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Cow milk allergy

We were just informed by our pediatrician that he believes our daughter has a cow milk allergy. Our two options are either buy her special formula or for me to cut out all dairy from my diet. Our plan as of now is to cut out all dairy. He said most babies will grow out of it around 9-12 months. Does anyone have any experience with a baby with cow milk allergy? Suggestions? Would it be best to just go with the formula?

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I cut out dairy for several months for my first but it didn’t really help. I tried cutting out other potential allergens one by one (soy, nuts, eggs) but couldn’t get to the bottom it and my daughter still seemed so uncomfortable so we switched to formula and she did much better. I’m sure other people have more positive experiences though. There is a Facebook group for dairy free breastfeeding that I found very helpful. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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Just made a post about something similar. My first born had a dairy intolerance and my second born just got diagnosed with reflux too. For us he was very colicky, cried all the time and seemed to be in pain. His poop turned green and stringy and tested positive for blood in his stool. It took two weeks of being dairy free for his poop to return to yellow/seedy. His colic symptoms improved slightly but didn’t improve totally until we got on the right dose of reflux medication after being referred to GI. 

He never took a bottle and formula was too difficult to get him to take so I took one for the team going dairy free until he outgrew his dairy intolerance at 1 year. I found it hard to maintain my weight and lost too much but once I got used to figuring out alternatives it got better. I think dealing with the crying child kept me from eating enough too though. Looking back I’m proud of us for struggling through and sticking with it but it was a huge sacrifice. Formula would have been much much easier. Either way, don’t feel bad about your decision… they’re both the right choice. 

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I’m currently going through this. We believe my son is intolerant to both dairy and soya. He’s 3 weeks old and I’m struggling with easy meal options as he’s been so unsettled and wants to feed and be held constantly. I feel like if we can get through the next week or so and his symptoms settle down then I might be able to carry on breastfeeding but at the moment it is hard because I feel like I can’t eat very much and need to cook from scratch but with no time to do so. I have just got formula today and going to give him a bottle here and there when needed and pump in that time to try and build a freezer stash so even if I stop he can have breast milk for a little longer.

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My daughter had this so I cut out dairy and soy ( they recommended I do both) . It was very daunting at first cause it’s crazy how much soy and dairy is actually hidden in foods. The natural organic food section was my go to for the whole time and once I got in to a routine and got used to the words for what to look out for by the second week it was natural what to eat and what not to. When she turned 9 months we started slow and just introduced a spoon of yogurt a day while I remained on the diet, she had some mucous poops so we knew she wasn’t ready yet. We tried again at 10 months and she was perfectly fine for the week, so we gradually introduced cheese too and after a few weeks of that and her being fine I was able to eat dairy and soy again. We had tried the dairy and soy free formulas but she didn’t like any of them ( I tried it too and honestly it tasted like crap so I wasn’t surprised she didn’t like it lol) Goodluck mama!

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