
Crazy scientist - build superbuild and get into a cart and go through the whole track.
Hula Dancer - paint the flowers (yellow, red, pink, blue)
Doorman - above the entrance
Rudolph Pianola - paint three flamingos pink around this building.
Beach Dude - build three sandcastles at the beach.
Rodney Baxter
Maraca Man - rebuild three brown boxes into jukeboxes (1x19a, 2x19b).
Danielle Crossley - fill the pool with water.
Surfer Girl - color yellow three surfboards along the main street.
Blubs - smash the rock near the cave.
Troublemaker Tom - paint brown three palm trees (23a-23c).
Brad Hoggle
Spartan Warrior - use a car to jump and grab this token in the air.
Pat Patterson - paint yellow "L" letter above the entrance to hotel.
Luke Cashmore - on the roof
Ryan McLauglin - build five water coolers (28a-28e).
Eddie JoJo - paint three ice cream carts pink in city center.
Chris Wyatt, Zombie - climb on top of the building
Lizard man - in LEGO store destroy objects and build three constructions.
Ste Bate, Disco Dude
Magician - use teleport above the building to get in here.
Clockwork robot - in height of 2nd floor, outside there's a token.
Chase Suit - one of the Chase's suits can be found in the labyrinth.
Chan Chuang
Shui Xue - ring three gongs (41a-41c).
Miles Rebar
Li, Fu - build two superbuilds and climb up on those.
Oliver Duffy - fill three ponds with water (45a-45c).
Quentin Spencer - on the roof
Clutch - on the small building
Chao Hui - before the token appears, you have to paint red four lanterns around the building.
News Reader - token will apperr after you build three bonsai trees from the crates (49a-49c).
Feng - paint yellow three lamps around the pagoda(50a).

Map of the City centre | Maps and secrets LEGO City: Undercover Guide

Last update: 15 September 2017

Key points of LEGO City: Undercover - City centre

Special secrets

Vehice tokens (quests, activities)

Costume tokens

Costume tokens (quests, activities)

Tips to other activities

Special secrets

1 � Skullpture Vulture 4/5

2 � Secret Shield 3/5

4 � Secret Shield 4/5

5 � Secret shield 5/5

Vehice tokens (quests, activities)

1 � Squeaky

2 � Muncher - trial requires to build a ramp in south part of Paradise Sands.

3 � Squadmobile

4 � Transter

5 � Falchion GT

6 � Token: Dasher

7 � Crater

8 � Sweetie

9 � Traveller

10 � Lusca

11 � Galleon

12 � Athena

13 � Hanker - colour the button above hotel's doors

14 � Chaser

15 � Gersemi

16 � Cetan

17 � Indulga

18 � Tigerella

19 � Chan's Drakonas

20 � Spirit - in the cave

21 � Rex's Galician

Costume tokens

1 � Snowboarder Guy

2 � Gangster

3 � Mikey Spoilers

4 � Ice Fisherman

5 � Captain Bluffbeard

6 � Surfer

7 � Coastguard

8 � Frank Poolside

9 � Paparazzo

10 � Cheerleader

Costume tokens (quests, activities)

1 � Get on the white building to find Sentinel Channard and Forrest Blackwell Tuxedo tokens.

3 � Here you'll find a Lucky Pete token and can get from here to Gang Investigation activity.

4 � Soccer Player - pull the ball by the statue.

5 � You can get here two tokens. Bring here three balls (4, 5a, 5b) and put them into a cup (Carlo Jerome) and paint them brown and pink - on the roof Vinnie Tracksuit token will appear.

7 � Bryony Muska - on the building.

8 / 9 � On the roof: Salvatore Calzone and Paulie Blindfolds

10 � Tony One-Time - use teleporter on the roof.

11 � Tim Welch - using the helicopter get here and go around the fence, get inside and go by fence from the southern side - you'll see a place, when you can again climb over to find a token.

12 � Viking - repair the fusebox and use a ship to get token.

13 � Crazy scientist - build superbuild and get into a cart and go through the whole track.

14 � Hula Dancer - paint the flowers (yellow, red, pink, blue)

15 � Doorman - above the entrance

16 � Rudolph Pianola - paint three flamingos pink around this building.

17 � Beach Dude - build three sandcastles at the beach.

18 � Rodney Baxter

19 � Maraca Man - rebuild three brown boxes into jukeboxes (1x19a, 2x19b).

20 � Danielle Crossley - fill the pool with water.

21 � Surfer Girl - color yellow three surfboards along the main street.

22 � Blubs - smash the rock near the cave.

23 � Troublemaker Tom - paint brown three palm trees (23a-23c).

24 � Brad Hoggle

25 � Spartan Warrior - use a car to jump and grab this token in the air.

26 � Pat Patterson - paint yellow "L" letter above the entrance to hotel.

27 � Luke Cashmore - on the roof

28 � Ryan McLauglin - build five water coolers (28a-28e).

29 � Eddie JoJo - paint three ice cream carts pink in city center.

30 / 31 � Chris Wyatt, Zombie - climb on top of the building

32 � Lizard man - in LEGO store destroy objects and build three constructions.

33 / 34 � Ste Bate, Disco Dude

35 � Magician - use teleport above the building to get in here.

37 � Clockwork robot - in height of 2nd floor, outside there's a token.

39 � Chase Suit - one of the Chase's suits can be found in the labyrinth.

40 � Chan Chuang

41 � Shui Xue - ring three gongs (41a-41c).

42 � Miles Rebar

43 � Li, Fu - build two superbuilds and climb up on those.

45 � Oliver Duffy - fill three ponds with water (45a-45c).

46 � Quentin Spencer - on the roof

47 � Clutch - on the small building

48 � Chao Hui - before the token appears, you have to paint red four lanterns around the building.

49 � News Reader - token will apperr after you build three bonsai trees from the crates (49a-49c).

50 � Feng - paint yellow three lamps around the pagoda(50a).

This map shows four main locations in the centre of the city: Fresco, Pagoda, Bright Lights Square and Paradise Sands. The last one of them can give you the most problems - it is rather big. This map has the biggest amount of secrets out of all maps and because of that you should look around carefully. You should also pay attention to the tunnel and water canal that connects both sides of the city - you can also find some secrets there.

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