Tate Mayfairs Says An OTT Appearance Is "On The Radar" | Fightful News

Tate Mayfairs Says An OTT Appearance Is "On The Radar"

Tate Mayfairs is open to a trip to Ireland for an appearance with OTT.

Currently, Mayfairs is the TNT World Champion, and has been for almost 250 days. His mission statement as TNT Champion has been to defend the title everywhere he can, and recently returned from a trip to Uganda for an appearance with SGW.

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While speaking to Corey Brennan of Fightful in a recent interview, Tate noted that an appearance with OTT in Ireland is on his radar.

"Absolutely. OTT is on the radar, 100%. I ain't going to lie, I got a bit jealous. I have had on my list for this year, I wrote down Nick Nemeth. That's a name I want. I saw he's over there. It's good for the lads. I think Dereiss and LJ have got him, right? Wish it was me instead. But very happy for them. Like, both those things will come come about i'm sure of it. OTT, I'll be there eventually."

Elsewhere in the same interview, Mayfairs reflected on his time in Uganda with Soft Ground Pro Wrestling. You can read more about that here.

Tate has also set up a GoFundMe to raise funds for the SGW talent. You can find the link to the GoFundMe here.

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