Welcome to Harvard Alumni

Harvard Alumni Day 2024!

Thanks to all who joined us for the Harvard Alumni Day celebration on May 31! We look forward to seeing you next year on Friday, June 6, 2025.

Moitri Chowdhury Savard

New HAA President Brings Holistic Approach to Alumni Leadership

Moitri Chowdhury Savard AB ’93 is committed to listening deeply, respecting differences, and finding common ground in shared values.

Leverett house

Alumni Elected to Board of Overseers, HAA Board

Five new Overseers will assume their roles on May 24, while six new Harvard Alumni Association directors will begin their terms on July 1.


Veritas written on gate in Harvard Yard

Harvard Looks Forward

Explore how the University is building upon recent actions to strengthen the Harvard community, foster open dialogue, and advance knowledge in service to society.