The Meaning Behind The Song: Make You Cry by Walker Hayes - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Make You Cry by Walker Hayes

The Meaning Behind The Song: Make You Cry by Walker Hayes


As a Filmmaker, I have always had a deep appreciation for storytelling through various forms of media. Music, in particular, has a unique way of conveying emotions and connecting with people on a personal level. One song that has recently caught my attention is “Make You Cry” by Walker Hayes. This heartfelt track not only captivated me with its beautiful melody but also touched me with its poignant lyrics. Today, I’d like to delve into the meaning behind this song and share some of my personal experiences with it.

The Lyrics

The first verse sets the stage for a sweet and nervous moment of serenading the person the singer loved. Walker Hayes reminisces about not knowing how to express his feelings but finding solace in playing his guitar. The line “Felt like a rockstar watching those happy tears fall” highlights the power of music in evoking emotions and making a profound impact without needing elaborate words.

In the chorus, the singer openly expresses his desire to evoke tears from his loved one. Surprisingly, it’s not a negative sentiment; rather, it signifies hitting the right emotional chord. The lyrics suggest that making someone cry is an indication of hitting an emotional depth where true connection is felt. It’s a beautiful reminder of how vulnerability can strengthen relationships.

The second verse tells a story of marriage proposal nerves and the anticipation of an answer. The lyrics emphasize how love and emotions can sometimes overwhelm us, as indicated by the repeated line “I love to make you cry.” It reflects on how tears can be both joyful and emotional, signifying the deep connection between two people. The bridge further emphasizes this emotional depth, mentioning how the singer can’t help but be moved when witnessing tears, even to the point of wanting to cry himself.

The song’s chorus and post-chorus repeat the sentiment of enjoying making someone cry, emphasizing the beauty of shared emotions in a relationship. The outro reinforces this sentiment, leaving a lasting impression of the song’s core message.

Personal Connection

I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house during a casual get-together. As it played softly in the background, I found myself drawn to the raw emotion in Walker Hayes’ voice and the heartfelt lyrics. It was as if the song encompassed so many genuine moments and emotions, reminding me of the power of music to capture the nuances of human connection.

The personal experiences I’ve had with this song often revolve around relationships and moments of vulnerability. It’s a beautiful reminder of the importance of open communication, being in tune with each other’s emotions, and embracing the depth of feelings that love can bring. “Make You Cry” serves as a reminder to appreciate those special connections and cherish the range of emotions they can evoke.


“Make You Cry” by Walker Hayes is a captivating song that delves deep into the realm of emotions. Through its heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition, it reminds us of the power of vulnerability, open communication, and shared experiences in relationships. The beauty of this song lies in its ability to evoke strong emotions and create a lasting impact. As a Filmmaker, I find inspiration in songs like these that effortlessly tell stories and touch the hearts of listeners. So, the next time you listen to “Make You Cry,” allow yourself to be swept away by its beautiful depiction of genuine connections and emotions.

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