Ten Hag: We have to pay the fans back - Whats On Kent



What’s the squad looking like for the trip to Brighton? We appreciate you’ve not had much time as a group together since the game…
“No, we have some days to go but there are players returning. They’re desperate to play any minute and, of course, definitely in the final in one week but, on Sunday, we have a very important game to play. We need a better result than Newcastle. So yeah, that we will put out a line [-up] what is strong and the strongest we have. But, at the same time, we have to find the balance, that we also try to bring players returning from injury back on the pitch.”

Is a difficult balance to make?
“It’s very difficult because, as I say, we have to win this game.”

It was good to see [Lisandro] Martinez back on the pitch, Marcus [Rashford] back on the pitch for some minutes and Bruno [Fernandes] played well, nearly the whole game…
“Yes, also he didn’t miss so much and he’s fit. I would say that is one of my least concerns, if he can keep going. He’s fresh and he’s in very good form but the others you mentioned, it’s important. They missed some games. Rashford, since Coventry, but, of course, Licha Martinez missed, I would say, almost the whole season. So every minute that he can get, we have to give him.”

source: manutd.com


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