60th Reunion with videos and lectures

60th Reunion

YALE 1961’s 60th Virtual Reunion – June 4-5, 2021

Click here for these Videos
– Welcome – Wilford Welch
– Healthcare Panel
– Trivial Pursuit     (Text is available at Trivia Dialogue )
– Hey Bartender: The New Haven Gimlet
– Bright College Broadway – Mike and Melissa Errico
– Climate Change
– U.S. Economy at the Crossroads
– Class Meeting
– Memorial Service
– Hey Bartender: HB Green Cup
-The 1961 Whiffenpoofs and Bright College Years

Click here for these Lectures
– Professor Paul Bracken ’82 PhD Professor of Management & Political Science on the U.S. and China: “China
Issues Facing the New Administration”
– John Walsh discussing two Picasso paintings
– Sandy Cochran and David Noble – “The Vietnam Era (1960s-’70s),” featuring David’s book: Saigon to Pleiku: A Counterintelligence Agent in Vietnam’s Central Highlands, 1962-63
– Law Professor Jim Simon – “The Supreme Court & Presidents: From Washington to Biden”
– John Badham & Austin Pendleton – A Film Director and A Stage Director on the Commonalities and Differences in their Trades

Class Notes

Climate Change Initiative

60th Reunion Memorial Service Program

YALE 1961’s 60th Virtual Reunion Program – June 4-5, 2021

Engaging, Entertaining, Fun

JUNE 1st to JUNE 4th

Our 25th and 50th reunion films will be up on a secure YouTube channel for viewing by members of the class and their family members.

FRIDAY, JUNE 4th, 2021 (All times EDT)

2:00 -2:30

  • Wilford Welch, 60th Reunion Chair, will outline the program
  • Paul Downey, 60th Class Gifts Chair, will announce 60th Reunion gifts
  • Ed Cantor/John de Neufville, will announce Yale Cancer Center Fund results

2:30 – 3:45

Class Program: The Future of Healthcare – The Next Decade, led by classmate Dr. Ron St. John and a panel of three experts. Topics covered to include:

  • Advances in the detection of various cancers and their treatment;
  • Increasing global threat of organisms resistant to antimicrobial agents;
  • Climate Change and Health – how changes in climate are reverberating in the health of the planet’s populations.

3:45 – 4:30

Yale 1961 “Trivial Pursuits”: Frosty Smith, Ed Cantor and Jamie will describe little known escapades of many of our classmates while at Yale and over the past 60 years, including unique escapades of several spouses. Guess who these classmates are?

4:30 – 5:00   Break

5:00 – 5:45

Bartenders from Hey Bartender will create, with your participation, an Intriguing alcoholic and nonalcoholic cocktail to be drunk during the special entertainment that follows.

5:45 – 6:30

Classmate Mike Errico on the piano with Melissa Errico, his Broadway star daughter, will entertain with songs from Broadway shows opening from 1957-1961 (e.g., West Side Story, Gypsy, Camelot, Fantasticks)

7:00 – 8:00

President Peter Salovey and YAA Executive Director Weili Cheng offer brief greetings, following by a specially curated selection of music celebrating singing at Yale.


11:00 – 1:30

 “Morning at Yale” program offered by the University.

1:30 – 2:00 Break

2:00 – 3:00

Class Program: Climate Change – Actions we can we take over the next decade to be part of the solution. Yale professor Dan Esty, Director of Yale’s Center for Environmental Law and Policy, followed by a panel of classmates, including Jim Tripp and Wilford Welch. They will explore the interest of classmates in taking specific actions over the decade to assure that the lives of our children and grandchildren will not be severely diminished by advancing global warming and climate change. They will encourage other members of their families to them on this journey.

3:15 – 4:15

Class Program: Nobel Laureate classmate Peter Diamond, MIT Professor of Economics, and classmate Bill Bardel will explore U.S Economy at the Crossroads, Is the Covid Relief bill too big or too small? Is the current Federal Reserve Policy sound?, What will be the long term economic Impact of the pandemic?

            4:00 – 5:00  

Yale virtual open houses and tours

5:00– 5:45

Class Memorial Service led by Alan Blanchard

5:45 – 6:10

Special Class Awards, election of Class Officers, “Next Steps for Yale ‘61”

6:10- 6:40

  Hey Bartender, creating with us both Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic  “Green Cups”


 The Yale 1961 Whiffenpoofs

6:55     Close – all singing “Bright College Years”, led by the early  1960’s Yale Glee Club.