traffic jam | significado de traffic jam en el Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

traffic jam

Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishTemas relacionados:Motor vehiclestraffic jamˈtraffic ˌjam ●●○ noun [countable]    TTCa long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or can only move very slowly  We were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours.Ejemplos desde el Corpustraffic jamThere was a long halt, as a traffic jam piled up ahead.Look, Chief, you want to cause a traffic jam?We were stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway for two hours.The Columbia River was a traffic jam of barges carrying bauxite to the smelters in Longview, Washington.Otherwise every traffic jam will gradually vanish beneath a rising tide of its own foamy output.A rush-hour style traffic jam at 12 p.m.stuck in ... traffic jamI was thinking about his while stuck in a traffic jam the other day.