The Meaning Behind The Song: Breathe by Pink Floyd - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Breathe by Pink Floyd

Breathe: Exploring the Profound Meaning Behind Pink Floyd’s Iconic Song


Pink Floyd- a name that has become synonymous with rock music and legendary compositions. The band has left an indelible mark on the musical landscape with its groundbreaking work in the psych-rock genre. Among Pink Floyd’s many mesmerizing tracks, ‘Breathe’ stands out as one of the most defining and awe-inspiring pieces of music ever produced.

Released as part of Pink Floyd’s iconic album ‘Dark Side of the Moon’, ‘Breathe’ not only captivates with its hypnotic melody but also holds a profound message hidden in its lyrics. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the meaning behind this track and uncover some of its most poignant insights.

The Message Behind ‘Breathe’

At first listen, it may seem like ‘Breathe’ is simply about relaxation and taking a deep breath. However, the song’s lyrics hold a much deeper meaning, one that addresses the complexities of life and the human psyche.

The lyrics urge the listener to take a moment to slow down and appreciate the beauty around them- nature, art, and even the little things in life. It implores the listener to recognize what truly matters and to hold on to it amidst the chaos of modern life.

The song acknowledges the difficulties of existence and encourages us to let go of the things that weigh us down and cause us pain. It’s a message that rings true today- in a world where we’re constantly barraged by the news, social media, and endless work responsibilities, taking a moment to breathe can be the most radical act of self-care.

The Melodic Genius of Breathe

Of course, we can’t forget about the musical brilliance of ‘Breathe’. The song’s opening chords are immediately recognizable and have become synonymous with Pink Floyd’s unique sound. The slow, steady tempo of the drums and bass gently guide us into the song’s haunting melody.

It’s hard to describe the emotional impact of ‘Breathe’; the song creates a dreamlike atmosphere that feels both comforting and disorienting. Gilmour’s vocals are a perfect match for the otherworldly instrumentation, simultaneously conveying a sense of longing and serenity.

The Legacy of the Song

‘Breathe’ is a song that has resonated with audiences and critics alike since its release in 1973. The album ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ has sold over 45 million copies worldwide and continues to be a cultural landmark in music history.

The song has been covered by numerous artists and has been featured in countless movies, TV shows, and commercials. It’s no wonder that Rolling Stone named ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ as one of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

The Creative Process Behind Breathe

The creation of ‘Breathe’, like many Pink Floyd songs, was a collaborative effort that involved all members of the band. Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Richard Wright, and Nick Mason all contributed to the song’s composition and lyrics.

In interviews, the band members have described the album’s recording process as being experimental and collaborative. They utilized unconventional recording techniques, such as creating sound effects with everyday objects and using long reverb times to achieve an ethereal sound.

It’s clear that Pink Floyd’s unique creative process was a major factor in the song’s success. The band’s willingness to take risks and push boundaries resulted in a track that feels timeless and transcendent.


‘Breathe’ encapsulates everything that Pink Floyd represents- innovative soundscapes, thought-provoking lyrics, and a timeless appeal. The song’s message is one that we need now more than ever- a reminder to take a moment to breathe and appreciate the beauty in the world around us.

It’s no wonder that ‘Breathe’ continues to be one of Pink Floyd’s most beloved and enduring tracks. The song’s universal message and haunting melody have solidified its place as an iconic piece of rock music history.

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